Ethiopian Truth Media

The Enemy Of Truth Is Blind Acceptance.

Ethiopia Is A Sovereign & Never Colonized Country.

The World should listen & Help the Nobel Peace Laurete Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed Ali. #RespectEthiopianSovereignity #TPLFisaTerroristGroup @AngieCraigMN @BettyMcCollum04 @RepDeanPhillips @TinaSmithMN @USEmbassyAddis @SpeakerPelosi @RepGregoryMeeks @UN_GP_RtoP @POTU Share on X Russia, India, and China are the countries that know that Ethiopian PM Dr. Abiy Ahmed is the transformational leader of the region/the horn and the rest of all Africa. Thank you for your cooperation. #RespectEthiopianSovereignity #TPLFisaTerroristGroup @JustinTrudeau Share on X Ethiopia is a sovereign country and no one can interfere in its internal affairs. Period! #RespectEthiopianSovereignity #TPLFisaTerroristGroup @reuters @guardiannews @AFP @Independent @TheSun @HRC @hrw @amnesty @UNHumanRights @UNGeneva @Refugees @IntlCrimCourt @JoeBiden Share on X US and Europe, we know that you are afraid of a successful democratic transition in Ethiopia will raise the bar for all African countries withering under all forms of dictatorships. #RespectEthiopianSovereignity #TPLFisaTerroristGroup @SecBlinken @VP @KamalaHarris Share on X We Ethiopians want to democratically choose the leader of our own choice the role of America as kingmaker is over with the death of TPLF. #RespectEthiopianSovereignity #TPLFisaTerroristGroup #AbiyMustLead @JosepBorrellF @JustinTrudeau @antonioguterres @AngieCraigMN Share on X We want the leadership of Abiy to transform our country. We don’t need the approval of the US. We know that you enthroned TPLF in 1991. The time of interference in Ethiopia’s internal affairs is over. #RespectEthiopianSovereignity #TPLFisaTerroristGroup @BettyMcCollum04 Share on X The UN, the US, and Europe turned your blind eyes when Ethiopians suffered from the mass detentions, tortures, and gross abuses of human rights in the hands of TPLF thugs for 27 years. #RespectEthiopianSovereignity #TPLFisaTerroristGroup #AbiyMustLead @RepDeanPhillips Share on X Ethiopia existed as a major country long before 1787, the birth of the United States of America. #RespectEthiopianSovereignity #TPLFisaTerroristGroup #AbiyMustLead @TinaSmithMN @USEmbassyAddis @SpeakerPelosi @RepGregoryMeeks @UN_GP_RtoP @POTU @AmnestyEARO @The_EastAfrican Share on X America don’t try to threaten us by using the leverage of aid, blocking of multilateral loans, restrictions on U.S. investments, U.N. and its own sanctions to bring the Ethiopian Government to its knees. #RespectEthiopianSovereignity #TPLFisaTerroristGroup @UN_HRC @UNDPPA Share on X America and the UN you have to treat Ethiopia as a sovereign nation, as the only country in Africa not colonized by Europeans with due to the sacrifice paid by its sons and daughters. #RespectEthiopianSovereignity #TPLFisaTerroristGroup @EURightsAgency @BBC @FoxNews Share on X Don’t forget that 150 years ago we Ethiopians, with muskets, swords, bows, and arrows faced an existential challenge when they met the mighty Italian colonial army in the Battle of Adwa. #RespectEthiopianSovereignity #TPLFisaTerroristGroup @reuters Share on X We Ethiopians know what is better for us leave our affairs to ourselves. Hands off the Ethiopian government. #RespectEthiopianSovereignity #TPLFisaTerroristGroup #AbiyMustLead @guardiannews @AFP @Independent @TheSun @HRC @hrw @amnesty @UNHumanRights @UNGeneva @Refugees Share on X We Ethiopians are a symbol of independence to the whole of the black race. Read our history. Independence is a non-negotiable issue for us Ethiopians. #RespectEthiopianSovereignity #TPLFisaTerroristGroup @IntlCrimCourt @JoeBiden @SecBlinken @VP @KamalaHarris @JosepBorrellF Share on X Our fathers gave unforgettable lesson to the Italian attempt to colonize our country at Adwa. #RespectEthiopianSovereignity #TPLFisaTerroristGroup #AbiyMustLead @JustinTrudeau @antonioguterres @AngieCraigMN @BettyMcCollum04 @RepDeanPhillips @TinaSmithMN @USEmbassyAddis Share on X The U.S. and the European Union (EU) stop the systematic and carefully planned campaign and the Western media against Ethiopia. #RespectEthiopianSovereignity #TPLFisaTerroristGroup #AbiyMustLead @AngieCraigMN @BettyMcCollum04 @RepDeanPhillips @TinaSmithMN @USEmbassyAddis Share on X There is a systematic and carefully planned campaign by the US, the European Union (EU) and the Western media against Ethiopia. #RespectEthiopianSovereignity #TPLFisaTerroristGroup #AbiyMustLead @SpeakerPelosi @RepGregoryMeeks @UN_GP_RtoP @POTU @AmnestyEARO @The_EastAfrican Share on X The US and the EU allies in the Western media stop flooding the cyberspace with lies, damned lies, fake news, and disinformation on Ethiopia. #RespectEthiopianSovereignity #TPLFisaTerroristGroup #AbiyMustLead @UN_HRC @UNDPPA @EURightsAgency @BBC @FoxNews @AJEnglish @reuters Share on X WE Ethiopians condemn the coordinated global government and media offensive to neutralize, destabilize, demonize, anathematize, marginalize, scandalize, demoralize and ostracize the Ethiopian government. #RespectEthiopianSovereignity #TPLFisaTerroristGroup #AbiyMustLead @AFP Share on X No one can stop the rising and shining Ethiopia. #RespectEthiopianSovereignity #TPLFisaTerroristGroup #AbiyMustLead @guardiannews @AFP @Independent @TheSun @HRC @hrw @amnesty @UNHumanRights @UNGeneva @Refugees @IntlCrimCourt @JoeBiden @SecBlinken @VP @KamalaHarris Share on X Ethiopia holds a special place in the minds of all Africans as a bastion of independence. #RespectEthiopianSovereignity #TPLFisaTerroristGroup #AbiyMustLead @JosepBorrellF @JustinTrudeau @antonioguterres @AngieCraigMN @BettyMcCollum04 @RepDeanPhillips @TinaSmithMN Share on X Don’t forget that Ethiopia was the only African country to sit on equal terms with the great powers as an original signatory to the Covenant of the League of Nations in 1922. #RespectEthiopianSovereignity #TPLFisaTerroristGroup @USEmbassyAddis @SpeakerPelosi @RepGregoryMeeks Share on X Ethiopia was the only African country to sign the U.N. Charter in 1945.Among the founding nations that approved Article 2 of the Charter strictly forbids interference in domestic affairs of a sovereign state. #RespectEthiopianSovereignity #TPLFisaTerroristGroup @POTUS Share on X Ethiopia was also the only African country to become an original signatory to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948 and the Geneva Conventions in 1948. #RespectEthiopianSovereignity #TPLFisaTerroristGroup @UN_GP_RtoP @POTU @AmnestyEARO @The_EastAfrican @UN_HRC Share on X Ethiopia has always been a law-abiding country and deserves respect from other countries too. #RespectEthiopianSovereignity #TPLFisaTerroristGroup #AbiyMustLead @UNDPPA @EURightsAgency @BBC @FoxNews @AJEnglish @reuters @guardiannews @AFP @Independent @TheSun @HRC @hrw Share on X The Victory of Adwa became a symbol not only for liberation throughout colonial Africa but also for African American liberation. #RespectEthiopianSovereignity #TPLFisaTerroristGroup #AbiyMustLead @amnesty @UNHumanRights @UNGeneva @Refugees @IntlCrimCourt @JoeBiden @SecBlinken Share on X Leave Ethiopia to the Ethiopians. #RespectEthiopianSovereignity #TPLFisaTerroristGroup #AbiyMustLead @VP @KamalaHarris @JosepBorrellF @JustinTrudeau @antonioguterres Share on X The GERD is Ethiopia’s gateway from agricultural economy to a solid industrialized economy. No one can stop its completion. #RespectEthiopianSovereignity #TPLFisaTerroristGroup @USEmbassyAddis @SpeakerPelosi @RepGregoryMeeks @UN_GP_RtoP @POTU @AmnestyEARO @The_EastAfrican Share on X We proud of being Ethiopian; current Ethiopian government; can manage & lead the country and its people effectively and efficiently!  We admire and encourage our PM  Dr. Abiy  Ahmed  Ali  #RespectEthiopianSovereignity #TPLFisaTerroristGroup… Share on X Most African countries are on the side of Ethiopians. Thank you all for your support! #RespectEthiopianSovereignity #TPLFisaTerroristGroup @UN_HRC @UNDPPA @EURightsAgency @BBC @FoxNews @AJEnglish @reuters @guardiannews @AFP @NewYorker @Independent @hrw Share on X Justice will prevail. Ethiopia will prevail  #AbiyMustLead #RespectEthiopianSovereignity #LeaveEthiopiaToEthiopian #AbiyMustLead @KamalaHarris @JosepBorrellF @JustinTrudeau @antonioguterres @AmnestyEARO @The_EastAfrican @UN_HRC @UNDPPA Share on X TPLF is a criminal group that committed 27 years even atrocities, slaughtered over 2000s of civilians & soldiers in the Tigray region Ethiopia. #RespectEthiopianSovereignity #TPLFisaTerroristGroup @EURightsAgency @BBC @FoxNews @AJEnglish @reuters @guardiannews @AFP @NewYorker Share on X We Stand with Ethiopia! Ethiopia Prevails #RespectEthiopianSovereignity #TPLFisaTerroristGroup #AbiyMustLead @Independent @TheSun @HRC @hrw @amnesty @UNHumanRights @UNGeneva @Refugees @IntlCrimCourt @JoeBiden @SecBlinken @VP @KamalaHarris @JosepBorrellF @JustinTrudeau Share on X Dwellers of Both inside and outside Ethiopians let’s unite and cooperate together to defend our country from enemies and hypocrites! #RespectEthiopianSovereignity #TPLFisaTerroristGroup #AbiyMustLead @AmnestyEARO @The_EastAfrican @UN_HRC @UNDPPA @EURightsAgency @BBC @FoxNews Share on X International media and institutions what you should know that Ethiopia is making great pride /multiple changes under the leadership of PM Dr. Abiy Ahmed. #RespectEthiopianSovereignity #TPLFisaTerroristGroup @AJEnglish @reuters  @guardiannews @AFP @NewYorker @Independent Share on X All global world Did you know that every Ethiopian hates the TPLF mafia group? TPLF is a murderous, racist, and murderous group!   This is reality! #RespectEthiopianSovereignity #TPLFisaTerroristGroup #AbiyMustLead @TheSun @HRC @hrw @amnesty @UNHumanRights @UNGeneva… Share on X The future of Ethiopia will be prosperity and development with Dr. Abiy's government and his good leadership! This is the interest of all Ethiopians. #RespectEthiopianSovereignity #TPLFisaTerroristGroup #AbiyMustLead @IntlCrimCourt @JoeBiden @SecBlinken @VP @KamalaHarris Share on X Ethiopia has been lost its sovereignty, glorious and famousness for the consecutive 27 years by TPLF mafia group Now PM Abiy Ahmed is regaining her’s former glory, we all Ethiopians are on the side of Abiy’s leadership #RespectEthiopianSovereignity #TPLFisaTerroristGroup Share on X No country can interfere in Ethiopia's internal affairs. Ethiopia is a sovereign state that maintains its sovereignty. #AbiyMustLead  #RespectEthiopianSovereignity #TPLFisaTerroristGroup @JosepBorrellF @JustinTrudeau @antonioguterres @AmnestyEARO @The_EastAfrican Share on X Ethiopia can solve its own problems on its own and this is what our history shows so stop interferes in Ethiopian business. #RespectEthiopianSovereignity #TPLFisaTerroristGroup  @UN_HRC @UNDPPA  @EURightsAgency @BBC @FoxNews @AJEnglish @reuters @guardiannews Share on X Leave the Ethiopian case to Ethiopia. #RespectEthiopianSovereignity #TPLFisaTerroristGroup #AbiyMustLead  @UNGeneva @Refugees @IntlCrimCourt @JoeBiden @SecBlinken @VP @KamalaHarris @JosepBorrellF @JustinTrudeau @antonioguterres Share on X If you don't know the history of Ethiopia, know it. In the past, when no country was sovereign, she was a sovereign state and she will keep it. #RespectEthiopianSovereignity #TPLFisaTerroristGroup @AmnestyEARO @The_EastAfrican @UN_HRC @UNDPPA @EURightsAgency @BBC @FoxNews Share on X Ethiopia is a sovereign nation that knows what to do and what not to do. No country can say do this or that. #RespectEthiopianSovereignity #TPLFisaTerroristGroup #AbiyMustLead @AJEnglish @reuters @guardiannews @AFP @NewYorker @Independent Share on X The nations of the world would support the change that is taking place in Ethiopia, not wanting to get into unnecessary things. #RespectEthiopianSovereignity #TPLFisaTerroristGroup #AbiyMustLead @TheSun @HRC @hrw @amnesty @UNHumanRights @UNGeneva @Refugees @IntlCrimCourt Share on X Ethiopia has no time for devotion but love. So do not try to be angry with Ethiopia. #RespectEthiopianSovereignity #TPLFisaTerroristGroup  #AbiyMustLead  @VP @AmnestyEARO @The_EastAfrican @UN_HRC @UNDPPA @EURightsAgency @BBC @FoxNews @AJEnglish @reuters @guardiannews… Share on X Ethiopia is a country that has not been colonized in the past and has a strong foundation that no one will kneel down. #RespectEthiopianSovereignity #TPLFisaTerroristGroup #AbiyMustLead @NewYorker @Independent @TheSun @HRC @hrw @amnesty @UNHumanRights @UNGeneva Share on X Ethiopia continues to hold on to its known strength, and the countries that are trying to weaken her you have to despair. #RespectEthiopianSovereignity #TPLFisaTerroristGroup #AbiyMustLead Refugees @IntlCrimCourt @JoeBiden @SecBlinken @VP @KamalaHarris @JosepBorrellF Share on X The powers of the world have no right to interfere in the internal affairs of any sovereign state like Ethiopia. #RespectEthiopianSovereignity #TPLFisaTerroristGroup @JustinTrudeau @antonioguterres @AmnestyEARO @The_EastAfrican @UN_HRC @UNDPPA @EURightsAgency @BBC @FoxNews Share on X If there is still a country that is challenging Ethiopia's sovereignty, it does not know Adwa's story, and Ethiopians will show Adwa's story again. #RespectEthiopianSovereignity #TPLFisaTerroristGroup #AbiyMustLead @AJEnglish @reuters @guardiannews @AFP @NewYorker @Independent Share on X Ethiopia is a country that respects the rights of others and does not infringe on its own rights. #RespectEthiopianSovereignity #TPLFisaTerroristGroup @TheSun @HRC @hrw @amnesty @UNHumanRights @UNGeneva @Refugees @IntlCrimCourt @JoeBiden @SecBlinken @VP @KamalaHarris Share on X The international community should not interfere in the affairs of Ethiopia, but only in matters of necessity. #RespectEthiopianSovereignity #TPLFisaTerroristGroup #AbiyMustLead @JosepBorrellF @JustinTrudeau @antonioguterres @AmnestyEARO @The_EastAfrican @UN_HRC @UNDPPA Share on X Ethiopia is a country that has good relations with other countries and she is well aware of its rights and obligations. #RespectEthiopianSovereignity #TPLFisaTerroristGroup @TheSun @HRC @hrw @amnesty @UNHumanRights @UNGeneva @Refugees @IntlCrimCourt @JoeBiden @SecBlinken Share on X By not knowing their rights powerful countries like the United States are putting pressure on Ethiopia. So, we are asking you to stop unnecessary pressure and please mind your own business. #RespectEthiopianSovereignity #TPLFisaTerroristGroup @VP @KamalaHarris @JosepBorrellF Share on X A country that opposes Ethiopia in its efforts to grow is our strong Enemy. #RespectEthiopianSovereignity #TPLFisaTerroristGroup #AbiyMustLead @JustinTrudeau @antonioguterres @AmnestyEARO @The_EastAfrican @UN_HRC @UNDPPA @EURightsAgency @BBC @FoxNews @AJEnglish Share on X A country like the US that does not know its rights and responsibilities in international relations is committing unnecessary atrocities against Ethiopia and it must stop now #RespectEthiopianSovereignity #TPLFisaTerroristGroup @reuters @guardiannews @AFP @NewYorker @Independent Share on X We will not allow any foreign country to obstruct but to support Ethiopia's journey to democracy and prosperity. #RespectEthiopianSovereignity #TPLFisaTerroristGroup @TheSun @HRC @hrw @amnesty @UNHumanRights @UNGeneva @Refugees @IntlCrimCourt @JoeBiden @SecBlinken Share on X Ethiopian victory against the many colonizers at many places Ethiopia a permanent symbol of Independence and inspiration for the whole black people to fight for their liberation. #RespectEthiopianSovereignity #TPLFisaTerroristGroup  @KamalaHarris @JosepBorrellF… Share on X Ethiopian government in collaboration with international humanitarians is working to make accessible to all citizens seeking support in all parts of Ethiopia. #RespectEthiopianSovereignity #TPLFisaTerroristGroup @antonioguterres @VP @AmnestyEARO @The_EastAfrican @UN_HRC Share on X Ethiopia is the only country that has not been colonized by westerns! And also today, the nation will be blessed/ developed with the active involvement of its leaders and people PM Abiy Ahmed will also achieve this goal #RespectEthiopianSovereignity #TPLFisaTerroristGroup… Share on X Ethiopians have never seen a patriotic and far-sighted leader as Abiy. #RespectEthiopianSovereignity #TPLFisaTerroristGroup #AbiyMustLead  @UNDPPA @EURightsAgency @BBC @FoxNews @AJEnglish @reuters @guardiannews @AFP @NewYorker @Independent Share on X While most of Africa had come under colonial rule during the scramble for Africa, Ethiopia remained a sovereign nation with a formidable army and a strong monarchy. We have the heart of our Fathers! #RespectEthiopianSovereignity #TPLFisaTerroristGroup @TheSun @HRC @UNHumanRights Share on X #Ethiopia is a beacon of hope for the entire #Africa. A center of security & stability in the #HornofAfrica. Unjustifiably pressuring a promising nation allows terrorists to strive. #RespectEthiopianSovereignity #TPLFisaTerroristGroup @AngieCraigMN @BettyMcCollum04 Share on X We may be poor in modern #GDP indicators but are one of the richest on the face of Earth globe Europe Africa in cultural & spiritual terms. #RespectEthiopianSovereignity #TPLFisaTerroristGroup @RepDeanPhillips @TinaSmithMN @USEmbassyAddis @SpeakerPelosi @RepGregoryMeeks Share on X As our PM Abiy Ahmed said - Many do not want to see us in peace and progress, they're trying to compel us into submission... The media attack is an extended arm to put us under pressure, but our aim is unstoppable.  #RespectEthiopianSovereignity #TPLFisaTerroristGroup @POTU Share on X Ethiopia is a country of a long history of statehood& land of proud law-abiding people. The @AbiyAhmedAli 's administration should stand firm to stop the foreign interference in the country’s internal affairs! #RespectEthiopianSovereignity #TPLFisaTerroristGroup @UN_GP_RtoP Share on X The purpose Of the #UN Should Be To Protect The Essential Sovereignty Of Nations, Large & Small @UN_HRC  must live up 2 its Charter of the founding principles #Ethiopia  #RespectEthiopianSovereignity #TPLFisaTerroristGroup @POTU @AmnestyEARO @The_EastAfrican… Share on X The int. community should support #Ethiopia, not put undue pressure, to address challenges appropriately&thru its institutions.#UNSC shouldn't be hoodwinked by disinformation&resuscitate #RespectEthiopianSovereignity #TPLFisaTerroristGroup @EURightsAgency @BBC Share on X #ADWA represents ideals much bigger than just a victory over white supremacists & colonialists. It is a monument for unity, solidarity, freedom & black power. Ethiopia Is A Sovereign & Never Colonized Country. #RespectEthiopianSovereignity #TPLFisaTerroristGroup Share on X #Ethiopians_forefathers never passed on us to be weak or traitors rather to be patriots & brave. #RespectEthiopianSovereignity #TPLFisaTerroristGroup @AngieCraigMN @BettyMcCollum04 @RepDeanPhillips @TinaSmithMN @USEmbassyAddis @SpeakerPelosi @RepGregoryMeeks @UN_GP_RtoP Share on X If an armed force in a given country’s region attacked the national defense force like a heartless terrorist #TPLF did, the whole world knows that it is way beyond the Red Line. #RespectEthiopianSovereignity #TPLFisaTerroristGroup @POTU @AmnestyEARO @The_EastAfrican @UN_HRC Share on X #Ethiopians are truly happy for #TPLF junta will never ever have a chance again to trade-off the country's sovereignty and pride like this group did it for over two decades. #RespectEthiopianSovereignity #TPLFisaTerroristGroup @UNDPPA @EURightsAgency @BBC @FoxNews @AJEnglish Share on X #US or other #Westerners if your #hidden_agenda is destruction for our beloved homeland Ethiopia then please make sure to #Leave_Ethiopia_for_Ethiopians & close the door behind you when you leave. #RespectEthiopianSovereignity #TPLFisaTerroristGroup @reuters Share on X Let’s us #Africans solve our own #African problems. #Kenya be an example not a puppet to the #Westerners. We always Respect Jomo #Kenyatta! #RespectEthiopianSovereignity #TPLFisaTerroristGroup @Independent @TheSun @HRC @hrw @amnesty @UNHumanRights @UNGeneva @Refugees Share on X We Ethiopians don't need US assistance or guardianship. #Syria, #Libya, and #Iran are the best examples of your interference so #Ethiopia doesn't need a guardian no thanks but again we say no!! #RespectEthiopianSovereignity #TPLFisaTerroristGroup @IntlCrimCourt @JoeBiden Share on X What #Ethiopia doing is trying level best in ensuring the country's sovereignty so if you can't agree at least respect the country's sovereignty. #RespectEthiopianSovereignity #TPLFisaTerroristGroup @SecBlinken @VP @KamalaHarris @JosepBorrellF @JustinTrudeau @antonioguterres Share on X Ethiopian affairs should be handled by Ethiopians, not by Western arbiters whose whole purpose is the interest of the West. Ethiopia Is A Sovereign & Never Colonized Country. #RespectEthiopianSovereignity #TPLFisaTerroristGroup @AngieCraigMN @BettyMcCollum04 Share on X The victory of #Adwa is the ultimate reaction to #Europe|an colonialism which inspired continental self-awareness, blueprint for independence and #PanAfricanism. Ethiopia Is A Sovereign & Never Colonized Country. #RespectEthiopianSovereignity #LeaveEthiopiaToEthiopian Share on X #Ethiopia needs no meddling in its internal affair. How come @SecBlinken become our PROBLEM the day after his assignment? It is a very simple request which doesn't cost #USA a single thing, Leave us alone. #RespectEthiopianSovereignity #LeaveEthiopiaToEthiopian … Share on X Ethiopian affairs should be handled by Ethiopians, not by Western arbiters whose whole purpose is the interest of the West. Ethiopia Is A Sovereign & Never Colonized Country. #RespectEthiopianSovereignity#RespectEthiopianSovereignity #LeaveEthiopiaToEthiopian @amnesty Share on X Ethiopian people do not have a tradition of receiving instruction from any foreign powers on their internal matters. Ethiopia Is A Sovereign & Never Colonized Country. #RespectEthiopianSovereignity #LeaveEthiopiaToEthiopian @AmnestyEARO @The_EastAfrican @UN_HRC @UNDPPA Share on X In the History of Mankind, there has never been any other black man like Ethiopians, who had triggered a lasting fear and doubt in the mind of Europeans. Augustus Wylde Ethiopia Is A Sovereign & Never Colonized Country. #RespectEthiopianSovereignity #LeaveEthiopiaToEthiopian Share on X Adwa reminds us of our history, that #Ethiopia never compromises its sovereignty when challenged from within or outside. We stand in #UnityForEthiopia to ensure #EthiopiaPrevails Ethiopia Is Sovereign & never colonized. #RespectEthiopianSovereignity #LeaveEthiopiaToEthiopian Share on X @amnesty in case you forgot #Ethiopia is a sovereign country that has never been colonized our PM @AbiyAhmedAli is the one & only decider of access points so BACKOFF AND STOP SIDING #TPLF crimes. #RespectEthiopianSovereignity #LeaveEthiopiaToEthiopian Share on X

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