Campaigns International International News News The People of Amhara Are Exhausted by FANO’s Lawlessness, Kidnappings, And Violence. We Can No Longer Allow FANO To Continue Their Reign Of Terror In Our Region! 4 months ago Views: 1,423 1 IT’S TIME to save the people of Amhara from the GENOCIDER Fano, Let’s Stand united to safeguard Amhara from the Genocider Fano. #FanoIsTerrorist #FanoIsTheCause #WarOnAmhara @hrw @UNHumanRights @UN_HRC @Declaracion @POTUS @amnesty @UNOCHA Share on X 2 FANO Robbed Two Banks, FANO robbed more than 67 million Birr from two banks on October 5th and October 10th. #FanoIsTerrorist #FanoIsTheCause #WarOnAmhara @AmnestyEARO @_AfricanUnion @mbachelet @EUSR_Weber @CommissionerHR @UN_Spokesperson Share on X 3 Amhara is calling for our support! Terrorist Fano is tearing communities apart, but we stand strong with our brothers and sisters. Let’s unite against violence. #FanoIsTerrorist #FanoIsTheCause #WarOnAmhara @OHCHR_EARO @UKMisBrussels @UNGeneva Share on X 4 Let’s unite to protect Amhara from the killer Fano. #FanoIsTerrorist #FanoIsTheCause #FanoIsTerrorist #FanoIsTheCause #WarOnAmhara @hrw @UNHumanRights @UN_HRC @Declaracion @POTUS @amnesty @UNOCHA @AmnestyEARO @_AfricanUnion @mbachelet Share on X 5 It's time to unite and safeguard Amhara from the terrorist Fano. #FanoIsTerrorist #FanoIsTheCause #WarOnAmhara @EUSR_Weber @CommissionerHR @UN_Spokesperson @OHCHR_EARO @UKMisBrussels @UNGeneva Share on X 6 Let’s save Amhara! The Amhara people are suffering due to the evil act of FANO. #FanoIsTerrorist #FanoIsTheCause #WarOnAmhara @EUSR_Weber @CommissionerHR @UN_Spokesperson @OHCHR_EARO @UKMisBrussels @UNGeneva @hrw @UNHumanRights @UN_HRC Share on X 7 Fano is making the people suffer and abuse. #FanoIsTerrorist #FanoIsTerrorist #FanoIsTheCause #WarOnAmhara @Declaracion @POTUS @amnesty @UNOCHA @AmnestyEARO @_AfricanUnion @mbachelet @EUSR_Weber @CommissionerHR @UN_Spokesperson @OHCHR_EARO Share on X 8 Amhara is calling for our support! Terrorist Fano is tearing communities apart, but we stand strong with our brothers and sisters. Let’s unite against violence. #FanoIsTerrorist #FanoIsTheCause #WarOnAmhara Share on X 9 Fano is destroying the grain of the community and torturing it for hunger. #FanoIsTerrorist #FanoIsTheCause #WarOnAmhara @UKMisBrussels @UNGeneva @hrw @UNHumanRights @UN_HRC @Declaracion @POTUS @amnesty @UNOCHA @AmnestyEARO @_AfricanUnion @mbachelet Share on X 10 FANO did all these atrocities against the Amharas for political gain and support from diasporas from local and international communities. #FanoIsTerrorist #FanoIsTheCause #WarOnAmhara @EUSR_Weber @CommissionerHR @UN_Spokesperson @OHCHR_EARO @UKMisBrussels @UNGeneva… Share on X 11 Who are FANO’s Militants? FANO militants are a terrorist group that is organized to terrorize Ethiopians. These individuals are : Racist Xenophobic Killers. #FanoIsTerrorist #FanoIsTheCause #WarOnAmhara @hrw @UNHumanRights @UN_HRC @Declaracion @POTUS Share on X 12 FANO militants killed many women and children and burned down the village. #FanoIsTerrorist #FanoIsTheCause #WarOnAmhara @amnesty @UNOCHA @AmnestyEARO @_AfricanUnion @mbachelet @EUSR_Weber @CommissionerHR @UN_Spokesperson @OHCHR_EARO @UKMisBrussels Share on X 13 FANO is the number one enemy of the Amhara people, it's with a great reason. These people can’t even be united because of what they believe. They are fighting each other to promote themselves rather than fighting for their cause. #FanoIsTerrorist #FanoIsTheCause #WarOnAmhara Share on X 14 This is what FANO militants are doing after they killed teachers and students and shut down schools. #FanoIsTerrorist #FanoIsTheCause #WarOnAmhara @hrw @UNHumanRights @UN_HRC @Declaracion @POTUS @amnesty @UNOCHA @AmnestyEARO @_AfricanUnion @mbachelet Share on X 15 FANO militants, who started their struggles under false pretenses, are creating enemies for the people of Amharas. They are instigating hatred against the people of Amharas by claiming lands that don't belong to the Amhara region. #FanoIsTerrorist #FanoIsTheCause #WarOnAmhara Share on X 16 FANO militants made missions to hunt down and kill public servants in the Amhara Region. For one reason or another, FANOs are determined to eradicate Amharas from the Amhara Region. #FanoIsTerrorist #FanoIsTheCause #WarOnAmhara @EUSR_Weber @UNGeneva Share on X 17 FANO is the biggest threat to Amhara's existence, it is with much evidence. #FanoIsTerrorist #FanoIsTheCause #WarOnAmhara @CommissionerHR @UN_Spokesperson @OHCHR_EARO @UKMisBrussels Share on X 18 The People of Amhara Are Exhausted by FANO’s Lawlessness, Kidnappings, And Violence. We Can No Longer Allow FANO To Continue Their Reign Of Terror In Our Region! Share on X 19 Did you know there is a terrorist group in Ethiopia that’s making ISIS look like ? They’re going by the name of fano armed group#fano is Terrorist. #FanoIsTerrorist #FanoIsTheCause #WarOnAmhara @UN_HRC @Declaracion @POTUS @amnesty @UNOCHA Share on X 20 Fano isnotorious for beheading and burning innocent oromo and amhara civilians. #FanoIsTerrorist #FanoIsTheCause #WarOnAmhara @AmnestyEARO @_AfricanUnion @mbachelet @EUSR_Weber @CommissionerHR @UN_Spokesperson @OHCHR_EARO @UKMisBrussels Share on X 21 #Fano is killing Amhara Regional State public Servants for ransom, not the government itself, harming the very people they claim to defend. #FanoIsTerrorist #FanoIsTheCause #WarOnAmhara @UNGeneva @hrw @UNHumanRights @UN_HRC @Declaracion Share on X 22 The government’s law enforcement protects civilians; The socalled Fano’s actions put them at risk. #FanoIsTerrorist #FanoIsTheCause #WarOnAmhara @POTUS @amnesty @UNOCHA @AmnestyEARO @_AfricanUnion @mbachelet @EUSR_Weber @CommissionerHR @UN_Spokesperson @OHCHR_EARO… Share on X 23 FANO is anti-peace and anti-human terrorist group. #FanoIsTerrorist #FanoIsTheCause #WarOnAmhara @hrw @UNHumanRights @UN_HRC @Declaracion @POTUS @amnesty @UNOCHA @AmnestyEARO @_AfricanUnion @mbachelet @EUSR_Weber @CommissionerHR @UN_Spokesperson Share on X 24 The terrorist FANO is now trying to spread false information in order to advance their own agenda. #FanoIsTerrorist #FanoIsTheCause #WarOnAmhara @OHCHR_EARO @UKMisBrussels @UNGeneva @hrw @UNHumanRights @UN_HRC @Declaracion @POTUS @amnesty Share on X 25 Unverified pictures have flooded the social media to fulfill the propaganda of the terrorist FANO. #FanoIsTerrorist #FanoIsTheCause #WarOnAmhara @UNOCHA @AmnestyEARO @_AfricanUnion @mbachelet @EUSR_Weber @CommissionerHR @UN_Spokesperson @OHCHR_EARO @UKMisBrussels @UNGeneva Share on X 26 Residents of the Amhara region are suffering as a result of the Fano terriorist group. Fano has no targets and believes it can win by disseminating fake information on social media. #FanoIsTerrorist #FanoIsTheCause #WarOnAmhara @hrw @UNHumanRights Share on X 27 Several amhara people were killed and displaced from their land by the terrorist group of FANO. #FanoIsTerrorist #FanoIsTheCause #WarOnAmhara #FanoIsTerrorist #FanoIsTheCause #WarOnAmhara @UN_HRC @Declaracion @POTUS @amnesty @UNOCHA @AmnestyEARO @_AfricanUnion @mbachelet Share on X 28 #FANO is a terrorist and extremist group that is disturbing the peace and stability of the Amhara region. #FanoIsTerrorist #FanoIsTheCause #WarOnAmhara @EUSR_Weber @CommissionerHR @UN_Spokesperson @OHCHR_EARO @UKMisBrussels @UNGeneva Share on X 29 #FANO is a terrorist group that does not accept any peace options. #FanoIsTerrorist #FanoIsTheCause #WarOnAmhara @hrw @UNHumanRights @UN_HRC @Declaracion @POTUS @amnesty @UNOCHA @AmnestyEARO @_AfricanUnion @mbachelet @EUSR_Weber @CommissionerHR Share on X 30 #FANO terrorist group is working with al shebab and ertrean troops to destroy Ethiopia. FanoIsTerrorist #FanoIsTheCause #WarOnAmhara @hrw @UNHumanRights @UN_HRC @Declaracion @POTUS @amnesty @UNOCHA @AmnestyEARO @_AfricanUnion @mbachelet @EUSR_Weber @CommissionerHR Share on X 31 FANO is anti-nation nationality group. #FanoIsTerrorist #FanoIsTheCause #WarOnAmhara @UN_Spokesperson @OHCHR_EARO @UKMisBrussels @UNGeneva @hrw @UNHumanRights @UN_HRC @Declaracion @POTUS @amnesty @UNOCHA @AmnestyEARO @_AfricanUnion @mbachelet Share on X 32 Residents of the Amhara region are suffering as a result of the FANO terriorist group. FANO has no targets and believes it can win by disseminating fake information on social media. #FanoIsTerrorist #FanoIsTheCause #WarOnAmhara @EUSR_Weber @CommissionerHR… Share on X About Post Author admin_w7y1yrey See author's posts Continue Reading Previous Ensuring Stability In The Amhara Region Requires Directly Confronting Violent Groups Like Fano That Threaten PeaceNext በሀገራችን ወቅታዊ ጉዳይ ላይ የውጭ ሚዲያዎች ዘገባ