Ethiopian Truth Media

The Enemy Of Truth Is Blind Acceptance.

Solidarity To Ethiopian National Defense Force-ENDF

Ethiopians' will never lose their country 2 z selfish interests of #TplfTerroristGroup . We will never give a chance to z snake to bite us again. #HandsoffEthiopia #solidartytoENDF @PowerUSAID @SecBlinken @POTUS @antonioguterres @AUC_MoussaFaki @EU_Commission Share on X Ethiopians' prefer death 2 see z divisive and racist TPLF come 2 powers again! Time is up for #TplfTerroristGroup.I Stand with #ENDF #HandsoffEthiopia #solidartytoENDF @PowerUSAID @SecBlinken @POTUS @UN_Spokesperson @antonioguterres @AUC_MoussaFaki @EU_Commission Share on X We Ethiopians' are left with no appetite to listen to #TplfTerroristGroup fake heroism. I Stand with #ENDF #HandsoffEthiopia #solidartytoENDF @PowerUSAID @SecBlinken @POTUS @UN_Spokesperson @antonioguterres @AUC_MoussaFaki Share on X #TplfTerroristGroup fake battle-hardened story is built on the sand and Ethiopians' are ready to show to the world this for the second time. I Stand with #ENDF #HandsoffEthiopia #solidartytoENDF @POTUS @UN_Spokesperson @antonioguterres @AUC_MoussaFaki Share on X All nations and nationalities in Ethiopia hate #TplfTerroristGroup and there is no going back now! It is time to end the racist group! I stand with #ENDF #HandsoffEthiopia #solidartytoENDF @PowerUSAID @SecBlinken @POTUS @UN_Spokesperson @antonioguterres @AUC_MoussaFaki Share on X The people of Tigray should refuse to go onboard with the TPLF bandwagon that is heading for destruction. Time to say no to #TplfTerroristGroup! I stand with #ENDF #HandsoffEthiopia #solidartytoENDF @UN_Spokesperson @antonioguterres @AUC_MoussaFaki @EU_Commission Share on X Can't the International community see how Ethiopians are fade up with #TplfTerroristGroup? Our massive rallies are not bluffing but commitments to destroy the group at any cost #solidartytoENDF #HandsoffEthiopia  @UN_Spokesperson @antonioguterres @AUC_MoussaFaki… Share on X Fascist TPLF wants to revive again by installing a false sense of superiority among the innocent people of Tigray. But the only profit Tegaru gets following #TplfTerroristGroup is death & destruction. #solidartytoENDF #HandsoffEthiopia @PowerUSAID @SecBlinken @POTUS Share on X If united, we Ethiopians' are strong walls that no one can move a bit. #TplfTerroristGroup is pulling many Tigrayans to their death by waging a war it cannot possibly win. I Stand with #ENDF #HandsoffEthiopia #solidartytoENDF @PowerUSAID @SecBlinken @POTUS @UN_Spokesperson Share on X #TplfTerroristGroup tries to win battles through human waves. But this is not a war strategy that requires thinking but stupidity. I Stand with #ENDF  #HandsoffEthiopia #solidartytoENDF @PowerUSAID @SecBlinken @POTUS @UN_Spokesperson @antonioguterres @AUC_MoussaFaki Share on X

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