Trade With Ethiopia

Wake up and smell the Ethiopian coffee! With its unique flavors and organic production, Ethiopian coffee is a true delight for coffee lovers worldwide. Get your taste buds ready for an extraordinary experience! #TradeWithEthiopia Share on X2
Ethiopia's rich livestock population provides a great opportunity for exporting live animals and meat products. From tender lamb to juicy beef, our meat is not only tasty but also nutritionally healthy. #TradeWithEthiopia @MikeHammerUSA @ChrisCoons Share on X3
Ethiopia's natural gums are a versatile product with various industrial uses. From food products to cosmetics, gums derived from acacia, boswellia, and commiphora are in high demand. #TradeWithEthiopia @bpolitics Share on X4
Sip on the finest Ethiopian tea, cultivated in the highland forests with minimal use of chemicals. The aroma and natural flavors will transport you to a world of tranquility. #TradeWithEthiopia @SFRCdems @AsstSecStateAF @EUSR_Weber @SenateForeign Share on X5
Add a touch of Ethiopian beauty to your life with our vibrant flowers! From statices to roses, Ethiopia's favorable climate and resources make it the center of diversity for exquisite and exotic blooms. #TradeWithEthiopia @JosepBorrellF Share on X6
Ethiopia's mineral wealth is waiting to be explored! From gold and platinum to marble and tantalum, our diverse mineral deposits offer immense potential for export. #TradeWithEthiopia @BradSherman @EUSR_Weber @MikeHammerUSA @HannaTetteh Share on X7
Ethiopia's fertile land and favorable climate make it a hub for tropical and sub-tropical fruits and vegetables. Taste the freshness and richness of Ethiopian produce. #TradeWithEthiopia @UKParliament @EU_Commission @eucopresident @vonderleyen @JanezLenarcic @PowerUSAID Share on X8
Ethiopia's high-quality leather and leather products are sought after globally. With diverse offerings like garments, footwear, and more, we bring the essence of Ethiopian craftsmanship to the world. #TradeWithEthiopia @eu_eeas @SFRCdems @SenateForeign Share on X9
From sesame seeds to haricot beans, Ethiopia's oilseeds and pulses are known for their exceptional taste and organic production methods. #TradeWithEthiopia @JosepBorrellF @trussliz @UKParliament @CanadaFP @UN_HRC @vonderleyen @MikeHammerUSA Share on X10
Ethiopia's natural gums, like gum Arabic, have a wide range of applications in the food, cosmetics, and industrial sectors. Experience the versatility and quality of Ethiopian gum products. #TradeWithEthiopia @CNNAfrica @AJEnglish @AsstSecStateAF Share on X11
Ethiopia's flowers add a touch of elegance to any occasion. With an abundance of colorful blooms, we offer a bouquet of beauty for the world to enjoy. #TradeWithEthiopia @SenateForeign @HouseForeign @hr @JosepBorrellF @StateDept @FCDOGovUK @AFP Share on X12
The Ethiopian leather sector, fueled by Africa's largest livestock production, offers a range of products from tanning to footwear. We bring quality and diversity to the global market. #TradeWithEthiopia @MikeHammerUSA @Reuters @ChrisCoons @bpolitics Share on X13
Craftsmanship meets innovation in Ethiopia's leather industry. From semi-processed leather to stylish shoe uppers, garments, and more, we cater to discerning tastes worldwide. #TradeWithEthiopia #MadeInEthiopia Share on X14
Ethiopia's abundant livestock resources and export portfolio encompasses a wide range, including steers, yearlings, low land sheep, goats, fresh and chilled lamb, mutton, goat carcass, veal, and beef, along with frozen cuts. #TradeWithEthiopia Share on X15
Driven by its impressive livestock population, 🇪🇹 stands as a prominent exporter of live animals & meat products. Z animals raised under natural grazing conditions yield meat renowned for its palatability and nutritional richness. #TradeWithEthiopia Share on X16
Ethiopian oilseeds and pulses! Grown organically, they include sesame seeds, Niger seeds, linseeds, sunflower seeds, groundnuts, and more. #TradeWithEthiopia Share on XFRENCH
Réveillez-vous et sentez le café éthiopien ! 🌿 Avec ses saveurs uniques et sa production biologique, le café éthiopien est un véritable délice pour les amateurs de café du monde entier. Préparez vos papilles pour une expérience hors du commun! #TradeWithEthiopia @Reuters Share on X18
La richesse du cheptel éthiopien offre une excellente opportunité pour l’exportation d’animaux vivants et de produits carnés. De l’agneau tendre au bœuf juteux, notre viande est non seulement savoureuse mais aussi nutritionnellement saine. #TradeWithEthiopia @HouseForeign Share on X19
Les gommes naturelles d’Ethiopie sont un produit polyvalent avec diverses utilisations industrielles. Des produits alimentaires aux cosmétiques, les gommes dérivées d’acacia, de boswellia et de commiphora sont très demandées. #TradeWithEthiopia @AFP… Share on X20
Sirotez le meilleur thé éthiopien, cultivé dans les forêts des hautes terres avec une utilisation minimale de produits chimiques. L’arôme et les saveurs naturelles vous transporteront dans un monde de tranquillité. #TradeWithEthiopia @HouseForeign Share on X21
Ajoutez une touche de beauté éthiopienne à votre vie avec nos fleurs vibrantes ! Des statices aux roses, le climat et les ressources favorables de l’Éthiopie en font le centre de la diversité des fleurs exquises et exotiques. #TradeWithEthiopia @StateDept @FCDOGovUK Share on X22
La richesse minérale de l'Ethiopie attend d'être explorée ! De l'or et du platine au marbre et au tantale, nos divers gisements minéraux offrent un immense potentiel d'exportation. #TradeWithEthiopia @LaetitiaBader @KenRoth @amnest @SFRCdems Share on X23
Les terres fertiles et le climat favorable de l’Éthiopie en font une plaque tournante pour les fruits et légumes tropicaux et subtropicaux. Goûtez à la fraîcheur et à la richesse des produits éthiopiens. #TradeWithEthiopia @USAmbUN @CanadaFP Share on X