Campaigns International News News COMMEMORATION OF AFRICA DAY,MAY 25, 2023 2 years ago Views: 13,393 1 Ethiopia is the symbol of national pride and Anti-colonialism that is why Africans provide respect for Ethiopia. #OurAfricaOurFuture #OneAfrica @JosepBorrellF @UN @UN_HRC @Reuters @USAmbUN @AFP @bpolitics Share on X 2 Ethiopia has played an important role in the establishment and achievement of African Union. #OurAfricaOurFuture #OneAfrica @JoeBiden @AmbRice46 @MikeHammerUSA @JosepBorrellF @UN @UN_HRC @Reuters @USAmbUN @AFP @bpolitics @CNNAfrica Share on X 3 The One Africa Expo, commemorating the 60th anniversary of the African Union, opened at the Science Museum under the theme “Development and Innovation”. #OurAfricaOurFuture #OneAfrica @CNNAfrica @AJEnglish @AsstSecStateAF /tV8ywgN7W2 Share on X 4 Ethiopia the political capital of Africa, home to African union, is ready for the 60th anniversary of the union. #OurAfricaOurFuture #OneAfrica @LaetitiaBader @KenRoth @amnest Share on X 6 Ethiopia is a country that enables Africans to become a symbol of freedom and a reflection of independence. #OurAfricaOurFuture #OneAfrica @BradSherman @ChrisCoons @HouseForeign Share on X 7 Through ‘African solutions for African problems’, Ethiopia plays a great role in combating western domination in African continent. #OurAfricaOurFuture #OneAfrica @UKParliament @eucopresident @JanezLenarcic Share on X 8 History glorify that Ethiopia contributes unhindered effort for the independence of African countries. Thanks for the foresight leaders. #OurAfricaOurFuture #OneAfrica @PowerUSAID @eu_eeasn @trussliz @UN_HRC @USAmbUN Share on X 9 African people should use forums to enable them to use their natural resources equally. #OurAfricaOurFuture #OneAfrica @bpolitics @CNNAfrica @EU_Commission @AsstSecStateAF @JoeBiden @AmbRice46 @MikeHammerUSA @JosepBorrellF @UN @UN_HRC @Reuters @USAmbUN @AFP @bpolitics @CNNAfrica Share on X 10 Ethiopia is ready to host African leaders for the 60th anniversary of African union. #OurAfricaOurFuture #OneAfrica @JoeBiden @AmbRice46 @MikeHammerUSA @JosepBorrellF @UN @UN_HRC @Reuters @USAmbUN @AFP @bpolitics @CNNAfrica Share on X 11 The AU was established to promote the unity & solidarity of AF-countries, defend state sovereignty, eradicate colonialism, promote international cooperation, & harmonize Member States' policies. #OurAfricaOurFuture #OneAfrica Share on X About Post Author admin_w7y1yrey See author's posts Continue Reading Previous የኢትዮጵያን ወቅታዊ ሁኔታዎች በተመለከተ በዓለማቀፍ ሚድያዎች የወጡ የተመረጡ ዘገባዎችNext Trade With Ethiopia