Ethiopian Truth Media

The Enemy Of Truth Is Blind Acceptance.

TPLF is a major threat to Ethiopia’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. #22


#ENDF is taking the maximum care thus far in protecting civilians from harms. #ENDF rigorously adheres to Int’l humanitarian law & norms. Z #Eth Govt calls on Int’l aid agencies to work jointly in restoring basic services in #ENDF controlled areas. #DisarmTPLF… Share on X


Z Ethiopian Govt is living up to its responsibility to protect its citizens in #Tigray from ongoing #TPLF anticipated attacks. #ENDF has started to deliver humanitarian aid in areas it has controlled, including #Shire. #DisarmTPLF #TPLFisTheCause @hr @AsstSecStateAF Share on X


Our people in #Tigray, who are the first hand sufferers of this misery, will fully enjoy peace without #TPLFTerroristGroup very soon! #DisarmTPLF #TPLFisTheCause @MikeHammerUSA @EUSR_Weber @BBCAfric @SFRCdems @SenateForeign @HouseForeign @JosepBorrellF @StateDept @FCDOGovUK Share on X


Our People in #Tigray, the biggest victim (loss of life, propaganda, lies) of the #TPLF will fully enjoy peace without the terrorist group very soon! #DisarmTPLF #TPLFisTheCause @Reuters @AFP @bpolitics @BBCAfrica @CNNAfrica @AJEnglish @MikeHammerUSA @EUSR_Weber @HannaTetteh Share on X


In recently liberated areas; People are getting relief, who were sieged by terrorist #TPLF. Ethiopian Gov't has already started repairing infrastructures to restore basic services in the #ENDF controlled areas of Tigray. #DisarmTPLF #DisarmTPLF #TPLFisTheCause @LaetitiaBader Share on X


In line with international human right laws, the Government of Ethiopia has been working closely with humanitarian partners and creates conducive environment for humanitarian partners to provide aids for the needy people in the Tigray region. #DisarmTPLF #TPLFisTheCause Share on X


The International community should know the fact on the ground. Now Humanitarian aid convoys are on their way to the Tigray region despite some western Medias and #TPLF’s false propaganda. #DisarmTPLF #TPLFisTheCause @KenRoth @amnest @BradSherman @ChrisCoons @SFRCdems Share on X


Whenever the GoE achieves resounding victories over the #TPLF, the #EU, #US, #UN, and its allies raise accusatory human rights and humanitarian issues in support of the terrorist #TPLF. This must stop!! #DisarmTPLF #TPLFisTheCause @HouseForeign @UKParliament @EU_Commission Share on X


In the recently liberated areas of #Tigray region, mass grave sites are still intact, but no international community, including the #UN, wants to discuss such #TPLF’s heinous deeds. #DisarmTPLF #TPLFisTheCause @eucopresident @vonderleyen @JanezLenarcic @PowerUSAID @USAmbUN Share on X


The IC should recall the sick joke response the #TPLF had for the humanitarian truce from the Government just a year ago when #TPLF is craving same for its 4th round of war mobilization. Genuine? #DisarmTPLF #TPLFisTheCause @CanadaFP @eu_eeas@SFRCdems @SenateForeign Share on X


570,000 liters of fuel was stolen from @WFP only to transport humanitarian aid to war front than distributing aid to the people of #Tigray. Government will not repeat same mistake for the terrorist group to steal from the mouth of our people. #DisarmTPLF #TPLFisTheCause Share on X


Is #TPLF salvageable by #US & #EU for the 4th time? Never have #Africans witnessed such a crass intrusion of their affairs since the colonization era, absurdly in the name of Human Rights. #Ethiopia will undoubtedly Prevail! #DisarmTPLF #TPLFisTheCause @HouseForeign Share on X


Some parts of the Tigray region are now under the control of the Ethiopian government. We are expecting @DrTedros to come up with imaginative and regurgitated stories of all sorts of human rights abuses by the ENDF in the region. #DisarmTPLF #TPLFisTheCause Share on X


What Ethiopians thought of the most liberal and educated member of the TPLF, @DrTedros, has become a feeble mind that is easily reshaped by the opinions of the lowest rank cadres of the terrorist group. #DisarmTPLF #TPLFisTheCause Share on X


What’s education if it doesn’t help you to let go of your prejudices? Neither education nor a high-ranking position at @WHO could change @DrTedros' tribalist attitudes. #DisarmTPLF #DisarmTPLF #TPLFisTheCause Share on X


Whether he likes it or not, @DrTedros was appointed to represent Ethiopia at the World Health Organization and serve the IC impartially. His actions, unfortunately, proved who he is. #DisarmTPLF #DisarmTPLF #TPLFisTheCause Share on X


@DrTedros needs medical attention. He could not lead @WHO with an unstable mind that suffers from tribalism, the lowest quality of a human being that anyone can find, especially in the medical profession. #DisarmTPLF #DisarmTPLF #TPLFisTheCause Share on X


The keyboard doctor, @DrTedros, is more interested in shielding his TPLF compatriots from danger than saving the world from diseases and pandemics. #DisarmTPLF #DisarmTPLF #TPLFisTheCause Share on X


The world will remember @DrTedros for two things. His failure to make an accurate assessment of the dangers of #COVID19 and his obsession with his tribal identity. #DisarmTPLF #DisarmTPLF #TPLFisTheCause Share on X


The world forgot the people of Tigray because of their skin color, says @DrTedros, who is a tribalist to his core. And yet, he refused to listen to the pleas of the people of the Amhara and Afar regions just because they’re non-Tigrayans. #DisarmTPLF #TPLFisTheCause Share on X


Congratulations to the people of Tigray. You will soon be free of the grips of the TPLF, which has kept you in a state of fear for decades and forced you to spy on one another in order to maintain its power. #DisarmTPLF #TPLFisTheCause Share on X


The father's sin is not to be carried by the son, and the son's sin is not to be carried by the father. The TPLF broke this fundamental moral law by holding the siblings of anyone who speaks against the group. This terror shall soon end. #DisarmTPLF #TPLFisTheCause Share on X


How many people of Tigrayan origin led their lives for decades in silence for fear of repercussions from the TPLF, which is known for its wicked schemes? A new day is coming when you can freely speak your mind! #DisarmTPLF #TPLFisTheCause Share on X


All Ethiopians have the moral obligation to stand by the people of Tigrayan origin who speak against the TPLF. They are making the greatest sacrifice by bravely facing the evil that muted many others in fear. #DisarmTPLF #TPLFisTheCause Share on X


The TPLF thrives on perpetuating group thinking and stifling individual freedoms. By silencing every different view, it claims to be the freely chosen representative of the people in the Tigray region. Only fools can buy that cheap propaganda. #DisarmTPLF #TPLFisTheCause Share on X


The death and starvation of the people in Tigray is a means to perpetuate the empty ethnic pride of the TPLF diaspora. The people in the region are making unnecessary sacrifices, although they want to live a peaceful life, if not as comfortable as yours. #DisarmTPLF… Share on X


The right to self-govern a region should not be confused with the right to do everything you want. It’s only in the TPLF’s dictionary that you will find building regional armies while slaughtering the national ones is taken as the definition of freedom. #DisarmTPLF… Share on X


The TPLF is not advancing the interests of the people of Tigray by putting them at loggerheads with all of its neighbors. The correct explanation for such a naive policy is greed for power, even at the cost of everything in Tigray. #DisarmTPLF #TPLFisTheCause Share on X


Ethiopians have paid with their lives while fighting to protect the people of Tigray from foreign invaders for centuries. The propaganda of the TPLF, as if non-Tigrayan Ethiopians should not have a say in Tigray, is shortsighted. #DisarmTPLF #TPLFisTheCause Share on X


Teaching people to hate one another is not an expression of inherent desire for their wellbeing. It’s simply a political tool that serves the insatiable desire of the TPLF to stay in power indefinitely. The ultimate price will always be paid by the unnecessary suffering of… Share on X


The empty we’re better than others attitude, the TPLF has been fanning for decades bears nothing but a life of destruction, fear, hatred, and suspicion among people. A healthy dose of respect towards others is the minimum requirement to live in peace. #DisarmTPLF… Share on X


No amount of hateful propaganda will remove Ethiopia from the hearts of the people of the Tigray region. Despite temporary anger and confusion, the people know that Ethiopia is their home, with or without the TPLF. #DisarmTPLF #TPLFisTheCause Share on X


Why would the people of Tigray renounce their country just because a political party tells them they should not be Ethiopians? How dare a 40-year old party try to strip away their identity, which took thousands of years in the making? #DisarmTPLF #TPLFisTheCause Share on X


Believe it or not, the chief propagandists of the TPLF tell the people of Tigray not to live in peace with their neighbors. They say, Don’t buy or sell, and don’t intermarry with others. This is a perfect recipe for disaster sooner or later. #DisarmTPLF #TPLFisTheCause Share on X


The TPLF dreams of creating an island where its leaders and minions live as modern slave drivers. The Tigray that they imagine is a place where they live with impunity at the cost of the people. #DisarmTPLF #TPLFisTheCause Share on X

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