Campaigns International International News News Prime Minister @JustinTrudeau supports the AU-led peace process! 2 years ago Views: 2,295 1 Prime Minister @JustinTrudeau supports the AU-led peace process. Canadian parliamentarians should not undermine their own government. #Peace4Ethiopia #EthiopiaPrevails @KenRoth @amnest @BradSherman @ChrisCoons @HouseForeign @UKParliament Share on X 2 If they are willing to read, there is credible information from credible sources parliamentarians should use rather than allow themselves to be used by special interest manipulators #Peace4Ethiopia #EthiopiaPrevails @HannaTetteh @LaetitiaBader Share on X 3 Canada's parliamentarians are expected to do better than making vague accusations, with reliance on information from shady figures #Peace4Ethiopia #EthiopiaPrevails @SFRCdems @SenateForeign @HouseForeign @hr @JosepBorrellF @StateDept @FCDOGovUK… Share on X 4 🇨🇦 and 🇪🇹 have a strong & lasting relationship. @HoCCommittees should not poison the relationship with govt of Canada. They should not involve at the urging of special interest groups who oppose the peace deal! #Peace4Ethiopia #EthiopiaPrevails @AsstSecStateAF… Share on X 5 The AU-led process along with the US & the EU has brokered a peace deal that just silenced the guns in #Ethiopia! 🇨🇦|n parliamentarians would do well to encourage its success rather than meddle and undermine it. #Peace4Ethiopia #EthiopiaPrevails… Share on X 6 Some organizations have become adept at manipulating parliamentarians whose knowledge of Africans is limited or even biased #Peace4Ethiopia #EthiopiaPrevails @MikeHammerUSA @UN_HRC @Reuters @USAmbUN @AFP @bpolitics @CNNAfrica @EU_Commission Share on X 7 The SDIR is hoodwinked by a craftily orchestrated campaign of deception into a hearing in which its manipulated members showed a clear bias. Their embarrassing conclusion when challenged shows how easily parliamentarians can be led astray #Peace4Ethiopia #EthiopiaPrevails… Share on X 8 The testimony of someone who believes that an entire people-#Ethiopians- are racist & sadistic can not be a basis for 🇨🇦|n parliamentarians to base their decisions. Not only is that wrong, but dangerous #Peace4Ethiopia #EthiopiaPrevails Share on X 9 @RaquelDancho, how will you explain to your constituents about your friendship with a hateful person such as @mukeshkapila who says horrible things about Africans? #Peace4Ethiopia #EthiopiaPrevails @MikeHammerUSA … Share on X 10 @mukeshkapila does not believe Africans can mediate peace. Racism? Fact: they just mediated peace. Canadian parliamentarians should not be associating or taking advice from him but surely @HMcPhersonMP did. Shameful! #Peace4Ethiopia #EthiopiaPrevails… Share on X 11 @mukeshkapila does not believe Africans can mediate peace. Racism? Fact: they just mediated peace. Canadian parliamentarians should not be associating or taking advice from him but surely @SameerZuberi did. Shameful! #Peace4Ethiopia #EthiopiaPrevails… Share on X 12 @mukeshkapila does not believe Africans can mediate peace. Racism? Fact: they just mediated peace. Canadian parliamentarians should not be associating or taking advice from him but surely @ArnoldViersen did. Shameful! #Peace4Ethiopia #EthiopiaPrevails… Share on X 13 @HMcPhersonMP do your constituents know you will do anything for a contribution? even from a terrorist group? #Peace4Ethiopia #EthiopiaPrevails @MikeHammerUSA @UN_HRC @Reuters @USAmbUN @AFP @bpolitics Share on X 14 @ArnoldViersen do your constituents know you will do anything for a contribution? even from a terrorist group? #Peace4Ethiopia #EthiopiaPrevails @MikeHammerUSA @UN_HRC @Reuters @USAmbUN @AFP @bpolitics Share on X 15 @mukeshkapila does not believe Africans can mediate peace. Racism? Fact: they just mediated peace. Canadian parliamentarians should not be associating or taking advice from him but surely @MSidhuLiberal did. Shameful! #Peace4Ethiopia #EthiopiaPrevails Share on X 16 @mukeshkapila does not believe Africans can mediate peace. Racism? Fact: they just mediated peace. Canadian parliamentarians should not be associating or taking advice from him but surely @AliEhsassi did. Shameful! #Peace4Ethiopia #EthiopiaPrevails Share on X About Post Author admin_w7y1yrey See author's posts Continue Reading Previous Planting A Tree Is Planting Hope For Future. #3Next የኢትዮጵያን ወቅታዊ ሁኔታዎች በተመለከተ በዓለማቀፍ ሚድያዎች የወጡ የተመረጡ ዘገባዎች