The World Should Condemn The Evil Act. TPLF Recruiting & Using Children For War.

The TPLF send drug intoxicated child soldiers to fight against the surrounding people #actofevil #warcrime @childreninwar @DragicaMikavica @1612Watchlist @SavetheChildren @SameeraKhan @afshinrattansi @Underground_RT @ReutersAfrica @BBCAfrica @CNNAfrica Share on X
The TPLF gangsters' children are living luxurious lives in the west while the children of Tigrayan peasants die fighting the aimless war. #actofevil #warcrime @cnnpolitics @RT_com @SputnikInt @nytimes @FT @voanews @VOAAfrica … Share on X
The terrorist TPLF group was not submissive to the country and international agreements and TPLF had committed atrocities in the neighboring Amhara region by placing priests, elders, women and children in front of the invasion. #actofevil #warcrime @washingtonpost Share on X
The terrorist TPLF is driving children and young people into war with drugs; ENDF had a moral obligation to rescue the children. #actofevil #warcrime @AlJazeera @EU_Commission @antonioguterres @UN_HRC @UNOCHA @SecBlinken @EthioHRC @amnesty @UNICEF @SavetheChildren Share on X
Why US Break its #Silence on the Massive use of #ChildSoldiers by Terrorist #TPLF!? The International communities are watching videos & Pictures of underage or kids taking military training in Tigray. #ShameOnUS #actofevil #warcrime @nytimes @CNN @BBCWorld @UN Share on X
Beside Ethiopia’s sovereignty children have the right to live safe and must be protected from such brutality you are watching in what TPLF is doing in Ethiopia. #actofevil #warcrime @EU_Commission @antonioguterres @UN_HRC @UNOCHA @SecBlinken @EthioHRC @amnesty Share on X
US should think of those children’s life and otter humanitarian crisis in TIGRAY. Blame that you ought to blame for this. #actofevil #warcrime @UNICEF @SavetheChildren @nytimes @childreninwar @DragicaMikavica @1612Watchlist @SavetheChildren @SameeraKhan Share on X
TPLF is currently conscripting child soldiers against international law to be sacrificed for the Juntas cling to power #actofevil #warcrime @afshinrattansi @Underground_RT @ReutersAfrica @BBCAfrica @CNNAfrica @cnnpolitics @RT_com @SputnikInt … Share on X
Not surprised by the deafening silence of the so-called human rights groups, pseudo journalists & western politicians on TPLF’s use of #ChildSoldiers #actofevil #warcrime @afshinrattansi @Underground_RT @ReutersAfrica @BBCAfrica @CNNAfrica @cnnpolitics @RT_com Share on X
Speaking against human rights violation or war crimes of any sort should not be subjective. Neither should it depend on one's national interest #Childsoldiers #actofevil #warcrime @SputnikInt @nytimes @FT @voanews @VOAAfrica @AJStream @AJENews… Share on X
USA and Europeans turned blind eye and deaf ear to exploitation of children as child soldiers by TPLF! #TPLFisaTerroristGroup is using #ChildSoldiers #actofevil #warcrime @AlJazeera @EU_Commission @antonioguterres @UN_HRC @UNOCHA @SecBlinken @EthioHRC @amnesty Share on X
Look at it! you have not yet condemned it. #TPLF #Childsoldiers are turning to be regional terrorists. Another Alshabab is in the making! #actofevil #warcrime @UNICEF @SavetheChildren @nytimes @CNN @BBCWorld @UN @EU_Commission @antonioguterres @UN_HRC @UNOCHA Share on X
The International Community should break its #Silence on the massive use of #ChildSoldiers by Terrorist #TPLF. The International community must watch a military training of underage or kids. #actofevil #warcrime @SecBlinken @EthioHRC @amnesty @UNICEF @SavetheChildren Share on X
The UN turned a blind eye & deaf ear to the wide exploitation of children as child soldiers by TPLF from the start of the conflict! #TPLFisaTerroristGroup is using #ChildSoldiers #actofevil #warcrime @nytimes @CNN @BBCWorld Share on X
Putting child soldiers in front is evil tactic of the tplf juntas what next the elderly Game over in korem! #actofevil #warcrime @childreninwar @DragicaMikavica @1612Watchlist @SavetheChildren @SameeraKhan @afshinrattansi @Underground_RT @ReutersAfrica @BBCAfrica Share on X
Had humanity really been the cause of concern for the int’l community, it would have spoke up against the #TPLF use of #ChildSoldiers. Using children in an armed conflict is a war crime! #actofevil #warcrime @CNNAfrica @cnnpolitics @RT_com @SputnikInt @nytimes @FT @BBCWorld Share on X
The only party killing innocent refugees and invading Amhara region is the only terrorist #TPLF party your gov supports. Shame on you!! #actofevil #warcrime @voanews @VOAAfrica @AJStream @AJENews @washingtonpost @AlJazeera @EU_Commission @antonioguterres @UN_HRC Share on X
#TPLFisaTerroristGroup are killing anyone who didn't buy into their tribal ideology. Killing #EritreanRefugees, But you come to their rescue when the army said enough is enough. #actofevil #warcrime @UNOCHA @SecBlinken @EthioHRC @amnesty @UNICEF @SavetheChildren Share on X
The decision by the Government of Ethiopia to deploy joint investigation team composed of the EHRC and OHCHR shows Ethiopia’s commitment to fulfil its obligations. #actofevil #warcrime @nytimes @CNN @BBCWorld @UN @EU_Commission @antonioguterres @UN_HRC @UNOCHA Share on X
These are kids supposed to be in a school, but TPLF armed them to fight. #actofevil #warcrime @SecBlinken @EthioHRC @amnesty @UNICEF @SavetheChildren @nytimes @CNN @childreninwar @DragicaMikavica @1612Watchlist @SavetheChildren @SameeraKhan @afshinrattansi Share on X
@Samanthapower would have conspired with them “starved” people, I would say armed kids should have been in a school.They don’t look like starved, do they? #actofevil #warcrime @Underground_RT @ReutersAfrica @BBCAfrica @CNNAfrica @cnnpolitics @RT_com @SputnikInt Share on X
The ceasefire is disdainfully rejected by TPLF, hence mustn't be honored against the Ethiopians’ right to self-defense! #actofevil #warcrime @nytimes @FT @voanews @VOAAfrica @AJStream @AJENews @washingtonpost @AlJazeera @EU_Commission @antonioguterres @UN_HRC Share on X
The international community also soon forgets its pronouncements on looming famine in the Tigray region. #actofevil #warcrime @UNOCHA @SecBlinken @EthioHRC @amnesty @UNICEF @SavetheChildren @nytimes @CNN @BBCWorld @UN @EU_Commission @antonioguterres @UN_HRC Share on X
The TPLF junta was lamenting that the Government of Ethiopia had been using starvation as a weapon of war. #actofevil #warcrime @UNOCHA @SecBlinken @EthioHRC @amnesty @UNICEF @SavetheChildren @nytimes @CNN @BBCWorld @childreninwar @DragicaMikavica @1612Watchlist Share on X
The ceasefire could not bear desired fruits due to people who could not appreciate the sacrifices that the Government of Ethiopia has paid for the sake of the people of Tigray. #actofevil #warcrime @SavetheChildren @SameeraKhan @afshinrattansi @Underground_RT Share on X
Given the irresponsible actions of the TPLF that poses a great danger to the sovereignty of the country, the Federal Government, through mobilizing the people of Ethiopia, is determined to curb this threat. #actofevil #warcrime @ReutersAfrica @BBCAfrica @CNNAfrica Share on X
True to its form, the TPLF chose violence to peace. It has demonstrated that it cannot survive without engaging in conflict. It has continued to use child soldiers by numbing them through drugs #actofevil #warcrime @cnnpolitics @RT_com @SputnikInt @nytimes @FT Share on X
Government of Ethiopia has shown to the world its good intentions for the wellbeing of the people of the Tigray Region. #actofevil #warcrime @voanews @VOAAfrica @AJStream @AJENews @washingtonpost @AlJazeera @EU_Commission @antonioguterres @UN_HRC @UNOCHA Share on X
The Federal Government believed that the ceasefire would cease hostilities and give chances to farmers to employ the rainy season while the people get humanitarian assistance without alleged impediments. #actofevil #warcrime @SecBlinken @EthioHRC @amnesty @UNICEF Share on X
The Gov't of Ethiopia has paid sacrifices in declaring the ceasefire, and it was a choice made consciously to give peace a last chance. #actofevil #warcrime @SavetheChildren @nytimes @CNN @BBCWorld @UN @EU_Commission @antonioguterres @UN_HRC @UNOCHA @SecBlinken Share on X
Under the Statute of the International Criminal Court, conscripting or enlisting children into armed forces or groups constitutes a war crime in both international and non-international armed conflicts. But the terrorist TPLF gang rejects it. #actofevil #warcrime Share on X
TPLF conscripting or enlisting children into armed forces by calling them as Tigray defence force (TDF). #actofevil #warcrime @EthioHRC @amnesty @UNICEF @SavetheChildren @nytimes @CNN @BBCWorld @childreninwar @DragicaMikavica @1612Watchlist @SavetheChildren Share on X
The world should condemn terrorist TPLF act. TPLF rebels are recruiting and using child soldiers. #actofevil #warcrime @SameeraKhan @afshinrattansi @Underground_RT @ReutersAfrica @BBCAfrica @CNNAfrica @cnnpolitics @RT_com @SputnikInt @nytimes @FT @voanews Share on X
TPLF start playing with Tigray children's souls through enlisting children into armed forces and are using those children’s for war mobilization propoganda. #actofevil #warcrime @VOAAfrica @AJStream @AJENews @washingtonpost @AlJazeera @EU_Commission Share on X
Stop using Tigray children from conscripting or enlisting children into TPLF armed forces #actofevil #warcrime @antonioguterres @UN_HRC @UNOCHA @SecBlinken @EthioHRC @amnesty @UNICEF @SavetheChildren @nytimes @CNN @BBCWorld @UN @EU_Commission @antonioguterres Share on X
Where are Save the Children and the likes that swear in the name children when TPLF sends children to war? #actofevil #warcrime @UN_HRC @UNOCHA @SecBlinken @EthioHRC @amnesty @UNICEF @SavetheChildren @nytimes @CNN @BBCWorld @childreninwar @DragicaMikavica Share on X
Using child soldiers is a war crime. Where are the UN and international human right activists who were shouting continuously blaming Ethiopa for the war #actofevil #warcrime @1612Watchlist @SavetheChildren @SameeraKhan @afshinrattansi @Underground_RT @ReutersAfrica Share on X
New York Times shame on you! How can you encourage TPLF terrorist group for recruting the child soldiers. This is a crime against humanity. #actofevil #warcrime @BBCAfrica @CNNAfrica @cnnpolitics @RT_com @SputnikInt @nytimes @FT @voanews @VOAAfrica @AJStream Share on X
TPLF cliques are sending armed kids to war in mass. The world gives deaf ear to the barbaric acts of TPLF. Thousands of children are dying. #actofevil #warcrime @AJENews @washingtonpost @AlJazeera @EU_Commission @antonioguterres @UN_HRC @UNOCHA @SecBlinken Share on X
If these childeren soldiers got killed in a fight, then the junta and their Western allies will called it massacre on children. #actofevil #warcrime @EthioHRC @amnesty @UNICEF @SavetheChildren @nytimes @CNN @BBCWorld @UN @EU_Commission @antonioguterres @UN_HRC Share on X
What a shame to the international society not to condemn this barbaric action of TPLF!! #actofevil #warcrime @UNOCHA @SecBlinken @EthioHRC @amnesty @UNICEF @SavetheChildren @nytimes @CNN @BBCWorld @childreninwar @DragicaMikavica @1612Watchlist @SavetheChildren Share on X
I am saddened to see such an extreme brutality of using under age children as soldiers by TPLF. Shame on international NGOs working on children's safety. #actofevil #warcrime @SameeraKhan @afshinrattansi @Underground_RT @ReutersAfrica @BBCAfrica @CNNAfrica Share on X
Child soldiers?!!! Isn't this a crime? Where are the international community and the western media now? What a hypocrisy!!! #actofevil #warcrime @cnnpolitics @RT_com @SputnikInt @nytimes @FT @voanews @VOAAfrica @AJStream @AJENews @washingtonpost @AlJazeera Share on X
The western world kept silent while the TPLF killed Aid workers in broad day light. #actofevil #warcrime @EU_Commission @antonioguterres @UN_HRC @UNOCHA @SecBlinken @EthioHRC @amnesty @UNICEF @SavetheChildren @nytimes @CNN @BBCWorld @UN @EU_Commission Share on X
US and EU never blame or condemn Tplf for all crimes and atrocities it has been committing. #actofevil #warcrime @antonioguterres @UN_HRC @UNOCHA @SecBlinken @EthioHRC @amnesty @UNICEF @SavetheChildren @nytimes @CNN @BBCWorld @childreninwar @DragicaMikavica Share on X
It is really sickening to witness the world turning blind eyes to the tragedy of using underage kids as soldiers by TPLF against the international convention. #actofevil #warcrime @1612Watchlist @SavetheChildren @SameeraKhan @afshinrattansi @Underground_RT Share on X
What matters to TPLF's Junta is staying on power at any cost. #actofevil #warcrime @UN @EU_Commission @antonioguterres @UN_HRC @UNOCHA @SecBlinken @EthioHRC @amnesty @UNICEF @SavetheChildren @nytimes @CNN @BBCWorld Share on X
Ethiopia does not need to tell the world how children end up being soldiers. #Hollywood has produced thousands of movies on the subject. #actofevil #warcrime @UN @EU_Commission @antonioguterres @UN_HRC @UNOCHA @SecBlinken @EthioHRC @amnesty @UNICEF @SavetheChildren Share on X
For TPLF to stay in power how many kids have to die in vain is now the international community’s issue #actofevil #warcrime #savethechildren. @UN @EU_Commission @antonioguterres @UN_HRC @UNOCHA @SecBlinken @EthioHRC @amnesty @UNICEF @SavetheChildren @nytimes Share on X
TPLF was crying out loud & making stories about the none-existing famine but now remnants of this blood-sucker TPLF are again trying to turn to war what about the famine story that you created? #actofevil #warcrime #savethechildren. @UN @EU_Commission @antonioguterres Share on X
TPLF members’ children are the billionaires that run multimillion dollar companies, but poor Tigrayans’ children are the one dying for no reason whatsoever!! #actofevil #warcrime #savethechildren. @UN @EU_Commission @antonioguterres @UN_HRC @UNOCHA @SecBlinken @EthioHRC Share on X
Violation of child-right is a major felony that needs to be stopped & even held those responsible accountable & as we can all witness it TPLF is responsible!! @Getachew_reda_is_responsible!! #actofevil #warcrime #savethechildren. @UN @EU_Commission @antonioguterres Share on X
Thousands of children are serving as soldiers for TPLF These boys and girls, some as young as 8 years old are armed for this war of TPLF keep me in power this is simply an act of terror. #actofevil #warcrime #savethechildren. @UN @EU_Commission @antonioguterres @UN_HRC @UNOCHA Share on X
TPLF never cared for children or babies for that matter, the only thing that matters to TPLF's Junta is staying on power, at any cost. #actofevil #warcrime @childreninwar @DragicaMikavica @1612Watchlist @SavetheChildren @SameeraKhan @afshinrattansi @BBCAfrica Share on X
Tplf once killed a 12 year old child in Wellaga and told his mother to sit on the body, using children's soldier will be a holy & heroic in their eyes #disarmTplf #savethechildren #actofevil #warcrime @Underground_RT @ReutersAfrica @CNNAfrica @cnnpolitics @RT_com… Share on X
Ethiopia does not need to tell the world how children end up being soldiers, Hollywood has produced thousand movies of childrens drug abuse, ENDF must save those childrens. #actofevil #warcrime @nytimes @FT @voanews @VOAAfrica @AJStream @AJENews @washingtonpost @AlJazeera Share on X
Finally TPLF revealed it's true color, raping childrens, abusing children, and using Child soldiers, is an act of terrorists. #actofevil #warcrime @EU_Commission @antonioguterres @UN_HRC @UNOCHA @SecBlinken @EthioHRC @amnesty @UNICEF @SavetheChildren @nytimes @CNN… Share on X
Ethiopian gov't tried so hard to tell the world what TPLF is but they have incepted their best lobbyists in the major medias for cover up, now is the time to see what they are. #actofevil #warcrime @EU_Commission @antonioguterres @UN_HRC @UNOCHA @SecBlinken @EthioHRC @amnesty Share on X
How come the US gov't can see all in Tigray, man-made hunger, raping, & displaced one's but never see the TPLF Child soldiers, is that so much hidden?? #actofevil #warcrime @UNICEF @SavetheChildren @nytimes @CNN @BBCWorld @childreninwar @DragicaMikavica @1612Watchlist Share on X
Can America & European union finally see further than Tplf lobbyists and accept the truth about TPLF and their terrorism?? #actofevil #warcrime @SavetheChildren @SameeraKhan @afshinrattansi @Underground_RT @ReutersAfrica @BBCAfrica @CNNAfrica @cnnpolitics @RT_com… Share on X
Everyone knows how children soldiers are made, either they killed their family & blamed on ENDF or abuse them with drug, #actofevil #warcrime @nytimes @FT @voanews @VOAAfrica @AJStream @AJENews @washingtonpost @AlJazeera @EU_Commission @antonioguterres @UN_HRC @UNOCHA Share on X
Children are for schools never for war they know nothing about, for Tplf to stay in power how many kids have to die in vein is now int'l communities issue, condemn Tplf while they can! #actofevil #warcrime @SecBlinken @EthioHRC @amnesty @UNICEF @SavetheChildren @nytimes @CNN Share on X
New York Times megazines call Tplf as freedom fighters, if ENDF haven't ceased the fire, they would call ENDF child slaughtering again, this is how Westerns medias r playing with Ethiopia. #actofevil #warcrime @BBCWorld @UN @EU_Commission @antonioguterres @UN_HRC @UNOCHA Share on X
Imagine your child being recruited for any armed group, imagine if that group was a drug lords, n now imagine zat same group was abusing 110 million people b4, n overthrown by people struggle, TPLF is that group! #actofevil #warcrime @SecBlinken @EthioHRC @amnesty… Share on X
ENDF have a moral obligation to rescue the children of Tigrayan peasants for TPLF children were making rally in America by lamborghinies. #actofevil #warcrime @SavetheChildren @nytimes @CNN @BBCWorld @childreninwar @DragicaMikavica @1612Watchlist @SavetheChildren … Share on X
Tplf children soldiers is called In the name of king, for Tplf gangsters to stay in power peasants children must die, TPLF have never obeyed any rules, including Algiers agreement, the world knows that. #actofevil #warcrime @afshinrattansi @Underground_RT @ReutersAfrica Share on X
TPLF is a blood hungry monster that managed to kill minors brainwashing them for uncalled for reasons named war!! #actofevil #warcrime @BBCAfrica @CNNAfrica @cnnpolitics @RT_com @SputnikInt @nytimes @FT @voanews @VOAAfrica @AJStream @AJENews @washingtonpost @AlJazeera Share on X
Let alone TPLF’s children even their relatives are not participating in the conflict that TPLF perpetrated rather sons & daughters & even minors of poor Tigrayan’s that is a total shame that need to be stopped the sooner the better!! #actofevil #warcrime… Share on X
TPLF members ‘children are the billionaires that run multimillion dollar companies but poor Tigrayans’ children are the one dying for no reason whatsoever!! #actofevil #warcrime @antonioguterres @UN_HRC @UNOCHA @SecBlinken @EthioHRC @amnesty @UNICEF @SavetheChildren @nytimes Share on X
Children should be enrolled in schools not in the battle field!! TPLF is sending minors to battlefields this needs to stop!! #actofevil #warcrime @CNN @BBCWorld @UN @EU_Commission @antonioguterres @UN_HRC @UNOCHA @SecBlinken @EthioHRC @amnesty @UNICEF @SavetheChildren… Share on X
Children shouldn’t be taken advantage of by TPLF blood-sucking monsters!! #actofevil #warcrime @CNN @BBCWorld @childreninwar @DragicaMikavica @1612Watchlist @SavetheChildren @SameeraKhan @afshinrattansi @Underground_RT @ReutersAfrica @BBCAfrica @CNNAfrica @cnnpolitics… Share on X
Minors deserve to get education not gun!! TPLF is arming children!! #actofevil #warcrime @SputnikInt @nytimes @FT @voanews @VOAAfrica @AJStream @AJENews @washingtonpost @AlJazeera @EU_Commission @antonioguterres @UN_HRC @UNOCHA @SecBlinken @EthioHRC @amnesty @UNICEF Share on X
Violation of child-right is a major felony that needs to be stopped & even held those responsible accountable & as we can all witness it TPLF is responsible!! @Getachew_reda_is_responsible!! #actofevil #warcrime @SavetheChildren @nytimes @CNN @BBCWorld @UN @EU_Commission Share on X
TPLF war hungry monsters have showed their colour when they decided to arm children that is by far the worst cruelty being witnessed!! #actofevil #warcrime @antonioguterres @UN_HRC @UNOCHA @SecBlinken @EthioHRC @amnesty @UNICEF @SavetheChildren @nytimes @CNN @BBCWorld Share on X
#Tigray children’s innocence or their young age of course shouldn’t be robbed off of them by monster TPLF!! #actofevil #warcrime @childreninwar @DragicaMikavica @1612Watchlist @SavetheChildren @SameeraKhan @afshinrattansi @Underground_RT @ReutersAfrica @BBCAfrica @CNNAfrica Share on X
Every child deserves to have safety, live freely& get education but TPLF robbed all these from the minors & on top of that this monster group is trying level best to rob their basic right to live as well!! @Getachew_reda_is_responsible!! #actofevil #warcrime @cnnpolitics… Share on X
TPLF was crying out loud & making stories about the none-existing famine but now remnants of this blood-sucker TPLF are again trying to turn to war what about the famine story that you created!!?? #actofevil #warcrime @SputnikInt @nytimes @FT @voanews @VOAAfrica @AJStream Share on X
TPLF is so messed up that they are using their own minors to get them killed in the battle field which is inhumane!! #actofevil #warcrime @AJENews @washingtonpost @AlJazeera @EU_Commission @antonioguterres @UN_HRC @UNOCHA @SecBlinken @EthioHRC @amnesty @UNICEF @SavetheChildren Share on X
Every child has the right to live but TPLF is taking that human right away from minors this must be stopped!! #actofevil #warcrime @nytimes @CNN @BBCWorld @UN @EU_Commission @antonioguterres @UN_HRC @UNOCHA @SecBlinken @EthioHRC @amnesty @UNICEF @SavetheChildren @nytimes @CNN Share on X
Exposing minors to drug is indeed the worst crime ever committed & TPLF is intoxicating minors with drug just to have them killed this needs to be stopped!! #actofevil #warcrime @BBCWorld @childreninwar @DragicaMikavica @1612Watchlist @SavetheChildren @SameeraKhan Share on X
If TPLF is truly for the people by the people; TPLF should be about building schools not ruining them & also TPLF should be about building up minors not drugging them so they can die fighting for no reason!! #actofevil #warcrime @afshinrattansi @Underground_RT @ReutersAfrica Share on X
TPLF remnants that are responsible for brainwashing the minors; these remnants still get to enjoy their private life elsewhere than Tirgray where they managed to live peacefully with their children but brainwashing some poor Tigrayan child!! #actofevil #warcrime @BBCAfrica Share on X
Heartless junta terrorist TPLF remnants should be stopped from abusing children’s basic right to live! #actofevil #warcrime @CNNAfrica @cnnpolitics @RT_com @SputnikInt @nytimes @FT @voanews @VOAAfrica @AJStream @AJENews @washingtonpost @AlJazeera @EU_Commission… Share on X
Blood hungry monster TPLF should be stopped from forcing & brainwashing minors for war!! #actofevil #warcrime @UN_HRC @UNOCHA @SecBlinken @EthioHRC @amnesty @UNICEF @SavetheChildren @nytimes @CNN @BBCWorld @UN @EU_Commission @antonioguterres @UN_HRC @UNOCHA @SecBlinken… Share on X
Immediate children of TPLF members get to enjoy luxurious life in western countries where poor Tigrayans’ children has to be drugged to get killed by TPLF_is_blood_sucker!! #actofevil #warcrime @amnesty @UNICEF @SavetheChildren @nytimes @CNN @BBCWorld @childreninwar Share on X
Thousands of children are serving as soldiers for TPLF, These boys and girls, some as young as 8 years old are armed for this war of TPLF keep me in power, this is simply act of terror #actofevil #warcrime @CNNAfrica @cnnpolitics @RT_com @SputnikInt @nytimes @FT @voanews Share on X
TPLF is using this children to fight on the front lines, participate in suicide missions, and act as spies, messengers, or lookouts, TPLF never cared for peasants children they even sent their owns whom got killed like sibhat naga's son. #actofevil #warcrime @VOAAfrica @AJStream Share on X
TPLF forced boys to be soldies and girls r forced into sexual slavery which was rescued by ENDF already inpregnated, ENDF still have a moral obligation to rescue Tigray peasants childre#actofevil #warcrime @AJENews @washingtonpost @AlJazeera @EU_Commission @antonioguterres Share on X
TPLF children soldiers are drug abused or forced while others join out of desperation, believing that TPLF is fighting for Tigray, which is never the truth. #actofevil #warcrime @UN_HRC @UNOCHA @SecBlinken @EthioHRC @amnesty @UNICEF @SavetheChildren @nytimes @CNN @BBCWorld @UN Share on X
Ethiopian gov't must work to prevent the use of child soldiers and to hold TPLF accountable for sending children to war, this is sovereignty and moral obligation for END. #actofevil #warcrime @EU_Commission @antonioguterres @UN_HRC @UNOCHA @SecBlinken @EthioHRC @amnesty @UNICEF Share on X