Dear EU Stop Interfering on Ethiopian Issues & Supporting Terrorist TPLF Using WFP as a Tool.

We condemn the act of WFP for transporting TPLF militias to Wolkait with vehicles who originally entered Tigray loaded with food sack of wheat in the name of fake famine. #EUrespectEthiopianSovereignty #CondemnTerroristTPLF @EUinEthiopia @FilippoGrandi @EU_Commission Share on X
Identity and border issues in Ethiopia are the very minor internal issues that can easily be handled by the House of federation. #EUrespectEthiopianSovereignty #CondemnTerroristTPLF @WFP @WFPChief @WFP_Ethiopia @USAID @Pontifex @antonioguterres @EUCouncil @SecBlinken Share on X
Eritrean soldiers are in their territories, TPLF has been the cause and obstacle for the delay of boundary demarcation between Ethiopia and Eritrea disputed border lines #EUrespectEthiopianSovereignty #CondemnTerroristTPLF @UNHumanRights @UNGeneva @SecBlinken @HouseDemocrats Share on X
Still we demand justice for Ethiopian Defense force who have been betrayed and slaughtered in the middle of the night in their own camps; attacking 80% of Ethiopian military power at the northern base by the terrorist group is the cause #EUrespectEthiopianSovereignty @Parlimag Share on X
Recognize the right of Eritrea to protect its sovereignty from any attack coming from the terrorist group #EUrespectEthiopianSovereignty #CondemnTerroristTPLF @eucopresident @coe @JosepBorrellF @eu_eeas @EP_President @EUtoAU @CharlesMichel @POLITICOEurope @EURACTIV @New_Europe Share on X
Stop abusing the unilateral humanitarian ceasefire declared by Ethiopian government #EUrespectEthiopianSovereignty #CondemnTerroristTPLF @euronews @EncompassEurope @euobs @Parlimag @EUinEthiopia @FilippoGrandi @EU_Commission @WFP @WFPChief @WFP_Ethiopia @USAID @Pontifex Share on X
Justice to Tigray farmers; unilateral/ humanitarian ceasefire is Primarily for them #EUrespectEthiopianSovereignty #CondemnTerroristTPLF @antonioguterres @EUCouncil @SecBlinken @UNHumanRights @UNGeneva @SecBlinken @HouseDemocrats @eucopresident @coe @JosepBorrellF @eu_eeas Share on X
Don’t abuse the unilateral humanitarian ceasefire to strengthen the terrorist TPLF and allowing it to ignite more conflicts #EUrespectEthiopianSovereignty #CondemnTerroristTPLF @EP_President @EUtoAU @CharlesMichel @POLITICOEurope @EURACTIV @New_Europe @euronews Share on X
We appreciate some Humanitarian organizations and UN agencies operating in Ethiopia as per UN standard. #EUrespectEthiopianSovereignty #CondemnTerroristTPLF @EncompassEurope @euobs @Parlimag @EUinEthiopia @FilippoGrandi @EU_Commission Share on X
We condemn some Humanitarian organizations and UN agencies operating in Ethiopia like OCHA who are “adding fuel on the already burning fire” They abuse their rights and always releases unfounded reports #EUrespectEthiopianSovereignty #CondemnTerroristTPLF @EncompassEurope @euobs Share on X
We condemn international media paid by the terrorist tplf to ‘misinform’, ‘disinform’ and ‘not to inform’ the global community about the realities in Ethiopia and Tigray. #EUrespectEthiopianSovereignty #CondemnTerroristTPLF @Parlimag @EUinEthiopia @FilippoGrandi @EU_Commission Share on X
Stop supplying ammunition and communication facilities to the terrorist group in the name of food aid and humanitarian assistance. We condemn some Humanitarian organizations and UN agencies who are strengthening the terrorist group #EUrespectEthiopianSovereignty… Share on X
Stop feeding terrorist TPLF militias in the name of refugees #EUrespectEthiopianSovereignty #CondemnTerroristTPLF @coe @JosepBorrellF @eu_eeas @EP_President @EUtoAU @CharlesMichel @POLITICOEurope @EURACTIV @New_Europe @euronews @EncompassEurope @euobs @Parlimag @EUinEthiopia Share on X
We condemn the act of WFP for transporting TPLF militias to Wolkait with vehicles who originally entered Tigray loaded with food sack of wheat in the name of fake famine. #EUrespectEthiopianSovereignty #CondemnTerroristTPLF @FilippoGrandi @EU_Commission @eucopresident @coe Share on X
Name terrorism by its name. Terrorism is terrorism. It has same meaning for both US and Ethiopia, and the rest of the world. Stop supporting and strengthening terrorists and terrorism. Name tplf by its name: TPLF is terrorist #EUrespectEthiopianSovereignty #CondemnTerroristTPLF Share on X