Ethiopian Truth Media

The Enemy Of Truth Is Blind Acceptance.

Dear EU Stop Interfering on Ethiopian Issues & Supporting Terrorist TPLF Using WFP as a Tool.

We condemn the act of WFP for transporting TPLF militias to Wolkait with vehicles who originally entered Tigray loaded with food sack of wheat in the name of fake famine. #EUrespectEthiopianSovereignty #CondemnTerroristTPLF @EUinEthiopia @FilippoGrandi @EU_Commission Share on X Identity and border issues in Ethiopia are the very minor internal issues that can easily be handled by the House of federation. #EUrespectEthiopianSovereignty #CondemnTerroristTPLF @WFP @WFPChief @WFP_Ethiopia @USAID @Pontifex @antonioguterres @EUCouncil @SecBlinken Share on X Eritrean soldiers are in their territories, TPLF has been the cause and obstacle for the delay of boundary demarcation between Ethiopia and Eritrea disputed border lines #EUrespectEthiopianSovereignty #CondemnTerroristTPLF @UNHumanRights @UNGeneva @SecBlinken @HouseDemocrats Share on X Still we demand justice for Ethiopian Defense force who have been betrayed and slaughtered in the middle of the night in their own camps; attacking 80% of Ethiopian military power at the northern base by the terrorist group is the cause #EUrespectEthiopianSovereignty @Parlimag Share on X Recognize the right of Eritrea to protect its sovereignty from any attack coming from the terrorist group #EUrespectEthiopianSovereignty #CondemnTerroristTPLF @eucopresident @coe @JosepBorrellF @eu_eeas @EP_President @EUtoAU @CharlesMichel @POLITICOEurope @EURACTIV @New_Europe Share on X Stop abusing the unilateral humanitarian ceasefire declared by Ethiopian government  #EUrespectEthiopianSovereignty #CondemnTerroristTPLF @euronews @EncompassEurope @euobs @Parlimag @EUinEthiopia @FilippoGrandi @EU_Commission @WFP @WFPChief @WFP_Ethiopia @USAID @Pontifex Share on X Justice to Tigray farmers; unilateral/ humanitarian ceasefire is Primarily for them #EUrespectEthiopianSovereignty #CondemnTerroristTPLF @antonioguterres @EUCouncil @SecBlinken @UNHumanRights @UNGeneva @SecBlinken @HouseDemocrats @eucopresident @coe @JosepBorrellF @eu_eeas Share on X Don’t abuse the unilateral humanitarian ceasefire to strengthen the terrorist TPLF and allowing it to ignite more conflicts #EUrespectEthiopianSovereignty #CondemnTerroristTPLF @EP_President @EUtoAU @CharlesMichel @POLITICOEurope @EURACTIV @New_Europe @euronews Share on X We appreciate some Humanitarian organizations and UN agencies operating in Ethiopia as per UN standard. #EUrespectEthiopianSovereignty #CondemnTerroristTPLF @EncompassEurope @euobs @Parlimag @EUinEthiopia @FilippoGrandi @EU_Commission Share on X We condemn some Humanitarian organizations and UN agencies operating in Ethiopia like OCHA who are “adding fuel on the already burning fire” They abuse their rights and always releases unfounded reports #EUrespectEthiopianSovereignty #CondemnTerroristTPLF @EncompassEurope @euobs Share on X We condemn international media paid by the terrorist tplf to ‘misinform’, ‘disinform’ and ‘not to inform’ the global community about the realities in Ethiopia and Tigray. #EUrespectEthiopianSovereignty #CondemnTerroristTPLF @Parlimag @EUinEthiopia @FilippoGrandi @EU_Commission Share on X Stop supplying ammunition and communication facilities to the terrorist group in the name of food aid and humanitarian assistance. We condemn some Humanitarian organizations and UN agencies who are strengthening the terrorist group  #EUrespectEthiopianSovereignty… Share on X Stop feeding terrorist TPLF militias in the name of refugees #EUrespectEthiopianSovereignty #CondemnTerroristTPLF @coe @JosepBorrellF @eu_eeas @EP_President @EUtoAU @CharlesMichel @POLITICOEurope @EURACTIV @New_Europe @euronews @EncompassEurope @euobs @Parlimag @EUinEthiopia Share on X We condemn the act of WFP for transporting TPLF militias to Wolkait with vehicles who originally entered Tigray loaded with food sack of wheat in the name of fake famine. #EUrespectEthiopianSovereignty #CondemnTerroristTPLF @FilippoGrandi @EU_Commission @eucopresident @coe Share on X Name terrorism by its name. Terrorism is terrorism. It has same meaning for both US and Ethiopia, and the rest of the world. Stop supporting and strengthening terrorists and terrorism. Name tplf by its name: TPLF is terrorist #EUrespectEthiopianSovereignty #CondemnTerroristTPLF Share on X

Stop Supporting Terrorist TPLF Using WFP as a Tool.

#Ethiopian   gov't has been through a lot but prevailed through it all & why on earth #WFP instead of helping out becomes the nation's headache by supporting by money laundering for #terrorist_remnants! #EUrespectEthiopianSovereignty #CondemnTerroristTPLF @WFP… Share on X It is a total shame that an international organization like #WFP is deeply concerned about smuggling weapon to #terrorist than reaching out to people in need! #EUrespectEthiopianSovereignty #CondemnTerroristTPLF @WFP_Ethiopia @USAID @Pontifex @antonioguterres @EUCouncil Share on X #WFP is trying level best to try to smuggle weapon to #terrorists remnants then they will later whine to the international community about being checked by gov't forces -  shame on you @WFP #EUrespectEthiopianSovereignty #CondemnTerroristTPLF @SecBlinken @UNHumanRights… Share on X #WFP's mandate has to be about reaching out to the people in need with food rather than reaching out to #TPLF_terrorist_remnants with smuggled weapons or unethical communication gadgets to #terrorists! #EUrespectEthiopianSovereignty #CondemnTerroristTPLF @SecBlinken Share on X #WFP trying to deliver aid to #Tigray as a cover which in the same vehicle they intend to use the convoys to transport illegal weapon to western #Tigray; which is against #WFP’s sole mandate #EUrespectEthiopianSovereignty #CondemnTerroristTPLF @HouseDemocrats @eucopresident @coe Share on X #WFP is thinking of opening the #Sudanese corridor by that using this opportunity as an excuse they are planning to transport smuggle  weapon  which is against international law!! Hands off #WFP!! Just hands off my country! #EUrespectEthiopianSovereignty… Share on X @EU’s expose hidden agenda is; they primarily wanted to get help for #TPLF puppets from the #Sudanese army with their #humanitarian corridor excuse that they wanted to open a corridor from #Sudan which is unacceptable! #EUrespectEthiopianSovereignty #CondemnTerroristTPLF @euobs Share on X #EU was blinded by their white supremacy interest for the past 27 years where #TPLF killed a number of people in #Ethiopia  but now when there finally is a democratic administration in #Ethiopia #EU wanted to interfere  but why would you!!?… Share on X Where were you @EU the past over two decades when #TPLF robbed from the entire #Ethiopian s but  now @EU wanted to interfere trying to be voices for the same loser  #TPLF who robbed us stay away from my country! #EUrespectEthiopianSovereignty #CondemnTerroristTPLF… Share on X @EU we don’t need your sugar-coated #humanitarian as a cover but we know that you only wanted to smuggle weapon & illegal communication gadgets stay away fake people; leave my country alone! #EUrespectEthiopianSovereignty #CondemnTerroristTPLF @eu_eeas @EP_President @EUtoAU Share on X Respect #Ethiopian constitution, unless you wanna make another Ethiopia on the outskirt of #Mekelle. #EUrespectEthiopianSovereignty #CondemnTerroristTPLF @CharlesMichel @POLITICOEurope @EURACTIV @New_Europe @euronews @EncompassEurope @euobs @Parlimag @EUinEthiopia @FilippoGrandi Share on X Issues between Amhara and western #Tigray; is issue of Ethiopia in general, the border will be set by people's choices not with #TPLF bullets. #EUrespectEthiopianSovereignty #CondemnTerroristTPLF @EU_Commission @UNHCREthiopia @WFP @WFPChief @WFP_Ethiopia @USAID @Pontifex Share on X Wolkaite and other border/administrative issues in Ethiopia, needs #Ethiopian solution based on constitution, not #EU council's declarations. #EUrespectEthiopianSovereignty #CondemnTerroristTPLF @antonioguterres @EUCouncil @SecBlinken @UNHumanRights @UNGeneva @SecBlinken Share on X The conflicts based on Identity and border issues in Ethiopia was created by #TPLF in the first place, as apartheid and apart hate to dismantle Ethiopia. #EUrespectEthiopianSovereignty #CondemnTerroristTPLF @HouseDemocrats @eucopresident @coe @JosepBorrellF @eu_eeas @EP_President Share on X #TPLF is and has always been the cause and obstacle on the border conflict for the between Ethiopia and Eritrea disputed border lines, they never accepted the aljers agreement as well. #EUrespectEthiopianSovereignty #CondemnTerroristTPLF @EUtoAU @CharlesMichel @POLITICOEurope Share on X No country will stay silent when it's national defense force is attacked, How hard is that to understand for Europe and America? #TPLF is nothing but terrorist group. #EUrespectEthiopianSovereignty #CondemnTerroristTPLF @EURACTIV @New_Europe @euronews @EncompassEurope @euobs Share on X #Ethiopian  gov't ceasefire is being abused by #TPLF and their foreigners ally to strengthen #TPLF again. #EUrespectEthiopianSovereignty #CondemnTerroristTPLF @Parlimag @EUinEthiopia @FilippoGrandi @EU_Commission @UNHCREthiopia @WFP @WFPChief @WFP_Ethiopia @USAID @Pontifex Share on X We condemn some humanitarian groups that are corrupted enough to supply fuel and firearm to #TPLF by the name of #Tigray people. #EUrespectEthiopianSovereignty #CondemnTerroristTPLF @antonioguterres @EUCouncil @SecBlinken @UNHumanRights @UNGeneva @SecBlinken @HouseDemocrats Share on X

Stop Supporting Terrorist TPLF Using WFP as a Tool.

We know from experiences the Pros and Cons of Humanitarian Intervention, supporting #TPLF is like supporting Al-qaeeda. UN agents must know what they are doing to Ethiopia.  #EUrespectEthiopianSovereignty #CondemnTerroristTPLF @eucopresident @coe @JosepBorrellF @eu_eeas Share on X Ethiopia can use armed force to protect its sovereignty from foreign tyranny, but with the name Humanitarian aid how can it be? We condemn the act of #WFP for transporting #TPLF militias to Wolkait and supplying fuel for #TPLF #EUrespectEthiopianSovereignty #CondemnTerroristTPLF Share on X A single attack on American citizens will be declared as act of Terror, but the attack on #Ethiopian  national defense force in northern base by #TPLF was okay for America to call it Conflict, call terrorism by it's name. #EUrespectEthiopianSovereignty #CondemnTerroristTPLF Share on X UN did not say anything about the Northern attack on #Ethiopian defense army, but worried of #TPLF not accepting ceasefire, which is more like a joke to #Ethiopian people. #EUrespectEthiopianSovereignty #CondemnTerroristTPLF @EP_President @EUtoAU @CharlesMichel @POLITICOEurope Share on X #Ethiopian gov’t declared ceasefire for the needy people of #Tigray, specifically #Tigray farmers. #TPLF caused hunger in #Tigray before and it is creating it now purposely. #EUrespectEthiopianSovereignty #CondemnTerroristTPLF @EURACTIV @New_Europe @euronews @EncompassEurope Share on X #TPLF originally created to dismantle Ethiopia and refrundem #Tigray region from Ethiopia, they can do that with normal vote, but they know people of #Tigray won't accept that, so they abuse the people to force them on that. #EUrespectEthiopianSovereignty #CondemnTerroristTPLF Share on X We condemn those who are feeding the #TPLF Terrorist group by the name of refugees and dictate Ethiopia's soveregnity by the name of Humanitarian. #EUrespectEthiopianSovereignty #CondemnTerroristTPLF @euobs @Parlimag @EUinEthiopia @FilippoGrandi @EU_Commission @UNHCREthiopia Share on X Why is the #WFP refusing to be checked? There is no aid obstruction but we shouldn't let them transport weapons to #TPLF/Tdf who are preaching war and massacre to the Amhara people #EUrespectEthiopianSovereignty #CondemnTerroristTPLF @WFP @WFPChief @WFP_Ethiopia @USAID @Pontifex Share on X Why #UNHCR is feeding and sheltering #TPLF fighter in #Sudan who are getting ready to attack Ethiopia from #Sudan? #EUrespectEthiopianSovereignty #CondemnTerroristTPLF @antonioguterres @EUCouncil @SecBlinken @UNHumanRights @UNGeneva @SecBlinken @HouseDemocrats @eucopresident Share on X All these humanitarian crises happened in #Tigray because of #TPLF attack on #Ethiopian  military and they are claiming #Ethiopian  gov't with their usual false allegations #EUrespectEthiopianSovereignty #CondemnTerroristTPLF @coe @JosepBorrellF @eu_eeas @EP_President… Share on X Truthfully, #EU and its affiliates, are very bias against Ethiopia. #EUrespectEthiopianSovereignty #CondemnTerroristTPLF @CharlesMichel @POLITICOEurope @EURACTIV @New_Europe @euronews @EncompassEurope @euobs @Parlimag @EUinEthiopia @FilippoGrandi @EU_Commission @UNHCREthiopia Share on X Humanitarian aid organizations are weapons of destruction, stop aiding #TPLF terrorist group. #EUrespectEthiopianSovereignty #CondemnTerroristTPLF @WFP @WFPChief @WFP_Ethiopia @USAID @Pontifex @antonioguterres @EUCouncil @SecBlinken @UNHumanRights @UNGeneva @SecBlinken Share on X Hypocrisy at large! Since when is the #EU supporting terrorist groups  #EUrespectEthiopianSovereignty #CondemnTerroristTPLF @HouseDemocrats @eucopresident @coe @JosepBorrellF @eu_eeas @EP_President @EUtoAU @CharlesMichel @POLITICOEurope @EURACTIV @New_Europe @euronews Share on X We call on the #EU and all International Community to unbiased treat the situations in Ethiopia and positively contribute towards the long-term solution. #EUrespectEthiopianSovereignty #CondemnTerroristTPLF @EncompassEurope @euobs @Parlimag @EUinEthiopia @FilippoGrandi Share on X Your mission members are in doubt to be trusted by #Ethiopian s, better to answer for the public. There is a chance to be considered #WFP as a war trader. #EUrespectEthiopianSovereignty #CondemnTerroristTPLF @EU_Commission @UNHCREthiopia @WFP @WFPChief @WFP_Ethiopia @USAID Share on X We know #WFP distributing satellite phones to terrorists. #EUrespectEthiopianSovereignty #CondemnTerroristTPLF @Pontifex @antonioguterres @EUCouncil @SecBlinken @UNHumanRights @UNGeneva @SecBlinken @HouseDemocrats @eucopresident @coe @JosepBorrellF @eu_eeas @EP_President Share on X It is shame to see #WFP Ethiopia act as a political organization rather than humanitarian. We #Ethiopian  people reject your meddling into internal politics. #EUrespectEthiopianSovereignty #CondemnTerroristTPLF @EUtoAU @CharlesMichel @POLITICOEurope @EURACTIV @New_Europe Share on X Ethiopia is a sovereign country; you need to respect the rules. Otherwise, we urge to #Ethiopian  gov’t to deport all #WFP staff. #EUrespectEthiopianSovereignty #CondemnTerroristTPLF @euronews @EncompassEurope @euobs @Parlimag @EUinEthiopia @FilippoGrandi @EU_Commission Share on X #WFP and #EU stop arming #TPLF terrorist group and disinformation campaign to cover #TPLF crimes! #EUrespectEthiopianSovereignty #CondemnTerroristTPLF @UNHCREthiopia @WFP @WFPChief @WFP_Ethiopia @USAID @Pontifex @antonioguterres @EUCouncil @SecBlinken @UNHumanRights @UNGeneva Share on X

Stop Supporting Terrorist TPLF Using WFP as a Tool.

#The #European Union (#EU) must immediately stop using the World #Food Program to create problems in #Ethiopia's #Tigray region. We #Ethiopians do not benefit from such an approach. We do not accept it #EUrespectEthiopianSovereignty #CondemnTerroristTPLF @WFP @WFPChief @EUCouncil Share on X #The World #Food Program (#WFP) is allowed to provide humanitarian assistance to the #Tigray region, it has been found that it is violating #Ethiopian sovereignty and is indirectly providing arms and other materials to the terrorist #TPLF. #EUrespectEthiopianSovereignty @UNGeneva Share on X #It is known that #TPLF authoritarian leaders and the World #Food Program have worked together for the past 27 years. The attempt to exert pressure on current #Ethiopia using their unbroken marriage of fraud is unacceptable. #EUrespectEthiopianSovereignty #CondemnTerroristTPLF Share on X #EU is interfering in #Ethiopian internal affair via  #WFP. #EU shall respect #Ethiopia's sovereignty. #EUrespectEthiopianSovereignty #CondemnTerroristTPLF @WFP_Ethiopia @USAID @Pontifex @antonioguterres @EUCouncil @SecBlinken @UNHumanRights @UNGeneva @SecBlinken… Share on X ##WFP is violating #Ethiopia’s sovereignty under the cover of aid to #Tigray; #WFP please refrain from your unlawful and immoral act. #EUrespectEthiopianSovereignty #CondemnTerroristTPLF @eucopresident @coe @JosepBorrellF @eu_eeas @EP_President @EUtoAU @CharlesMichel Share on X ##WFP under the guise of aid assisting the terrorist organization #TPLF, this act of #WFP may destabilize #Ethiopia more and the region. #EUrespectEthiopianSovereignty #CondemnTerroristTPLF @POLITICOEurope @EURACTIV @New_Europe @euronews @EncompassEurope @euobs @Parlimag Share on X #It is true the #Tigray people has to get humanitarian aid, but #WFP under the guise of humanitarian aid transporting arms and other war facilities to #TPLF ; the world shall know this is a shameful act of #WFP. #EUrespectEthiopianSovereignty #CondemnTerroristTPLF @EUinEthiopia Share on X ##WFP respect #Ethiopia's sovereignty and its peoples dignity. #EUrespectEthiopianSovereignty #CondemnTerroristTPLF @FilippoGrandi @EU_Commission @UNHCREthiopia @WFP @WFPChief @WFP_Ethiopia @USAID @Pontifex @antonioguterres @EUCouncil @SecBlinken @UNHumanRights @UNGeneva Share on X #There are concrete evidences confirming #WFP is working with the terrorist #TPLF, such  act of #WFP violation of #Ethiopia' s sovereignty is unlawful, the world shall pressure #WFP to refrain from its act. #EUrespectEthiopianSovereignty #CondemnTerroristTPLF @SecBlinken Share on X #EU is working against #Ethiopia's sovereignty using #WFP as a tool; #EU shall refrain  from its act doing knowingly or unknowingly. #EUrespectEthiopianSovereignty #CondemnTerroristTPLF @HouseDemocrats @eucopresident @coe @JosepBorrellF @eu_eeas @EP_President @EUtoAU Share on X ##Tigray's matter is internal #Ethiopia's. #EU please stop interfering in #Ethiopian affairs using #WFP as window dressing #EUrespectEthiopianSovereignty #CondemnTerroristTPLF @CharlesMichel @POLITICOEurope @EURACTIV @New_Europe @euronews @EncompassEurope @euobs @Parlimag Share on X #EU stretching its hands into #Ethiopia in the name of humanitarian aid through #WFP to instigate more conflict in the region #EUrespectEthiopianSovereignty #CondemnTerroristTPLF @EUinEthiopia @FilippoGrandi @EU_Commission @UNHCREthiopia @WFP @WFPChief @WFP_Ethiopia @USAID Share on X #EU please stop your Empire building project over #Ethiopia serving #WFP as as weapon. #EUrespectEthiopianSovereignty #CondemnTerroristTPLF @Pontifex @antonioguterres @EUCouncil @SecBlinken @UNHumanRights @UNGeneva @SecBlinken @HouseDemocrats @eucopresident @coe @JosepBorrellF Share on X #Ethiopia's gov't dealing with #Tigray's problem; but on the contrary #EU is escalating it through #WFP #EUrespectEthiopianSovereignty #CondemnTerroristTPLF @eu_eeas @EP_President @EUtoAU @CharlesMichel @POLITICOEurope @EURACTIV @New_Europe @euronews @EncompassEurope @euobs Share on X #EU is supporting #TPLF  through #WFP designated as terrorist by EHPR. Please stop violating #Ethiopia's sovereignty. #EUrespectEthiopianSovereignty #CondemnTerroristTPLF @Parlimag @EUinEthiopia @FilippoGrandi @EU_Commission @UNHCREthiopia @WFP @WFPChief @WFP_Ethiopia @USAID Share on X #Tigray's matter is internal matters of #Ethiopia. #EU please stop interfering in #Ethiopian affairs using #WFP as window dressing #EUrespectEthiopianSovereignty #CondemnTerroristTPLF @Pontifex @antonioguterres @EUCouncil @SecBlinken @UNHumanRights @UNGeneva @SecBlinken Share on X #EU stretching its hands into #Ethiopia in the name of humanitarian aid through #WFP to instigate more conflict in the region #EUrespectEthiopianSovereignty #CondemnTerroristTPLF @HouseDemocrats @eucopresident @coe @JosepBorrellF @eu_eeas @EP_President @EUtoAU @CharlesMichel Share on X #EU please stop your Empire building project over #Ethiopia serving #WFP as weapon. #EUrespectEthiopianSovereignty #CondemnTerroristTPLF  @POLITICOEurope @EURACTIV @New_Europe @euronews @EncompassEurope @euobs @Parlimag @EUinEthiopia @FilippoGrandi @EU_Commission… Share on X #Ethiopia's gov't dealing with #Tigray's problem; but on the contrary #EU is escalating it through #WFP #EUrespectEthiopianSovereignty #CondemnTerroristTPLF @WFP @WFPChief @WFP_Ethiopia @USAID @Pontifex @antonioguterres @EUCouncil @SecBlinken @UNHumanRights @UNGeneva @SecBlinken Share on X #EU is supporting #TPLF  through #WFP designated as terrorist by EHPR. Please stop violating #Ethiopia's sovereignty. #EUrespectEthiopianSovereignty #CondemnTerroristTPLF @HouseDemocrats @eucopresident @coe @JosepBorrellF @eu_eeas @EP_President @EUtoAU @CharlesMichel… Share on X #At a time #Ethiopia has made important development gains over reducing poverty and expanding investments in basic social services, #EU had to stand with #Ethiopians government rather than the #TDF. #EUrespectEthiopianSovereignty #CondemnTerroristTPLF @POLITICOEurope @New_Europe Share on X #Its a great shame for #EU to use  #Food insecurity and undernutrition as a weapon to stand against #Ethiopian sovereignty. #EUrespectEthiopianSovereignty #CondemnTerroristTPLF @euronews @EncompassEurope @euobs @Parlimag @EUinEthiopia @FilippoGrandi @EU_Commission… Share on X ##Ethiopia is a home to the second largest refugee population on the continent, hosting over 750,000 registered refugees from Eritrea, Somalia, South Sudan and Sudan. That is why we absolutely condemn the use of #Food politics by #EU to backup #TDF. #EUrespectEthiopianSovereignty Share on X #Eventhough #WFP provides unconditional #Food and cash transfers to the most vulnerable families, some members of #WFP are using #Food politics to threaten #Ethiopian sovereignty. #EUrespectEthiopianSovereignty #CondemnTerroristTPLF @WFP @WFPChief @WFP_Ethiopia @USAID @Pontifex Share on X ##EU and #WFP must stop to weaponize the contingency stocks of #Food that are prepositioned in case of conflict or climate-related shocks by #EU members to threaten #Ethiopian sovereignty #EUrespectEthiopianSovereignty #CondemnTerroristTPLF @antonioguterres @EUCouncil @SecBlinken Share on X #Its appreciable the will of #WFP to supply #Food in the #Tigray region while the Government and its partners cover the remaining needs across the country. But, it’s advisable that #WFP workers never use it to backup #TDF. #EUrespectEthiopianSovereignty #CondemnTerroristTPLF Share on X #Even though The #WFP uses service that provides air transport for humanitarian partners and cargo to some destinations where transport infrastructure does not exist, it must be through the rules and regulations of #Ethiopian Aviation. #EUrespectEthiopianSovereignty @UNGeneva Share on X

Stop Supporting Terrorist TPLF Using WFP as a Tool.

##WFP supports a National Disaster Risk Management agency; in its implementation of an end-to-end #Food tracking system. Thus, this true standard and procedure must be obeyed and not to be used in escalating the role of #WFP in #Ethiopia. #EUrespectEthiopianSovereignty @euronews Share on X #The #TPLF is misleading the #EU through the #world#Foodprogram  #EUrespectEthiopianSovereignty #CondemnTerroristTPLF @UNHumanRights @SecBlinken @HouseDemocrats @eucopresident @coe @JosepBorrellF @eu_eeas @EP_President @EUtoAU @CharlesMichel @POLITICOEurope @EURACTIV… Share on X ##world_#Food_program is trying to provide various tools and support to revive the #TPLF #EUrespectEthiopianSovereignty #CondemnTerroristTPLF @euronews @EncompassEurope @euobs @Parlimag @EUinEthiopia @FilippoGrandi @EU_Commission @UNHCREthiopia @WFP @WFPChief @WFP_Ethiopia @USAID Share on X ##World#Foodprogram is helping the terrorist #TPLF  last days to elongate.  #EUrespectEthiopianSovereignty #CondemnTerroristTPLF @Pontifex @antonioguterres @EUCouncil @SecBlinken @UNHumanRights @UNGeneva @SecBlinken @HouseDemocrats @eucopresident @coe @JosepBorrellF… Share on X #The #world#Foodprogram, which is transmitting #false_information from the #TPLF to the #EUropean_Union, is facilitating the situation for the #TPLF  #EUrespectEthiopianSovereignty #CondemnTerroristTPLF @EP_President @EUtoAU @CharlesMichel @POLITICOEurope @EURACTIV… Share on X ##world#Foodprogram The information it transmits to the #EU is #false#EUrespectEthiopianSovereignty #CondemnTerroristTPLF @euronews @EncompassEurope @euobs @Parlimag @EUinEthiopia @FilippoGrandi @EU_Commission @UNHCREthiopia @WFP @WFPChief @WFP_Ethiopia @USAID @Pontifex Share on X #We #Ethiopians know about our country and defend it by using our unity as we did during Adwa battle #EUrespectEthiopianSovereignty #CondemnTerroristTPLF @antonioguterres @EUCouncil @SecBlinken @UNHumanRights @UNGeneva @SecBlinken @HouseDemocrats @eucopresident @coe… Share on X ##EUrope was silent when we were brutally enslaved by the air headed #TPLF for the last 27+ years! Now, they are here siding with the east African mafias again. #EUrespectEthiopianSovereignty #CondemnTerroristTPLF @eu_eeas @EP_President @EUtoAU @CharlesMichel @POLITICOEurope Share on X ##EUropean Union and other foreigners dealt with #TPLF over freeing them and share their money in foreign banks! #EUrespectEthiopianSovereignty #CondemnTerroristTPLF @EURACTIV @New_Europe @euronews @EncompassEurope @euobs @Parlimag @EUinEthiopia @FilippoGrandi @EU_Commission Share on X ##EUropeans are keen to divide us and steal our natural resources.  #EUrespectEthiopianSovereignty #CondemnTerroristTPLF @UNHCREthiopia @WFP @WFPChief @WFP_Ethiopia @USAID @Pontifex @antonioguterres @EUCouncil @SecBlinken @UNHumanRights @UNGeneva @SecBlinken @HouseDemocrats Share on X #I don't know why that much #EU and #WFP worry about #Tigray. Is it as they call for humanitarian assistant or for their own political issues? We know what they want. For the people of #Tigray  they did not bring nothing. #EUrespectEthiopianSovereignty #CondemnTerroristTPLF… Share on X #If you are really concerned about the lives of innocent #Tigrayans, you should criticize and Condemn #TPLF  not #Ethiopian government. #EUrespectEthiopianSovereignty #CondemnTerroristTPLF @eucopresident @JosepBorrellF @eu_eeas @EP_President @EUtoAU @CharlesMichel Share on X #Do not criticize Ethiopian gov’t; #TPLF  killed So many innocents by wearing #Ethiopian,Amharan and Eritrean military uniform and sent  its video as they are killed by these militants. #EUrespectEthiopianSovereignty #CondemnTerroristTPLF @POLITICOEurope @EURACTIV… Share on X ##EU wants to restore #TPLF . But, #TPLF  is dead #EUrespectEthiopianSovereignty #CondemnTerroristTPLF @euronews @EncompassEurope @euobs @Parlimag @EUinEthiopia @FilippoGrandi @EU_Commission @UNHCREthiopia @WFP @WFPChief @WFP_Ethiopia @USAID @Pontifex @antonioguterres… Share on X #It is known that you westerns are conspiring to demolish #Ethiopia as you did in #Libya ,#Yemen ,#Afghanistan ,#Iraq ,#Syria , using a pretext famine and so called human right. #EUrespectEthiopianSovereignty #CondemnTerroristTPLF @SecBlinken @UNHumanRights @UNGeneva @SecBlinken Share on X #At the same time the terrorist group #TPLF is on massacring innocent #Muslim community in #Tigray region at a place called Mehone. But #EU is talking blindly only on the side of murderers (#TPLF) #EUrespectEthiopianSovereignty #CondemnTerroristTPLF @HouseDemocrats @eucopresident Share on X ##EU We knew you, from the beginning you are the partner of #TPLF ,  now your partner is a terrorist group in #Ethiopia. #EUrespectEthiopianSovereignty #CondemnTerroristTPLF @coe @JosepBorrellF @eu_eeas @EP_President @EUtoAU @CharlesMichel @POLITICOEurope @EURACTIV… Share on X #We have the power to solve our problems independently, without needing #EU’s interference. So, leave the problems of #Ethiopia for #Ethiopians! #EUrespectEthiopianSovereignty #CondemnTerroristTPLF @euronews @EncompassEurope @euobs @Parlimag @EUinEthiopia @FilippoGrandi Share on X #The only cause for such disaster is #TPLF. The current government is doing for #Tigray people. But, the #TPLF old leaders wanted to overthrow the regime and retake power illegally. #EUrespectEthiopianSovereignty #CondemnTerroristTPLF @UNHCREthiopia @EU_Commission Share on X #The western show us that they are enemy for #Ethiopia and  work for the destruction of #Ethiopia with #TPLF. #EUrespectEthiopianSovereignty #CondemnTerroristTPLF @WFP @WFPChief @WFP_Ethiopia @USAID @Pontifex @antonioguterres @EUCouncil @SecBlinken @UNHumanRights @UNGeneva Share on X ##EU stop interfering in #Ethiopian internal affair and sovereignty using #WFP as a tool. #EUrespectEthiopianSovereignty #CondemnTerroristTPLF @SecBlinken @HouseDemocrats @eucopresident @coe @JosepBorrellF @eu_eeas @EP_President @EUtoAU @CharlesMichel @POLITICOEurope Share on X ##WFP stop violating #Ethiopia’s sovereignty respect law of the land #EUrespectEthiopianSovereignty #CondemnTerroristTPLF @EURACTIV @New_Europe @euronews @EncompassEurope @euobs @Parlimag @EUinEthiopia @FilippoGrandi @EU_Commission @UNHCREthiopia @WFP @WFPChief @WFP_Ethiopia Share on X ##WFP is fighting to get the #TPLF  out of the hole #EUrespectEthiopianSovereignty #CondemnTerroristTPLF @USAID @Pontifex @antonioguterres @EUCouncil @SecBlinken @UNHumanRights @UNGeneva @SecBlinken @HouseDemocrats @eucopresident @coe @JosepBorrellF @eu_eeas @EP_President Share on X ##WFP is trying to arm the #TPLF  by importing weapons and ammunition while claiming it is #Food #EUrespectEthiopianSovereignty #CondemnTerroristTPLF @EUtoAU @CharlesMichel @POLITICOEurope @EURACTIV @New_Europe @euronews @EncompassEurope @euobs @Parlimag @EUinEthiopia Share on X ##WFP is the name, not the function He is also a supporter of the #TPLF 's supply chain and communications equipment #EUrespectEthiopianSovereignty #CondemnTerroristTPLF @FilippoGrandi @EU_Commission @UNHCREthiopia @WFP @WFPChief @WFP_Ethiopia @USAID @Pontifex @antonioguterres Share on X #Do not doubt that foreign powers that claim to help the people of #Tigray will do anything for the benefit of the people other than the weapons of mass destruction. #EUrespectEthiopianSovereignty #CondemnTerroristTPLF @EUCouncil @SecBlinken @UNHumanRights @UNGeneva @SecBlinken Share on X # The #WFP must stop transmitting false information for #EU. Both parties must respect the constitution of #Ethiopia #EUrespectEthiopianSovereignty #CondemnTerroristTPLF @HouseDemocrats @eucopresident @coe @JosepBorrellF @eu_eeas @EP_President @EUtoAU @CharlesMichel Share on X ##Ethiopia is a sovereign country in which the citizens has been decided for themselves. which assures that Outside intrusion that is done by foreign countries are totally unacceptable.  #EUrespectEthiopianSovereignty #CondemnTerroristTPLF @POLITICOEurope @EURACTIV… Share on X #The #WFP should not reflect the idea of #TPLF . Which is a terrorist organization.  #EUrespectEthiopianSovereignty #CondemnTerroristTPLF @euronews @EncompassEurope @euobs @Parlimag @EUinEthiopia @FilippoGrandi @EU_Commission @UNHCREthiopia @WFP @WFPChief @WFP_Ethiopia… Share on X #The world must be aware that #Ethiopia doesn’t need the interference of other country and organization on the decision on inside aspects of our country.  #EUrespectEthiopianSovereignty #CondemnTerroristTPLF @Pontifex @antonioguterres @EUCouncil @SecBlinken @UNHumanRights Share on X #Since #Ethiopia has been sovereign country the #EUropean_Union should not collect mis leading information from #WFP in order to make #Ethiopia hated on the eyes of the world. #EUrespectEthiopianSovereignty #CondemnTerroristTPLF @UNGeneva @SecBlinken @HouseDemocrats… Share on X ##EUropean_Nation should not interfere on the aspect of #Ethiopia. #EUrespectEthiopianSovereignty #CondemnTerroristTPLF @coe @JosepBorrellF @eu_eeas @EP_President @EUtoAU @CharlesMichel @POLITICOEurope @EURACTIV @New_Europe @euronews @EncompassEurope @euobs @Parlimag Share on X #World_#Food_Program /#WFP/ have contact with #TPLF . The sovereignty of #Ethiopia must be respected. #EUrespectEthiopianSovereignty #CondemnTerroristTPLF @EUinEthiopia @FilippoGrandi @EU_Commission @UNHCREthiopia @WFP @WFPChief @WFP_Ethiopia @USAID @Pontifex @antonioguterres Share on X

Stop Supporting Terrorist TPLF Using WFP as a Tool.

#TPLF is terrorist group, #EU  support terrorist, not support citizens. The federal government has the primary duty to protect its citizens from this terrorist group. #EUrespectEthiopianSovereignty #CondemnTerroristTPLF @WFP @WFPChief @WFP_Ethiopia @USAID @Pontifex Share on X Amhara Regional State and any government sector cooperates with those who would deliver humanitarian assistance in #tigray region. It also reaffirmed that it would extend its support and has no interest to hinder. #EUrespectEthiopianSovereignty #CondemnTerroristTPLF @EUCouncil Share on X GERD is being built by the blood, sweat, and tears of #Ethiopians. RESPECT OUR SOVERENITY #EUrespectEthiopianSovereignty #CondemnTerroristTPLF @antonioguterres @SecBlinken @UNHumanRights @UNGeneva @SecBlinken @HouseDemocrats @eucopresident @coe @JosepBorrellF @eu_eeas Share on X The #EU should stand with the Amhara genocide victims in wolkait and uphold #EU  legal and human rights norms, not with #TPLF , the perpetration of all heinous crimes in #Ethiopia #EUrespectEthiopianSovereignty #CondemnTerroristTPLF @EP_President @EUtoAU @CharlesMichel Share on X #EU  should acknowledge #Ethiopia's role for peace and security in the region and respect its people. #Ethiopians said NO to #TPLF  long ago. Stop siding with #TPLF terrorist group. #EUrespectEthiopianSovereignty #CondemnTerroristTPLF @POLITICOEurope @EURACTIV… Share on X #EU and US are backing a terrorist group called #TPLF . This terrorist group has been committing genocidal crimes on #Ethiopia. #EUrespectEthiopianSovereignty #CondemnTerroristTPLF @euronews @EncompassEurope @euobs @Parlimag @EUinEthiopia @FilippoGrandi Share on X #Ethiopia is a sovereign and free country. We demand no foreign country's interference to solve our own issues. Leave #Ethiopian issue for #Ethiopian. #EUrespectEthiopianSovereignty #CondemnTerroristTPLF @EU_Commission @UNHCREthiopia @WFP @WFPChief @WFP_Ethiopia @USAID Share on X #Ethiopia neither breached a peace, nor committed an act of aggression against any sovereign nation. GERD is a DEVT project. #EUrespectEthiopianSovereignty #CondemnTerroristTPLF @Pontifex @antonioguterres @EUCouncil @SecBlinken @UNHumanRights @UNGeneva @SecBlinken Share on X This is not about famine or thirst this is about control. Egypt’s sees the Nile river as its own machine completely under it's control. #EUrespectEthiopianSovereignty #CondemnTerroristTPLF @HouseDemocrats @eucopresident @coe @JosepBorrellF @eu_eeas @EP_President @EUtoAU Share on X #Ethiopians from all over contributed to this dam to become reality for we strongly believed that it will help the nation to stand on own feet without the help of any foreign power!! #EUrespectEthiopianSovereignty #CondemnTerroristTPLF @CharlesMichel @POLITICOEurope @EURACTIV Share on X GERD isn't just an hydroelectric dam. It's a symbol of Flag of #Ethiopia renaissance & national pride. Let alone the Sudan & Egypt no force in the world w'd stop Flag of #Ethiopia from finishing this national project. #EUrespectEthiopianSovereignty #CondemnTerroristTPLF… Share on X For Arabian Countries And #EU  => First Pls. Solve Your Problem rather interfere in the affairs of #Ethiopia. We can Solve Our Problem. Let our problem for our self. #EUrespectEthiopianSovereignty #CondemnTerroristTPLF @New_Europe @euronews @EncompassEurope @euobs… Share on X #EU and US . They will never be happy seeing Africa prosper however Africa will prosper! #EUrespectEthiopianSovereignty #CondemnTerroristTPLF @FilippoGrandi @EU_Commission @UNHCREthiopia @WFP @WFPChief @WFP_Ethiopia @USAID @Pontifex @antonioguterres @EUCouncil @SecBlinken Share on X The Western world is working against Africans. They believe they know what's better for Africans. Africans we should unite to eliminate western neo colonialism tendencies. What a shame! #EUrespectEthiopianSovereignty #CondemnTerroristTPLF @UNHumanRights @UNGeneva @SecBlinken Share on X It is #Ethiopia's rights to sovereignty over natural resources, development and food security. #EUrespectEthiopianSovereignty #CondemnTerroristTPLF @HouseDemocrats @eucopresident @coe @JosepBorrellF @eu_eeas @EP_President @EUtoAU @CharlesMichel @POLITICOEurope @EURACTIV Share on X

Stop Supporting Terrorist TPLF Using WFP as a Tool.

#Egypt and #Sudan have tried to disrupt the Grand #Ethiopian Renaissance Dam in order to weaken #Ethiopia. However, they have not yet joined the Renaissance Dam agreement, are planning to attack #Ethiopia by supporting ##TPLF. #EUrespectEthiopianSovereignty #CondemnTerroristTPLF Share on X #Ethiopia is a sovereign state. Both the European Union and the #WFP should provide humanitarian assistance to #Tigray region in a manner that does not jeopardize #Ethiopia 's sovereignty. #EUrespectEthiopianSovereignty #CondemnTerroristTPLF @WFP @WFPChief @WFP_Ethiopia @USAID Share on X As part of the #Ethiopia n government’s ongoing effort to provide humanitarian support in #Tigray, a number of trucks loaded with #food and non-#food items have been dispatched to the region. #EUrespectEthiopianSovereignty #CondemnTerroristTPLF @Pontifex @antonioguterres Share on X The international community should push with a concerted effort for the realization of the humanitarian ceasefire and urge the other side #TPLF to abide by it. #EUrespectEthiopianSovereignty #CondemnTerroristTPLF @EUCouncil @SecBlinken @UNHumanRights @UNGeneva @SecBlinken Share on X There is unhindered humanitarian access for the people of #Tigray through #WFP and aid organizations. Strict inspection is a must as #TPLF terrorists have been noticed using telecom devices provided by #WFP. #EUrespectEthiopianSovereignty #CondemnTerroristTPLF @HouseDemocrats Share on X The #Ethiopia  government should monitor all #WFP staffs transported to #Tigray because they could carry weapons to strengthen #TPLF and weaken #Ethiopia. #EUrespectEthiopianSovereignty #CondemnTerroristTPLF @eucopresident @coe @JosepBorrellF @eu_eeas @EP_President @EUtoAU Share on X The Government of #Ethiopia  has recently called on the international humanitarian organizations to provide aid to people in #Tigray. And #Ethiopia n government provided humanitarian assistance and a flight to #Tigray region. #EUrespectEthiopianSovereignty… Share on X Rejecting the humanitarian ceasefire enacted in support of farmers to seize the planting season, the terrorist group #TPLF has destroyed Tekeze Bridge intentionally to limit assistance route into the region. The world should condemn terrorist #TPLF. #EUrespectEthiopianSovereignty Share on X More than a million starved displaced #Ethiopians are in different parts of #Ethiopia by direct and indirect attack of terrorist #TPLF and his supporters. #WFP stop and think over your biased act.  #EUrespectEthiopianSovereignty #CondemnTerroristTPLF @CharlesMichel Share on X What makes international organization and Media’s silent when #Sudan invaded #Ethiopian Land and displaces #Ethiopia n farmers? You never said anything; I hear you keep shouting about #Tigray as if #Tigray is independent from #Ethiopia. #EUrespectEthiopianSovereignty Share on X #WFP and Aid organizations, don’t forget there are people who are displaced and hungered in other part of #Ethiopia, support them like you do in #Tigray, they are the same people, and they are all #Ethiopia ns. #EUrespectEthiopianSovereignty #CondemnTerroristTPLF @POLITICOEurope Share on X The #Ethiopia n people will never accept #TPLF again, we have seen them for 27 years, don't waste your time. If you want to support #Ethiopia  as a whole, do that if not don't try to interfere with our internal affairs. #EUrespectEthiopianSovereignty #CondemnTerroristTPLF Share on X World #food program staff in #Tigray seen providing a satellite telephone to use for Getachew Reda, a leader of terrorist #TPLF. So how could we be sure that you are doing the objective of #WFP? #EUrespectEthiopianSovereignty #CondemnTerroristTPLF @EURACTIV @New_Europe @euronews Share on X

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