Terrorist TPLF is Starving Our People In Tigray. We Ethiopians Will Never Allow That.
3 min read
@SamanthaJPower should realize that war inevitably culminates in famine. And the TPLF Terrorists launched, sustained & extended the conflict. #TPLFisTheCause #TPLFisaTerroristGroup @tedcruz @RandPaul @JimInhofe @LeaderMcConnell @LindseyGrahamSC @marcorubio Click To Tweet
@SamanthaJPower turned Yemen into the world’s worst humanitarian crisis. And yet engaging her in another evil scheme to worsen the humanitarian crisis in Ethiopia. #TPLFisTheCause #TPLFisaTerroristGroup @tedcruz @RandPaul @JimInhofe @LeaderMcConnell @LindseyGrahamSC @marcorubio Click To Tweet
Old tricks of tyrants TPLF: collecting the corpse of its victims & claiming genocide. #TPLFisTheCause #TPLFisaTerroristGroup @UN_HRC @SCRtweets @antonioguterres @PowerUSAID @tedcruz @RandPaul @JimInhofe @LeaderMcConnell @LindseyGrahamSC @marcorubio Click To Tweet
Access to the Tigray region is allowed through Amhara and Afar regions. Forcing to open the so-called humanitarian corridor via Sudan is subverting the peace & security of Ethiopia. #TPLFisTheCause #TPLFisaTerroristGroup @UN_HRC @SCRtweets @antonioguterres @PowerUSAID… Click To Tweet
Terrorist TPLF is responsible for closing humanitarian aid corridors by destroying bridges & using Child Soldiers. #TPLFisaTerroristGroup #ChildrenNotSoldiers @UN_HRC @SCRtweets @PowerUSAID @WFP @SavetheChildren @antonioguterres @Presidence_RDC @AUChair2020 Click To Tweet
Pan Africanism to tackle Western Neo-colonialism. #TPLFisTheCause #TPLFisaTerroristGroup @UN @UN_HRC @SCRtweets @antonioguterres @PowerUSAID @WFP @Presidence_RDC @AUC_MoussaFaki @AUChair2020 Click To Tweet
Tigray Famine is the new false narrative to destabilize Ethiopia & HOA. #TPLFisTheCause #TPLFisaTerroristGroup @UN @UN_HRC @SCRtweets @antonioguterres @PowerUSAID @WFP @Presidence_RDC @AUChair2020 Click To Tweet
The West is trying to use scare tactics to facilitate a regime change in Ethiopia. Ethiopian will never allow that. #TPLFisTheCause #TPLFisaTerroristGroup @UN @UN_HRC @SCRtweets @antonioguterres @PowerUSAID @WFP @Presidence_RDC @AUChair2020 Click To Tweet
Famine politics & aid corridor tricks don’t work this time. Wake up Ethiopia! #TPLFisTheCause #TPLFisaTerroristGroup @Presidence_RDC @AUChair2020 @AUC_DPA @AUYouthProgram @SCRtweets @antonioguterres @PowerUSAID @WFP Click To Tweet
Terrorist TPLF is starving our people in Tigray by blocking humanitarian corridors & using food rations to recruit Child Soldiers. #ChildrenNotSoldiers #TPLFisaTerroristGroup @Presidence_RDC @AUChair2020 @AUC_DPA @AUYouthProgram @SCRtweets @antonioguterres @PowerUSAID @WFP Click To Tweet
The world cannot afford another Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan Libya, or Yemen. Hence? @PowerUSAID's dark legacy of devising brutal interventions of regime change which ended in deleterious consequences must stop now. @JimInhofe @RandPaul #TPLFisTheCause #TPLFisaTerroristGroup @tedcruz Click To Tweet
@PowerUSAID,@SecBlinken should re-examine the dark legacy of TPLF Terrorists before making serious accusations of famine being used as a weapon of war in Ethiopia. #TPLFisTheCause #TPLFisaTerroristGroup @Presidence_RDC @AUChair2020 @SCRtweets @antonioguterres @PowerUSAID @WFP Click To Tweet
Even after high‐profile failures in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Libya, some in the policy community like @SamanthaJPower are trying to pave the way for another ousting regime in Africa,-Ethiopia. #TPLFisTheCause #TPLFisaTerroristGroup @Presidence_RDC @AUChair2020 @SCRtweets @WFP Click To Tweet
Ambassador @SamanthaJPower is heading to Ethiopia! Good! She can witness for herself that access to Tigray is wide open! We strongly suggest she talks to Ethiopian patriotic women to hear their side of the story! #TPLFisTheCause #TPLFisaTerroristGroup @AUChair2020 @WFP Click To Tweet
We urge @SamanthaJPower and the @StateDept not to be swayed by the false narratives of ''famine'' and ''genocide'' coined by TPLF Terrorist lobbyists to pressure Ethiopia, America's ally in the HoA. #TPLFisTheCause #TPLFisaTerroristGroup @antonioguterres @antonioguterres @WFP Click To Tweet
Samata power is on the way to breaking apart 100+years of Ethiopia-USA brotherhood relation with in months. #TPLFisTheCause #TPLFisaTerroristGroup @secblink @josepborrel @euinethiopia @unocha Click To Tweet
Samanta power is a record holder in Dismantling nation. #TPLFisTheCause #TPLFisaTerroristGroup @secblink @josepborrel @euinethiopia @unocha Click To Tweet
We cannot tolerate any foreign military intervention that aimed to support #Terroriststplf. #TPLFisTheCause #TPLFisaTerroristGroup @secblink @josepborrel @euinethiopia @unocha Click To Tweet
#samanthapower is standing against the interest of Ethiopian and fighting to save the soul of #TerroristTPLF. #TPLFisTheCause #TPLFisaTerroristGroup @secblink @josepborrel @euinethiopia @unocha Click To Tweet
We Ethiopians strongly condemn pro-tplf samantha power and never allow her to violate our liberty and sovereignty . #TPLFisTheCause #TPLFisaTerroristGroup @secblink @josepborrel @euinethiopia @unocha Click To Tweet
We don't allow #samanthapower and the #USG to repeat the Libyan case on Ethiopia. #TPLFisTheCause #TPLFisaTerroristGroup @secblink @josepborrel @euinethiopia @unocha Click To Tweet
The world have learned enough that how #Samanthapower human right intervention destructed nations. #TPLFisTheCause #TPLFisaTerroristGroup @secblink @josepborrel @euinethiopia @unocha Click To Tweet