Warmest Thanks To Recep Tayyip Erdoğan

#Ethiopia and #Turkey have strong bilateral diplomatic rel. since 1896. More recently, the two countries celebrated 125th anniv.of official diplomatic relation We 🇪🇹 ns thank the people & govt of Turkey for their unwavering support & friendship! #SalutErdogan… Share on X
For more than a century, Turkey has been a reliable ally to Ethiopia. The recently high-level visits & military pact signed b/n the two countries were intended to deepen ties. We call it an ancient state's bilateral relationship #TPLFTerroristGroup #SaluteErdoğan @MFATurkey… Share on X
The #HOA, #Ethiopia and #Turkey have historical and cultural ties. Strengthening economic and military ties between the two countries helps stabilize the turbulent Horn of Africa's region that #TPLFTerroristGroup trying to disturb. #SaluteErdoğan @MFATurkey @RTErdogan… Share on X
At this pivotal moment in our history, #Turkey's solidarity with the Ethiopian people is greatly appreciated! A friend in need is a friend indeed! #TPLFTerroristGroup #SaluteErdoğan @MFATurkey @RTErdogan @trpresidency @EU_Commission @eu_echo @MFATurkey @UNGeneva @EUCouncil Share on X
#Eth will never forget the critical time cooperation the people and government of Turkey extended to us PM Abiy Ahmed's Tweet following the precious time with President @RTErdogan. #TPLFTerroristGroup #SaluteErdoğan @MFATurkey @trpresidency @EU_Commission @eu_echo @MFATurkey… Share on X
As a nation and as a state, Both #Turkey & #ETH have been in a historic struggle again in recent years, to protect their existence & future. Because the two giants are on the eve of becoming stronger & prosperous. #TPLFTerroristGroup #SaluteErdoğan @MFATurkey… Share on X
We Ethiopians, appreciate the Turkish people & @RTErdogan, who strongly denounce the selfish US interventions, & we strongly believe that spirit of the Turkish people is as of Ethiopians. #TPLFTerroristGroup #SaluteErdoğan @MFATurkey @RTErdogan @trpresidency… Share on X
@Erdogan Sometimes a single hero changes the fate of the whole nation. On July 2016, millions of heroes emerged from all corners of #Turkey & left a mark on the nation’s future the same unity is been displaying in #Eth. #TPLFTerroristGroup #SaluteErdoğan @MFATurkey @RTErdogan… Share on X
Ethiopia has been Fighting western invaders, they Seem to be friends, But never shy to support #TPLFTerroristGroup. Some leaders are very Genuine and open their eyes to evaluate the rationalities like @RTErdogan. #SaluteErdoğan @MFATurkey @trpresidency @EU_Commission @eu_echo… Share on X
All Ethiopians appreciate #Turkey’s support in #Ethiopia’s ongoing development and vision of being a prosperous nation in the horn of Africa. #TPLFTerroristGroup #SaluteErdoğan @MFATurkey @RTErdogan @trpresidency @EU_Commission @eu_echo @MFATurkey @UNGeneva @EUCouncil Share on X
#Ethiopia will never forget the critical time cooperation the people and government of Turkey extended to us in maintaining peace and security. #TPLFTerroristGroup #SaluteErdoğan @MFATurkey @RTErdogan @trpresidency @EU_Commission @eu_echo @MFATurkey @UNGeneva @EUCouncil Share on X
We know why our enemies are angry with Ethiopia & Turkey's friendship. It’s hard to find a friendship based on mutual respect and trust as well as cooperation. #TPLFTerroristGroup #SaluteErdoğan @MFATurkey @RTErdogan @trpresidency @EU_Commission @eu_echo @MFATurkey… Share on X
Modern-day Turkey stands as a model for pursuing an independent national course of development defined by the interest of their people. Why not Ethiopia? #TPLFTerroristGroup #SaluteErdoğan @MFATurkey @RTErdogan @trpresidency @EU_Commission @eu_echo @MFATurkey @UNGeneva… Share on X
Ethiopia will continue to avail conducive investment conditions for Turkish investors. This is the least what all-weather friends can do. #TPLFTerroristGroup #SaluteErdoğan @MFATurkey @RTErdogan @trpresidency @EU_Commission @eu_echo @MFATurkey @UNGeneva @EUCouncil Share on X
We Ethiopians appreciate Turkey for showing genuine friendship to Ethiopia in its time of need. That’s the true mark of friendship. #TPLFTerroristGroup #SaluteErdoğan @MFATurkey @RTErdogan @trpresidency @EU_Commission @eu_echo @MFATurkey @UNGeneva @EUCouncil Share on X
President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan called Ethiopia a reliable and trustworthy country. Our enemies would have said the same had they been true to principled friendship. #TPLFTerroristGroup #SaluteErdoğan @MFATurkey @RTErdogan @trpresidency @EU_Commission @eu_echo @MFATurkey… Share on X
When a country signs a military agreement with the West, they call it friendship & business. If the agreement is with Turkey it suddenly becomes a file for genocide. Shame! TPLFTerroristGroup #SaluteErdoğan @MFATurkey @RTErdogan @trpresidency @EU_Commission @eu_echo… Share on X
The consequential visit of @AbiyAhmedAli to #Turkey heralds a new diplomatic paradigm to correct the long-held hegemony of western powers, especially in Africa. #TPLFTerroristGroup #SaluteErdoğan @MFATurkey @RTErdogan @trpresidency @EU_Commission @eu_echo @MFATurkey @UNGeneva… Share on X
President @Erdogan’s visit to #Mogadishu ten years ago, has been a source of inspiration for humanity. We #ethiopians are also happy to see our ties keep strengthened with brotherly #TPLFTerroristGroup #SaluteErdoğan @MFATurkey @RTErdogan @trpresidency @EU_Commission @eu_echo… Share on X
#SaluteErdogan for the warm reception afforded to our beloved PM. You are one of the greatest leaders in the world today. The US & EU showed us their true being of evil. #TPLFTerroristGroup #SaluteErdoğan @MFATurkey @RTErdogan @trpresidency @EU_Commission @eu_echo… Share on X
Turkey, Russia, China India, Eritrea, Djibouti, Somalia, South Sudan, & some others ❤ we #Ethiopians have great respect for you all for truly stand with the truth. #TPLFTerroristGroup #SaluteErdoğan @MFATurkey @RTErdogan @trpresidency @EU_Commission @eu_echo @MFATurkey… Share on X
#Turkish support, through these challenging times when the world has turned its back on us. #Ethiopia will never forget. Thanks for this hard moment allowed us to distinguish, enemies & real ones. #TPLFTerroristGroup #SaluteErdoğan @MFATurkey @RTErdogan @trpresidency… Share on X