Campaigns International International News News The GERD is The Biggest Dam in Africa 2 years ago Views: 14,434 1 Abay is the source of the main Nile River and its other two sub-systems, which all originate in the highlands of Ethiopia.#ItsMyDam #EthiopiaPrevails @AlsisiOfficial @MofaSudan @JoeBiden @UN @JosepBorrell @_AfricanUnion @OlusegunObasnjo Share on X 2 The Nile River is the umbilical cord of the Nile, and without it, there is no Nile. #ItsMyDam #EthiopiaPrevails @MikeHammerUSA @AUC_MoussaFaki @Oolusegun_obj @Bankole_Adeoye @MikeHammerUSA @antonioguterres @USAmbUN @SecBlinken @StateDeptSpox Share on X 3 Over 86% of the Nile waters originate in Ethiopia. But two lower riparian countries: Egypt and Sudan claim 100% of the Nile waters while Ethiopia gets zero. How unfair! #ItsMyDam #EthiopiaPrevails @SamanthaJPower @EUtoAU @Pontifex @PMOIndia @ChinaEmbAddis Share on X 4 Ethiopia should exercise its inalienable right over the use of its water resource in a manner that does not do significant harm to downstream countries. #ItsMyDam #EthiopiaPrevails #ItsMyDam #EthiopiaPrevails @AlsisiOfficial @MofaSudan @JoeBiden @UN Share on X 5 Egypt should renounce its unscientifically supported securitization discourses and recognize the Nile as a transboundary shared resource. #ItsMyDam #EthiopiaPrevails #ItsMyDam #EthiopiaPrevails @JosepBorrell @_AfricanUnion @OlusegunObasnjo Share on X 6 Securitizing GERD based on the discourse of Egypt’s absolute dependency on the Nile water is scientifically unverified and is an invented myth. #ItsMyDam #EthiopiaPrevails @MikeHammerUSA @AUC_MoussaFaki @Oolusegun_obj @Bankole_Adeoye Share on X 7 Egypt securitization of GERD based on its policy of politicization and nationalization of Nile waters is also a myth. #ItsMyDam #EthiopiaPrevails @MikeHammerUSA @antonioguterres @USAmbUN @SecBlinken @StateDeptSpox @SamanthaJPower @EUtoAU @Pontifex Share on X 8 By politicizing the Nile waters, Egypt brings the political GERD rather than the technical GERD in to the negotiation table. #ItsMyDam #EthiopiaPrevails @AlsisiOfficial @MofaSudan @JoeBiden @UN @JosepBorrell @_AfricanUnion @OlusegunObasnjo Share on X 9 Egypt trying to securitize GERD based on unscientific syllogism of Egypt is a gift of Nile then Nile is a gift of Egypt’ in this era is laughable. #ItsMyDam #EthiopiaPrevails @MikeHammerUSA @AUC_MoussaFaki @Oolusegun_obj @Bankole_Adeoye Share on X 10 Why Egypt use ill-defined, amorphous and destructive concept of water security is to stop the construction of GERD and thereby canonizing the inequitable status quo. #ItsMyDam #EthiopiaPrevails @MikeHammerUSA @antonioguterres @USAmbUN @SecBlinken @StateDeptSpox @SamanthaJPower Share on X 11 GERD is an invented existential threat and foreshadower of Egypt’s hysteria and Ethiophobia. #ItsMyDam #EthiopiaPrevails @EUtoAU @Pontifex @PMOIndia @ChinaEmbAddis @AlsisiOfficial @MofaSudan @JoeBiden @UN @JosepBorrell @_AfricanUnion Share on X 12 The positive working of hydro-diplomacy and hydro-journalism is sine qua non and a pathway to closer mutual understanding and the establishment of cooperation institutional framework #ItsMyDam #EthiopiaPrevails @OlusegunObasnjo @RedwanHussien Share on X 13 The hydro-journalists of Egypt in particular went to the level of declaring war on Ethiopia violating ethical standards and basic principles of journalism #ItsMyDam #EthiopiaPrevails @AUC_MoussaFaki @Oolusegun_obj @Bankole_Adeoye @MikeHammerUSA Share on X 14 Ethiopia is water donor but not recipient from its neighbor’s #ItsMyDam #EthiopiaPrevails @antonioguterres @USAmbUN @SecBlinken @StateDeptSpox @SamanthaJPower @EUtoAU @Pontifex @PMOIndia @ChinaEmbAddis @AlsisiOfficial @MofaSudan @JoeBiden @UN Share on X 15 Ethiopia is food insecure and asks for food aid. Aid is Trojan Horse Wheat that we are aided is virtual water. Having relatively sufficient falling water annually from sky for wheat production, begging for virtual water is disgusting. #ItsMyDam Share on X 16 Egypt’s view of GERD as a water security threat is an invented fictitious threat neither scientifically verified nor legally supported. #ItsMyDam #EthiopiaPrevails @AlsisiOfficial @MofaSudan @JoeBiden @UN @JosepBorrell @_AfricanUnion @OlusegunObasnjo @RedwanHussien Share on X 17 Throughout the GERD negotiation, Ethiopia has adopted and adhered the principle of equitable and reasonable use as enshrined in regional and international water related legal instruments. #ItsMyDam #EthiopiaPrevails @EU_Commission @MikeHammerUSA Share on X 18 Egypt is the furthest downstream riparian that always employ a multi-layered negotiating strategies which are unacceptable by up streamers being very self-centered and denying the rights of others. #ItsMyDam #EthiopiaPrevails @AUC_MoussaFaki @Oolusegun_obj @Bankole_Adeoye Share on X 19 Egyptian view of GERD as a water security threat of Egypt is a hyperbolically constructed myth that is neither actual nor perceived threat. #ItsMyDam #EthiopiaPrevails @MikeHammerUSA @antonioguterres @USAmbUN @SecBlinken @StateDeptSpox @SamanthaJPower Share on X 20 Egypt always fights to bring the upstream riparian in its own line and manipulate according to its interest #ItsMyDam #EthiopiaPrevails @EUtoAU @Pontifex @PMOIndia @ChinaEmbAddis @AlsisiOfficial @MofaSudan @JoeBiden @UN @JosepBorrell Share on X 21 The GERD project has also cross-border benefits which is a benefit sharing project. #ItsMyDam #EthiopiaPrevails @RedwanHussien @EU_Commission @MikeHammerUSA @AUC_MoussaFaki @Oolusegun_obj @Bankole_Adeoye @MikeHammerUSA @antonioguterres @USAmbUN Share on X 22 By securitizing the GERD the ruling elite of Egypt intends not only to preserve the constructed identity of inseparability between Egypt and Nile but also to unite the divided Egypt by instigating conflict with Ethiopia. #ItsMyDam #EthiopiaPrevails Share on X 23 The rationale behind Egypt securitization of GERD as an existential threat is to counter the broader geopolitical implication of the construction of GERD for Ethiopia and the region at large. #ItsMyDam #EthiopiaPrevails @SamanthaJPower @EUtoAU @Pontifex @PMOIndia… Share on X 24 Egypt pursues a policy of divide and rule the upstream ripariamns or avoid them all and pursue with her unilateral water development policy #ItsMyDam #EthiopiaPrevails @AlsisiOfficial @MofaSudan @JoeBiden @UN @JosepBorrell @_AfricanUnion Share on X 25 Egypt likes to internationalize the basins hydro politics and prefers to invite external actors like WB,IMF, US, etc. for support because of her closer partnership #ItsMyDam #EthiopiaPrevails @OlusegunObasnjo @RedwanHussien @EU_Commission @MikeHammerUSA @AUC_MoussaFaki Share on X 26 It it is obligatory for the government of Ethiopia to develop with priority the available water resources of the country by building water holding infrastructures over its major rivers under threatening cyclical drought, famine and to mitigate poverty #ItsMyDam #EthiopiaPrevails Share on X 27 Ethiopia’s strategic negotiating principle rests on internationally adhered principles of equitable and reasonable and judicious” use of waters that are Trans boundary. #ItsMyDam #EthiopiaPrevails @Oolusegun_obj @Bankole_Adeoye @MikeHammerUSA Share on X 28 Egypt’s foreign policy is based on realist and absolute territorial integrity doctrines that are self-centered and opponent to cooperative hydro politics. #ItsMyDam #EthiopiaPrevails @AlsisiOfficial @MofaSudan @JoeBiden @UN @JosepBorrell @_AfricanUnion @OlusegunObasnjo Share on X 29 It is high time for Egypt to change the old software of hegemonism with the new software of cooperation. #ItsMyDam #EthiopiaPrevails @RedwanHussien @EU_Commission @MikeHammerUSA @AUC_MoussaFaki @Oolusegun_obj @Bankole_Adeoye @MikeHammerUSA Share on X 30 Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam is symbol of independence, capacity, unity, identity, and many more. #ItsMyDam #EthiopiaPrevails @antonioguterres @USAmbUN @SecBlinken @StateDeptSpox @SamanthaJPower @EUtoAU @Pontifex @PMOIndia @ChinaEmbAddis @AlsisiOfficial @MofaSudan Share on X 31 The more GERD gets finalized, the better socioeconomic development and stability comes. When the going gets tough, the tough gets going. #ItsMyDam #EthiopiaPrevails @JoeBiden @UN @JosepBorrell @_AfricanUnion @OlusegunObasnjo @RedwanHussien Share on X 32 In 1929 the first apportionment treaty ( the full utilization of the Nile) was made between Egypt and Sudan (Anglo-Egyptian Condominium). Ethiopia was not at all included in this treaty although it was a sovereign nation. #ItsMyDam #EthiopiaPrevails Share on X 33 The 1929 treaty was time bomb in future regional partnership relations since the accord was a colonial construct and as such should be discarded to the dustbins of history. #ItsMyDam #EthiopiaPrevails @AUC_MoussaFaki @Oolusegun_obj @Bankole_Adeoye @MikeHammerUSA… Share on X 34 The Egyptian media outlets disseminating fake news that mislead and misinform the international public would further complicate the hydro politics of the basin. #ItsMyDam #EthiopiaPrevails @USAmbUN @SecBlinken @StateDeptSpox @SamanthaJPower @EutoAU Share on X 35 Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam represents a potent counter-hegemonic measure and the harbinger of change in the status quo over utilization of the Nile River Basin, and it marks the first ever challenge to the lopsided, bilateral and disequilibrium status quo #ItsMyDam Share on X 36 The Nyerere doctrine underpins the clear slate (Tabula Rasa) principle which states that a newly independent state has the right to either reject or bound by the treaties signed by the colonial protectorates. #ItsMyDam #EthiopiaPrevails @Pontifex Share on X 37 No upstream riparian accepts the old colonial period treaties, unless a mad #ItsMyDam #EthiopiaPrevails @PMOIndia @ChinaEmbAddis @AlsisiOfficial @MofaSudan @JoeBiden @UN @JosepBorrell @_AfricanUnion @OlusegunObasnjo @RedwanHussien @EU_Commission Share on X 38 Both colonial and bilateral treaties have weakened the capacities of the upper riparian states by discouraging and impending their water resources development and thus hampering their progress #ItsMyDam #EthiopiaPrevails @Oolusegun_obj @Bankole_Adeoye Share on X 39 In a way consistent with Nereyere doctrine, Article 16 of the 1978 Vienna Convention declared that the newly independent state has no obligation to inherit previous agreements and to be accountable of them unless it wants to. #ItsMyDam #EthiopiaPrevails @MikeHammerUSA Share on X 40 Egypt claims that the Nile water is her mere supply source and divinely given for them alone and others do have no water rights, although it contributes zero water to the Nile. #ItsMyDam #EthiopiaPrevails @antonioguterres @USAmbUN @SecBlinken Share on X 41 Egypt’s approach of negotiation is based on win-lose as the negotiator always comes to negotiation table ‘not to give a drop of water based on the notion of water security. #ItsMyDam #EthiopiaPrevails @EUtoAU @Pontifex @PMOIndia @ChinaEmbAddis… Share on X 42 Ethiopia shall not stand still until all inclusive water institution is framed. #ItsMyDam #EthiopiaPrevails @AlsisiOfficial @MofaSudan @JoeBiden @UN @JosepBorrell @_AfricanUnion @OlusegunObasnjo @RedwanHussien @EU_Commission @MikeHammerUSA @AUC_MoussaFaki @Oolusegun_obj Share on X 43 The GERD is the biggest in Africa and the 8th in the world #ItsMyDam #EthiopiaPrevails @Bankole_Adeoye @MikeHammerUSA @antonioguterres @USAmbUN @SecBlinken @StateDeptSpox @SamanthaJPower @EUtoAU @Pontifex @PMOIndia @ChinaEmbAddis @AlsisiOfficial… Share on X 44 The GERD is a flagship project that has brought in unison Ethiopians in home and abroad that satisfied centuries old dream of our forefathers to tame the Nile. #ItsMyDam #EthiopiaPrevails @MofaSudan @JoeBiden @UN @JosepBorrell @_AfricanUnion Share on X 45 GERD is the symbol of the victory of the upstream riparians who have struggled for fair, just and reasonable share of the Nile water that they have been seeking for as their rights. #ItsMyDam #EthiopiaPrevails @EU_Commission @MikeHammerUSA @AlsisiOfficial @MofaSudan @JoeBiden Share on X 46 Media are instrumental in contributing for peace and security in Nile river basin. #ItsMyDam #EthiopiaPrevails @AUC_MoussaFaki @Oolusegun_obj @Bankole_Adeoye @MikeHammerUSA @antonioguterres @USAmbUN @SecBlinken @StateDeptSpox @SamanthaJPower @EUtoAU… Share on X 47 Ethiopia continues to resist any kind of agreements that aims at snatching its right and ability to make use of the water of the Nile! #ItsMyDam #EthiopiaPrevails @Pontifex @PMOIndia @ChinaEmbAddis @AlsisiOfficial @MofaSudan @JoeBiden @UN @JosepBorrell @_AfricanUnion Share on X 48 The argument made by Egypt in different instances emphasizing the Nile is its lifeline is outdated as the other basin countries would also benefit much from the river basin considering their need for food as well as energy. #ItsMyDam #EthiopiaPrevails @OlusegunObasnjo Share on X 49 The omission of the African contribution to the discovery of the Nile can be considered one of the mechanisms used for ensuring conceptual hydro hegemony. #ItsMyDam #EthiopiaPrevails @RedwanHussien @EU_Commission @MikeHammerUSA @AUC_MoussaFaki Share on X 50 Care must be taken when disseminating information about the river Nile and the GERD in particular, while using digital diplomacy as it is difficult to curb once disseminated. #ItsMyDam #EthiopiaPrevails @Oolusegun_obj @Bankole_Adeoye @MikeHammerUSA @antonioguterres… Share on X 51 Egypt’s media teach their own people and the world public at large communicating fake stories of the Nile hydro politics. #ItsMyDam #EthiopiaPrevails @SecBlinken @StateDeptSpox @SamanthaJPower @EUtoAU @Pontifex @PMOIndia @ChinaEmbAddis @UN Share on X 52 Egypt’s media lie to their domestic population as well as to the world public in disseminating in disinformation about the GERD and its graduation. #ItsMyDam #EthiopiaPrevails @JosepBorrell @_AfricanUnion @OlusegunObasnjo @RedwanHussien @EU_Commission Share on X 53 Nile River Basin as resource could be connected to realization of Agenda 2063 and Africa market integration. #ItsMyDam #EthiopiaPrevails @JosepBorrell @_AfricanUnion @OlusegunObasnjo @RedwanHussien @EU_Commission @MikeHammerUSA @AUC_MoussaFaki @Oolusegun_obj @Bankole_Adeoye Share on X About Post Author admin_w7y1yrey See author's posts Continue Reading Previous 5th Year! Since Medemer Generation Leader, PM Abiy, Challenged the Status Quo of our Political Taboos !!!Next Defending Ethiopia!