Ethiopian Truth Media

The Enemy Of Truth Is Blind Acceptance.

Supporting Ethiopia’s Unity is a big Opportunity for USA and its agenda in the Horn of Africa, HOA!

Let z world know Ethiopia & Eritrea are not against the good people of the US. It’s all about z dictator @SecBlinken who strives to meddle & interfere in the internal affairs of the 2 independent and sovereign countries! #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @Haavisto Share on X East Africa is in good hands with Abiy than TPLF. If the USA is for peace and stability of the HOA, think twice, support not pressure Eritrea and Ethiopia. #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF @ChrisCoons @antonioguterres Share on X The only way to resolve the issue in Tigray region is by engaging constructively with the leadership of the HOA and especially Ethiopian and Eritrean Leaders. #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @AmbRice46 @VP45 @VP @Haavisto @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF Share on X The 2018 peace and cooperation treaty signed between Eritrea and Ethiopia has opened a new chapter in the HOA. #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @ChrisCoons @antonioguterres @AmbRice46 @VP45 @VP  @Haavisto @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF @ChrisCoons Share on X The time for divide and conquer is over now in the Horn. The two countries Ethiopia and Eritrea has quite enough resources, enough skilful man power where they can work in synergy. USA helps if you can. #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @antonioguterres @AmbRice46 @VP45 Share on X The expectation in Ethiopia is that Election will usher in a new era of democratic dispensation to meet the hopes and aspirations of the Ethiopian people for lasting peace, freedom, and democracy. #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse Share on X One thing is for sure though building and nurturing a fully-fledged democracy and political culture is essentially a homegrown process, and it cannot be achieved through external pressure. #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @JosepBorrellF @ChrisCoons @antonioguterres Share on X What needs to be made clear here is that the Ethiopian gov't has no desire to clamp down on dissent? #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF @ChrisCoons @antonioguterres @AmbRice46 @VP45 @VP @Haavisto Share on X The Ethiopian Government would have invited most of its opposition groups and politicians as well as journalists, activists and others who were in exile to return to their country and operate freely. #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @AmbRice46 @VP45 @VP Share on X The gov't does not believe that there are journalists or politicians jailed because of their political views and opinions. #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF @ChrisCoons @antonioguterres @AmbRice46 @VP45 @VP @Haavisto Share on X Ethiopians behind the bar are accused of violating the law. Therefore, they will have their day in court and the law will set them free if they are found not guilty. #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF @ChrisCoons Share on X Dr.Abiy gov't works many reforms on the economic sector. The economic reforms done on the agricultural and tourism sector register good result. USA should mention the irrigation in agriculture and support our other mega projects to sustain the development. #Stand4EthiopianUnity Share on X I wish CNN do the same reports in Palestine as they are doing In Ethiopia in Tigray region; this is not reporting the truth rather siding to what you choose. #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @JosepBorrellF @ChrisCoons @antonioguterres @AmbRice46 @VP45 @VP @Haavisto Share on X The US Should Be Leading the Global Response to support the Ethiopian government sweeping reforms and with the situation in Tigray not oppose and impose sanction! #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF @ChrisCoons @antonioguterres Share on X Peace in Ethiopia means peace in East Africa, Ethiopia is a bridge for the democracy and development in the horn Africa. #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @AmbRice46 @VP45 @VP @Haavisto @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF @ChrisCoons @antonioguterres @AmbRice46 Share on X I think America should listen to the Ethiopian Government than to American citizens TPLF money launders lobbyists, it will be America listening to thief American liars. #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @VP45 @VP @Haavisto @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF Share on X No nation will be negotiating with terrorists, TPLF is terrorizing people like it used to, and America should be respecting Ethiopian sovereignty on how we deal with our own shameful terrorists. #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @ChrisCoons @antonioguterres @AmbRice46 Share on X America and European Union know these very well, in fact they should be laud in thanking Dr. Abiy Ahmed for his low-cost peace keeping success, and otherwise there would have been a total civil war. #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @VP45 @VP @Haavisto Share on X America will be dealing with the Somalia Al-shebab if they don’t support the Ethiopian government’s peace keeping effort in the horn. #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF @ChrisCoons @antonioguterres @AmbRice46 @VP45 @VP Share on X The government will not negotiate with any force about dignity and sovereignty of Ethiopia. Prime minister Dr. Abiy Ahmed. #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @Haavisto @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF @ChrisCoons @antonioguterres @AmbRice46 @VP45 @VP Share on X The sovereignty of Ethiopia should always come first and this is what the prime minister understands, that is why America should be supporting and respecting that intervene. #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF @ChrisCoons Share on X Ethiopia is the capital of Africa. USA should know this so well and should not loose any chances with its beautiful future with PM Abiy and Ethiopians. Any mistake on ETHIOPIA will be Africa’s mess and the world’s mess. #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @antonioguterres Share on X The Ethiopian government is working day and night to resolve crisis in Tigray while the enemy supported by the west is working day and night to blackmail it. #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @AmbRice46 @VP45 @VP @Haavisto @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse Share on X The #TPLF's Stalinist ideology which advocated self-determination up to secession was enshrined in the divisive constitution it authored. A constitution implemented to ensure the disintegration of #Ethiopia just as colonizers envisioned after #Adwa. #Stand4EthiopianUnity Share on X The reform of the security sector is a critical component in reducing conflict which #Ethiopia managed to do so but US seems to oppose reality to stick with lobbyists that are paid to lie about the reality on the ground! #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @JosepBorrellF Share on X An Ethiopia free of the TPLF will champion peace and inclusive development. #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @JosepBorrellF @ChrisCoons @antonioguterres @AmbRice46 @VP45 @VP @Haavisto @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF @ChrisCoons @antonioguterres @AmbRice46 Share on X The source of ethnic division that had poisoned inter-state relations across the Horn of Africa has now been overcome. TPLF is dead for Good! Ethiopia shall prevail! #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @AmbRice46 @VP45 @VP @Haavisto @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse Share on X The hopes for Ethiopians stem from the removal — for good — of the corrupt and dictatorial TPLF. Ethiopians can now imagine a future based not on ethnic chauvinism, but on unity, equality, freedom, and democracy. #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @antonioguterres Share on X If US willingly supported #Ethiopia; it’s going to be a win-win situation; by supporting #Ethiopia Eastern Africa’s peace & stability will be maintained & on top of that poverty reduction will be ensured for #Ethiopians!! #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering… Share on X As per #US appreciates positive climate change like every other country; #PM_Abiy did manage to launch tree plant of over 350 million a day that will play a significant role in reducing carbon emission. #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @POTUS @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF Share on X At the end of the day Ethiopians needs to balance between preventing the erosion of our sovereignty & protecting the interests of citizens. #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @JosepBorrellF @ChrisCoons @antonioguterres @AmbRice46 @SecBlinken @POTUS @AmbRice46 @VP45 @VP Share on X Ethiopia is cooperating with the US to eliminate terrorism so any on-going reforms in #Ethiopia is a balanced one, that have mutual interest kept in its mind! #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF @ChrisCoons @antonioguterres @Haavisto Share on X Ethiopia & Eritrea fought a costly border war between 1998 & 2000, but right after the reformist #PM _Abiy came to power; the two countries do reconcile which is such a magnificent reform that should be appreciated by #US !! #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering… Share on X Abiy Ahmed added technological advancements to its Defense and security system, so the on-going reform is essential for the whole region that US needs to understand & support it!! #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @VP45 @VP @Haavisto @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse Share on X Several governments in Eastern Africa have politicized their security forces & #TPLF does the same which reformist #Abiy managed to change that #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF @ChrisCoons @antonioguterres @AmbRice46 Share on X USA if you wanted to stay with our positive side great but if it’s hard for you then ciao leave us alone!! #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @antonioguterres @AmbRice46 @VP45 @VP @Haavisto @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF @ChrisCoons Share on X #US if you are human enough to care about other human beings living in other face of the earth respect & support #Ethiopia’s reformist decisions!! #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @AmbRice46 @VP45 @VP @Haavisto @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF… Share on X Rich tradition of pan-Africanism that emerges in Ethiopia doesn’t come easy rather with blood & sweat of our forefathers so when we say we want independence we meant it. #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF @ChrisCoons Share on X No one hates advanced & eco-friendly reforms; #Ethiopian reform aims to bring those which #Ethiopians deserve #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @ChrisCoons @antonioguterres @AmbRice46 @VP45 @VP @Haavisto @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF @ChrisCoons… Share on X As US preaches to the whole world how lives do matter for them, lives under poverty line suffering in #Ethiopia should matter for them as well. Our GERD aims to change the lives of millions! #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF Share on X The hopes for Ethiopians stem from the removal — for good — of the corrupt and dictatorial TPLF. Ethiopians can now imagine a future based not on ethnic chauvinism, but on unity, equality, freedom, and democracy. #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @antonioguterres Share on X The source of ethnic division that had poisoned inter-state relations across the Horn of Africa has now been overcome. TPLF is dead for Good! Ethiopia shall prevail! #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @AmbRice46 @VP45 @VP @Haavisto @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse Share on X An Ethiopia free of the TPLF will champion peace and inclusive development. #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @JosepBorrellF @ChrisCoons @antonioguterres @AmbRice46 @VP45 @VP @Haavisto @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF @ChrisCoons @antonioguterres @AmbRice46 Share on X Internally, our “New Ethiopia” will be based on equality among all of our constituent groups, including the suffering people of Tigray. Externally, we will act in a way that recognizes that our national interests are inseparably linked to those of our neighbors.… Share on X PM Dr Abiy Ahmed is certainly on the right track so far in pushing forward the true values and natural ideas of Ethiopia, and indeed Africa itself. #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF @ChrisCoons @antonioguterres @AmbRice46 Share on X The very best of luck and success to Dr Abiy Ahmed Ali in bringing forward a sensible, open and permanent reform of the Ethiopian state. #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @VP45 @VP @Haavisto @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF @ChrisCoons @antonioguterres Share on X The Ethiopian gov't has also shown its readiness to engage with legal opposition parties, members of the civil society, the private sector, elders, scholars, prominent personalities, and others in the Tigray region to promote dialogue. #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering Share on X High-level engagement has already started based on a roadmap developed by the relevant Ethiopian authorities and some international support group. USA should focus rebuilding Tigray for its own sake. #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @AmbRice46 @SecBlinken @POTUS Share on X TPLF is an outlawed group, which endangered the country’s sovereignty and its constitutional order. The Ethiopian parliament recently passed a decision labelling it as a Terrorist Organization. #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF @ChrisCoons Share on X Ethiopian govt utterly rejects repeated calls by partners to cease hostilities and negotiate with the TPLF. Ethiopia is managing its own Tigrayan People with all the possible means at hand. NO TPLF is needed! #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @antonioguterres @AmbRice46 Share on X Ethiopian gov’t is indeed a government, which has rescued the country from the abyss and opened up the political space to safeguard greater peace, freedom, and democracy. #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @VP45 @VP @Haavisto Share on X Ethiopia’s reform credentials have also been well recognized not only domestically but also internationally. USA was busy then with trash tramp, But what about now? The trash still there? #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF Share on X Ethiopian gov't is the first to acknowledge that its reform efforts have not been without challenges. But it is determined to redouble these efforts with all the necessary vigor. #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @ChrisCoons @antonioguterres @AmbRice46 @VP45 @VP @Haavisto Share on X Ethiopian gov't is doing everything possible to make sure that the upcoming elections are conducted in a peaceful, transparent, and credible manner. #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF @ChrisCoons @antonioguterres @AmbRice46 Share on X No one hates advanced & eco-friendly reforms; #Ethiopian reform aims to bring those which #Ethiopians deserve #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @ChrisCoons @antonioguterres @AmbRice46 @VP45 @VP @Haavisto @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF @ChrisCoons… Share on X #US if you are human enough to care about other human beings living in other face of the earth respect & support #Ethiopia’s reformist decisions!! #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @AmbRice46 @VP45 @VP @Haavisto @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF… Share on X Rich tradition of pan-Africanism that emerges in Ethiopia doesn’t come easy rather with blood & sweat of our forefathers so when we say we want independence we meant it. #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF @ChrisCoons Share on X USA if you wanted to stay with our positive side great but if it’s hard for you then ciao leave us alone!! #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @antonioguterres @AmbRice46 @VP45 @VP @Haavisto @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF @ChrisCoons Share on X Several governments in Eastern Africa have politicized their security forces & #TPLF does the same which reformist #Abiy managed to change that #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF @ChrisCoons @antonioguterres @AmbRice46 Share on X Abiy Ahmed added technological advancements to its Defense and security system, so the on-going reform is essential for the whole region that US needs to understand & support it!! #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @VP45 @VP @Haavisto @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse Share on X At the end of the day Ethiopians needs to balance between preventing the erosion of our sovereignty & protecting the interests of citizens. #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @JosepBorrellF @ChrisCoons @antonioguterres @AmbRice46 @SecBlinken @POTUS @AmbRice46 @VP45 @VP Share on X Ethiopia is cooperating with the US to eliminate terrorism so any on-going reforms in #Ethiopia is a balanced one, that have mutual interest kept in its mind! #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF @ChrisCoons @antonioguterres @Haavisto Share on X Ethiopia & Eritrea fought a costly border war between 1998 & 2000, but right after the reformist #PM _Abiy came to power; the two countries do reconcile which is such a magnificent reform that should be appreciated by #US !! #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering… Share on X As per #US appreciates positive climate change like every other country; #PM_Abiy did manage to launch tree plant of over 350 million a day that will play a significant role in reducing carbon emission. #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @POTUS @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF Share on X If US willingly supported #Ethiopia; it’s going to be a win-win situation; by supporting #Ethiopia Eastern Africa’s peace & stability will be maintained & on top of that poverty reduction will be ensured for #Ethiopians!! #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering… Share on X USA please stop on destabilizing our nation Ethiopia, we are a sovereign country. #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF @ChrisCoons @antonioguterres @AmbRice46 @VP45 @VP @Haavisto Share on X US sec. Blinken, A federal government can deploy any regional forces to maintain law and order. You treated Tigray and Amhara regions as if a separate and independent entities, what an ignorance it is. #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse Share on X TPLF is working with internal rebels to stabilize Ethiopian government through logistic and military support. And also TPLF is working with Alshabab to destabilize the horn of Africa. So in which ground do US support terrorist TPLF? #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @VP Share on X Tigray region crisis the result of is the evil act of TPLF massacre of Ethiopian defense force north front commando and thousands of Mikadira civilian TPLF is accountable for Tigray crisis. #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @JosepBorrellF @ChrisCoons Share on X Abiy Ahmed is an exemplary leader who works day and night to ensure peace in Ethiopia and the horn of Africa. US support PM Abiy if you can, unless keep silent. #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @antonioguterres @AmbRice46 @VP45 @Haavisto @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse Share on X The US should support the Ethiopian government to bring criminal TPLF leaders to bring justice for bringing suffering of Ethiopian people. #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @JosepBorrellF @ChrisCoons @antonioguterres @AmbRice46 @VP45 @VP @Haavisto @SecBlinken @POTUS Share on X Pm Abiy Ahmed is working for peace in the Horn of Africa and acceleration of regional development. Therefore, the United States must side with the Ethiopian administration. Helping terrorist TPLF is a crime! #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF Share on X We Ethiopians gravely concerned the US interference in Ethiopia internal affairs. Why the US government was so quiet when Ethiopians were murdered, looted, harassed, and tortured by the fascist TPLF since they come to power in 1991? #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @VP Share on X US statement ‘Statement by Secretary Antony J. Blinken on the Continuing Atrocities and Denial of Humanitarian Access in Ethiopia’s Tigray Region’ is based on false information. Ethiopia needs assistance not an order from US government. #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering Share on X US Stop supporting the terrorist Tigry people liberation Front (TPLF) on the name of Humanitarian assistance. #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @ChrisCoons @antonioguterres @AmbRice46 @Haavisto @VP45 @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF @ChrisCoons @AmbRice46 Share on X US statement ‘Statement by Secretary Antony J. Blinken on the Continuing Atrocities and Denial of Humanitarian Access in Ethiopia’s Tigray Region’ is an indirect sponsoring of terrorism. #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @VP45 @VP @Haavisto @antonioguterres Share on X Harman Cohn had brought TPLF terrorist organization to the government system of Ethiopia in 1990s. Since 2018 the mastermind of this system kicked by Ethiopians. Now, US is trying to recurvate Harman Cohn's legacy. Please leave the sovereign state Ethiopia. #Stand4EthiopianUnity Share on X USA you must know that you can’t bring back TPLF mafia to power. Unless more than 110million of Ethiopians are destroyed. Ethiopians had sawn TPLF atrocities through 27 years of administration. #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse Share on X This is yet another dishonest report from sec. Blinken. If you are truly concerned about human rights, you could have said a word during decade’s oppression on Amharas in places (Humera, Welkait, Raya) occupied by the TPLF. #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @JosepBorrellF Share on X We Understand, US secretary Blinken intention is not concerning for humanity. You want help TPLF terrorist group! #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @ChrisCoons @antonioguterres @AmbRice46 @VP45 @VP @Haavisto @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF @ChrisCoons Share on X Ethiopia is a sovereign country. No country can interfere in its internal affairs. What single point did you say about Amhara, oromo and konso Genocide committed by TPLF officials in the last 30 years? #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @antonioguterres @AmbRice46 @VP45 Share on X Shame on USA, state department! Trying to back the terrorist group TPLF to power is Impossible! #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @VP @Haavisto @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF @ChrisCoons @antonioguterres @AmbRice46 @VP45 @VP @Haavisto Share on X The concern of US is no the lives of more than 100 million Ethiopians. It is to make bring back the terrorist group in to previous position and destroy the nations of Ethiopia. For this purpose you are highly paid by Egyptian officials #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering Share on X Pro TPLF Team Blinken and Suzan Rise should have to know one thing is no earthly power can stop us from our progress. #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF @ChrisCoons @antonioguterres @AmbRice46 @VP45 @VP @Haavisto @VP Share on X You have no a moral and legal ground to adversely comment on ethnic polarization and other situation of Ethiopia. You were the right hand of TPLF in the process of installing this ethnic based system. Shame on you USA! #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @Haavisto Share on X TPLF is a criminal organization from the core that committed ethnic cleansing on other groups, especially in Welkait and Raya by forcefully annexing their land and cleanse them, so that why USA support this terrisost group ? #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @SecBlinken Share on X Ethiopia is a sovereign country no one can’t interfere for its national interest. #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF @ChrisCoons @antonioguterres @AmbRice46 @VP45 @VP @Haavisto Share on X Pm Abiy Ahmed (D.r) who is the ‘2019 peace Nobel Prize winner’ is leading Ethiopia to Democracy. But the terrorist TPLF group deliberately makes Ethiopian government to destabilize. Under the skilful leadership of pm Abiy Ethiopia is on the path of democracy #Stand4EthiopianUnity Share on X USA please stop on destabilizing our nation Ethiopia, we are a sovereign country. #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF @ChrisCoons @antonioguterres @AmbRice46 @VP45 @VP @Haavisto Share on X TPLF militia group label as terrorist group as by Ethiopian parliament in a few weeks before .so that USA support such militia group is considered as terrorist. #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF @ChrisCoons Share on X USA if she can try to colonized Africa for this 21th century .but we are never colonized ,black victory Adwa is a symbol of Africa not only ours. #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @antonioguterres @AmbRice46 @VP45 @VP @Haavisto @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse Share on X Africa is for Africans, Ethiopians for Ethiopians no more USA or western interfere on our nation we can solve our problems with ourselves. #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @JosepBorrellF @ChrisCoons @antonioguterres @AmbRice46 @VP45 @VP @Haavisto @SecBlinken @POTUS Share on X Ethiopia is for Ethiopians as USA is for Americans. Don’t intervene in Ethiopian affair. #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF @ChrisCoons @antonioguterres @AmbRice46 @VP45 @VP @Haavisto @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF @ChrisCoons Share on X Let's stand together to tell the US TPLF Terrorist associates to take their hands off of our sovereignty & unity. They are undermining their strategic relationship & dipping hands in our internal matters including security. #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering… Share on X TPLF is anti-human being group! They killed innocence people and soldiers. Why America struggle to give back life for TPLF. #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @antonioguterres @VP45 @VP @Haavisto @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF @ChrisCoons @antonioguterres Share on X Trump was gave command to EGYPT to bomb RENAISSANCE dam. But Ethiopian people and the hero Ethiopian prime minster never give permission to bomb the dam! NEVER EVER #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @AmbRice46 @VP45 @VP @Haavisto @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse Share on X Susan Rice and secnater Blinken are the same diplomat who support TPLF JUNTA’s gang group. #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @ChrisCoons @antonioguterres @AmbRice46 @VP45 @VP @Haavisto @JosepBorrellF @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF @ChrisCoons Share on X It’s my dam. It’s our dam. Don’t raise hop to stop our second dam filing. #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @antonioguterres @AmbRice46 @VP45 @VP @Haavisto @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF @ChrisCoons @SecBlinken @POTUS Share on X Senator Blinken hands off from our beloved country Ethiopia. #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF @ChrisCoons @antonioguterres @AmbRice46 @VP45 @VP @Haavisto Share on X The constriction of the grand Ethiopian renaissance dam is great benefit for Sudan to stop unexpected flood. #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF @ChrisCoons @antonioguterres @AmbRice46 @VP45 @VP @Haavisto Share on X America cool - down. Ethiopia will build too money dams like renaissance dam. #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF @ChrisCoons @antonioguterres @AmbRice46 @VP45 @VP @Haavisto Share on X The second phase of filing the grand Ethiopian renaissance dam expected to be complete in this year. EGYPT’ SUDAN and AMERICA never can stop. #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF @ChrisCoons @antonioguterres @AmbRice46 @VP45 Share on X Our people hearing the a big good news. Ethiopia announced 80% of the grand Ethiopian renaissance dam. #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @VP @Haavisto @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF @ChrisCoons @antonioguterres @AmbRice46 @VP45 Share on X America does not support the TPLF. They are already dead. #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF @ChrisCoons @antonioguterres @AmbRice46 @VP45 @VP @Haavisto Share on X Senator Blinken must stop pressuring Ethiopia and spoiling Ethio-America partnership once for all. TPLF is dead. #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF @ChrisCoons @antonioguterres @AmbRice46 @VP45 @VP @Haavisto Share on X TPLF is like Al Qaeda. The difference is Ethiopia killed TPLF but America cannot do that on Al Qaeda. #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF @ChrisCoons @antonioguterres @AmbRice46 @VP45 @VP @Haavist Share on X Ethiopian election determined by Ethiopians only. #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF @ChrisCoons @antonioguterres @AmbRice46 @VP45 @VP @Haavisto Share on X Ethiopia is the only un- colonized country in the world. Ethiopia is not American colony. #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF @ChrisCoons @antonioguterres @AmbRice46 @VP45 @VP @Haavisto Share on X A country like America that does not know its rights and responsibilities. n international relations is committing unnecessary atrocities against Ethiopia and it must stop now. #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF @ChrisCoons Share on X All global world Did you know that every Ethiopian hates the TPLF mafia group? TPLF is a murderous, racist, and murderous group! This is reality! #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @antonioguterres @AmbRice46 @VP45 @VP @Haavisto @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse Share on X If you don't know the history of Ethiopia, know it. In the past, when no country was sovereign, she was a sovereign state and she will keep it #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @JosepBorrellF @ChrisCoons @antonioguterres @AmbRice46 @VP45 @VP @Haavisto Share on X Ethiopia has no time for devotion but love. So do not try to be angry with Ethiopia. #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF @ChrisCoons @antonioguterres @AmbRice46 @VP45 @VP @Haavisto Share on X Ethiopia is a country that respects the rights of others and does not infringe on its own rights #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF @ChrisCoons @antonioguterres @AmbRice46 @VP45 @VP @Haavisto Share on X PM Abiy Ahmed is protecting Ethiopia and its people from internal and external enemies. #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF @ChrisCoons @antonioguterres @AmbRice46 @VP45 @VP @Haavisto Share on X Pm abiy Ahmed is Primary duty of the Prime minister and commander in chief of the national armed forces in every he was deserve to lead and protect the nation in all aspect. #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF Share on X All international media must apologize for its misinformation on Ethiopian government issue. #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @ChrisCoons @antonioguterres @AmbRice46 @VP45 @VP @Haavisto @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF Share on X No one can deny the most impressive initiation caused by Dr Abiy Ahmed towards the prosperous Ethiopia #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @ChrisCoons @antonioguterres @AmbRice46 @VP45 @VP @Haavisto @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF Share on X No one can stop the rising and shining Ethiopia. #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @ChrisCoons @antonioguterres @AmbRice46 @VP45 @VP @Haavisto @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF Share on X Ethiopia will continue on its unshakable belief that Ethiopia problem should be resolved by Ethiopian. #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @ChrisCoons @antonioguterres @AmbRice46 @VP45 @VP @Haavisto @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF Share on X TPLF is a killer and morally wrong militia mafia group. #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF @ChrisCoons @antonioguterres @AmbRice46 @VP45 @VP @Haavisto Share on X Any self-respecting country or leader cannot deny Ethiopia’s natural right to use its own river to fight against poverty. #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF @ChrisCoons @antonioguterres @AmbRice46 @VP45 @VP @Haavisto Share on X Ethiopia has a long period of history it can't get under colonial by any case!! #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF @ChrisCoons @antonioguterres @AmbRice46 @VP45 @VP @Haavisto Share on X We need peace with all because Ethiopia means the model of peace in the African continent countries. #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF @ChrisCoons @antonioguterres @AmbRice46 @VP45 @VP @Haavisto Share on X Ethiopian believes peace and develops so any part can’t Ethiopia under control. #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF @ChrisCoons @antonioguterres @AmbRice46 @VP45 @VP @Haavisto Share on X America can't get under control Ethiopia because we don’t accept any decision about freedom. #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF @ChrisCoons @antonioguterres @AmbRice46 @VP45 @VP @Haavisto Share on X TPLF is the cancer of the world every person can remember the past many years in the neighbor countries lives in the civil war. #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF @ChrisCoons @antonioguterres @AmbRice46 @VP45 @VP @Haavisto Share on X America agreed with TPLF means first point of failed for American people and government. #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF @ChrisCoons @antonioguterres @AmbRice46 @VP45 @VP @Haavisto Share on X TPLF always the case of conflict and civil war for horn of Africa, like south Sudan; Somalia; Eretria. #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF @ChrisCoons @antonioguterres @AmbRice46 @VP45 @VP @Haavisto Share on X Junta TPLF is international criminal and terrorist group that threats not only Ethiopians includes America all the world. #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF @ChrisCoons @antonioguterres @AmbRice46 @VP45 @VP @Haavisto Share on X For the last more than 27years TPLF junta terrorist group arrest civilians without enough reasons. #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF @ChrisCoons @antonioguterres @AmbRice46 @VP45 @VP @Haavisto Share on X TPLF junta last 27 years commit violation of human rights on prisoners such as whipping, rape, make them hanger and disable them in prison. #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering@SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF @antonioguterres @AmbRice46 @VP45 @VP @Haavisto Share on X PM Abiy Ahmed best example of about peace in the world because on these three years there are different changes by his leadership role #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @SecBlinken @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF @ChrisCoons @antonioguterres @AmbRice46 @VP45 @VP @Haavisto Share on X Many world countries passed from civil war to peace and development by the help of pm abiy reconciliation and conflict resolution quality #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF @ChrisCoons @antonioguterres @AmbRice46 Share on X Ethiopia is building a renaissance dam to lift people out of poverty, not to hurt anyone. So no any foreign intervention on GERD is prohibited! #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF @ChrisCoons @antonioguterres @AmbRice46 @VP45 Share on X Ethiopia never ever going to give up its right to use its resources inside its sovereign territory. #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF @ChrisCoons @antonioguterres @AmbRice46 @VP45 @VP @Haavisto Share on X Ethiopians don't want to harm all the world brothers & Sisters by holding blue Nile water#Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF @ChrisCoons @antonioguterres @AmbRice46 @VP45 @VP @Haavisto Share on X All we Ethiopians said that let's share & prosper together! #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF @ChrisCoons @antonioguterres @AmbRice46 @VP45 @VP @Haavisto Share on X We Ethiopian support our government to live freedom. No one can stop to do that. #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF @ChrisCoons @antonioguterres @AmbRice46 @VP45 @VP @Haavisto Share on X We Ethiopia never wanted to affect American brothers we need only development and peace by our self. #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF @ChrisCoons @antonioguterres @AmbRice46 @VP45 @VP @Haavisto Share on X No one can change our hands on the development and peace #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF @ChrisCoons @antonioguterres @AmbRice46 @VP45 @VP @Haavisto Share on X We do not allow Ethiopians to stop the development. #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF @ChrisCoons @antonioguterres @AmbRice46 @VP45 @VP @Haavisto Share on X Ethiopia never accepts laws that directly or indirectly restrict our right to future development and freedom #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF @ChrisCoons @antonioguterres @AmbRice46 @VP45 @VP @Haavisto Share on X Ethiopia is building a mega dam on her river just like other countries did #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF @ChrisCoons @antonioguterres @AmbRice46 @VP45 @VP @Haavisto Share on X Ethiopia will not accept any agreement with tplf junta and like the same groups. #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF @ChrisCoons @antonioguterres @AmbRice46 @VP45 @VP @Haavisto Share on X We Ethiopians know what is better for us leave our affairs to ourselves cannot any country make decision in our concern. #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF @ChrisCoons @antonioguterres @AmbRice46 @VP45 @VP @Haavisto Share on X We Ethiopians are symbol of independence to the whole of the black race. Read our history. #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF @ChrisCoons @antonioguterres @AmbRice46 @VP45 @VP @Haavisto Share on X While most of Africa had come under colonial rule during scramble for Africa, Ethiopia remained a sovereign nation with a formidable army and a strong monarchy. #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF @ChrisCoons @antonioguterres Share on X While most of Africa had come under colonial rule during scramble for Africa, Ethiopia remained a sovereign nation with a formidable army and a strong monarchy. #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @AmbRice46 @VP45 @VP @Haavisto @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse Share on X American Don’t forget that One hundred twenty-five years ago we are Ethiopians #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF @ChrisCoons @antonioguterres @AmbRice46 @VP45 @VP @Haavisto Share on X Ethiopia can solve its own problems on its own and this is what our history shows so stop interferes in Ethiopians freedom and right. #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF @ChrisCoons @antonioguterres @AmbRice46 @VP45 @VP Share on X We will not allow the world's superpowers to obstruct Ethiopia, but to support the transformation process that Ethiopia is embarking on. #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF @ChrisCoons @antonioguterres @AmbRice46 @VP @Haavisto Share on X Ethiopia is a country that has not been colonized in the past and has a strong foundation that no one will kneel down. #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF @ChrisCoons @antonioguterres @AmbRice46 @VP45 @VP @Haavisto Share on X Stop because the world shameful nations (like USA) are trying to put pressure on Ethiopia. #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF @ChrisCoons @antonioguterres @AmbRice46 @VP45 @VP @Haavisto Share on X Ethiopia is a country that has good relations with other countries and she is well aware of its rights and obligations. #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF @ChrisCoons @antonioguterres @AmbRice46 @VP45 @VP @Haavisto Share on X By not knowing their rights shameful countries like the America are putting pressure on Ethiopia. #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF @ChrisCoons @antonioguterres @AmbRice46 @VP45 @VP @Haavisto Share on X We are asking to stop unnecessary pressure and please mind on your own business. #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF @ChrisCoons @antonioguterres @AmbRice46 @VP45 @VP @Haavisto Share on X Ethiopian victory against the many colonizers at many place Ethiopia #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF @ChrisCoons @antonioguterres @AmbRice46 @VP45 @VP @Haavisto Share on X Ethiopia, a permanent symbol of Independence and inspiration for the whole black people to fight for their liberation. #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF @ChrisCoons @antonioguterres @AmbRice46 @VP45 @VP @Haavisto Share on X Standing on the truth. Speaking the truth. By our Ethiopian government. We Ethiopians are proud. Without harming anyone. With our natural resources. We will enrich our country by using the Nile River. USA shame on you! #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering Share on X Ethiopia always cares about all countries. We do not have any intention to harm anyone. We are Ethiopians. But USA makes conspiracy on Ethiopian sovereignty. Please stop USA. #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF @ChrisCoons Share on X GERD is our national pride. A symbol of Ethiopians self-reliance, resilience and also a fight back against colonial mindset #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF @ChrisCoons @antonioguterres @AmbRice46 @VP45 @VP @Haavisto Share on X Whether USA OR Egypt likes our leader Abiy or not; whether Sudan decides to stand with Ethiopia or not; Ethiopia is a sovereign state and support Abiy ahimed also should FillTheDam #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF Share on X Defend Ethiopia against fake news & disinformation. #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF @ChrisCoons @antonioguterres @AmbRice46 @VP45 @VP @Haavisto Share on X Let us get GERD finalized and bring Ethiopia out of poverty. #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF @ChrisCoons @antonioguterres @AmbRice46 @VP45 @VP @Haavisto Share on X GERD is Africa's dam. GERD is our dam. #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF @ChrisCoons @antonioguterres @AmbRice46 @VP45 @VP @Haavisto Share on X Sovereignty of Ethiopia, its ability to uphold rule of law & secure borders, all put at risk by TPLF #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF @ChrisCoons @antonioguterres @AmbRice46 @VP45 @VP @Haavisto Share on X Every country has a duty to protect its army, including Ethiopia.TPLF attacked Ethiopia's army on Nov 4, Ethiopia responded. #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF @ChrisCoons @antonioguterres @AmbRice46 @VP45 @VP @Haavisto Share on X The JoeBiden administration has to disown TPLF.Time to DisarmTPLF and work with Ethiopia. #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF @ChrisCoons @antonioguterres @AmbRice46 @VP45 @VP @Haavisto Share on X Be aware of disinformation spread by TPLF political supporters. They’re against reforms in Ethiopia #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF @ChrisCoons @antonioguterres @AmbRice46 @VP45 @VP @Haavisto Share on X Dear USA don't support terrorist ,Stand With Ethiopia today and always #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF @ChrisCoons @antonioguterres @AmbRice46 @VP45 @VP @Haavisto Share on X Dear USA this time is Time to Support Ethiopia Disarm TPLF #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF @ChrisCoons @antonioguterres @AmbRice46 @VP45 @VP @Haavisto Share on X TPLF was a private company of few individuals! #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF @ChrisCoons @antonioguterres @AmbRice46 @VP45 @VP @Haavisto Share on X Dear USA Dear we pretty sure you are very angry because of our success #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF @ChrisCoons @antonioguterres @AmbRice46 @VP45 @VP @Haavisto Share on X TPLF bribed prominent foreign politicians, journalists and diplomats to pressure the Ethiopian government! #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF @ChrisCoons @antonioguterres @AmbRice46 @VP45 @VP @Haavisto Share on X The difference between TPLF, Al-Shabaab, and Boko Haram & ISIS is only in name and language. All of them destroy infrastructure, bombard historical sites, terrorize by killings, loot & spread false information, So USA don't support terrorist #Stand4EthiopianUnity Share on X As Ethiopians, we stand together against the daily propaganda of the USA colonialized government against Ethiopians. Ethiopia prevails! #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF @antonioguterres @AmbRice46 @VP45 @VP @Haavisto Share on X You are trying to hide the truth but you can’t. #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF @ChrisCoons @antonioguterres @AmbRice46 @VP45 @VP @Haavisto Share on X The western media act as puppet for TPLF specially CNN and AP you are trying to cry for fake fallacy. #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF @ChrisCoons @antonioguterres @AmbRice46 @VP45 @VP @Haavisto Share on X The western tries to complicate the issue of Tigray to accomplish their plan on Ethiopia, and you doing that. #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF @ChrisCoons @antonioguterres @AmbRice46 @VP45 @VP @Haavisto Share on X Sexual abuse done in the Tigray was done by TPLF Forces wearing Eritrean Soldier Uniforms. #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF @ChrisCoons @antonioguterres @AmbRice46 @VP45 @VP @Haavisto Share on X The Ethiopian Government has done many activities to support the people of Tigray starting from day one. #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF @ChrisCoons @antonioguterres @AmbRice46 @VP45 @VP @Haavisto Share on X The aim of Ethiopia Government is protecting the people of Ethiopia and the constitution. #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF @ChrisCoons @antonioguterres @AmbRice46 @VP45 @VP @Haavisto Share on X The TPLF social media warrior tries to hide the truth. #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF @ChrisCoons @antonioguterres @AmbRice46 @VP45 @VP @Haavisto Share on X Many western media tries to buried the fact and focus on Keyboard made news from TPLF Keyboard warriors. #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF @ChrisCoons @antonioguterres @AmbRice46 @VP45 @VP @Haavisto Share on X The dummy western media tries to destroy Ethiopia because Ethiopia is the only Country defeats them on Battle of Adwa. #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF @ChrisCoons @antonioguterres @AmbRice46 @VP45 @VP @Haavisto Share on X We Ethiopians are one don’t try to divide us in the name of Human right. We know what human Right is and we are doing that. #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF @ChrisCoons @antonioguterres @AmbRice46 @VP45 @VP @Haavisto Share on X Our culture, ethics and custom is solution for our problem we don’t need your media, Policy, Program and Charity. #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF @ChrisCoons @antonioguterres @AmbRice46 @VP45 @VP @Haavisto Share on X The only thing we learned from western and that makes as dummy is racism. So we don’t need anything from them. They don’t have humanity. #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF @ChrisCoons @antonioguterres @AmbRice46 @VP45 @VP… Share on X The Ethiopian government was done amazing and unthinkable work on people of Tigray through humanitarian aid. #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF @ChrisCoons @antonioguterres @AmbRice46 @VP45 @VP @Haavisto Share on X We unite and build safe, peace and Prosperous Ethiopia. #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF @ChrisCoons @antonioguterres @AmbRice46 @VP45 @VP @Haavisto Share on X The need of USA is to undermine Ethiopia tries to govern Ethiopia with the leader of Puppets. #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF @ChrisCoons @antonioguterres @AmbRice46 @VP45 @VP @Haavisto Share on X The main thing we have to know is the western don’t like the strong and developed African countries. #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF @ChrisCoons @antonioguterres @AmbRice46 @VP45 @VP @Haavisto Share on X What the western and USA doing is clear and what we are see in Gaza is enough. #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF @ChrisCoons @antonioguterres @AmbRice46 @VP45 @VP @Haavisto Share on X We Ethiopians don’t hesitate with our sovereignty because we don’t have any history with inferiority. We defeat fascist Italy on Adwa. #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse @ChrisCoons @antonioguterres @AmbRice46 @VP45 @VP @Haavisto Share on X Our history tells us more about our Future. We didn’t have black history. #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF @ChrisCoons @antonioguterres @AmbRice46 @VP45 @VP @Haavisto Share on X We done election we elect what we want, we finish Abay and we build Ethiopia on mountain. #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF @ChrisCoons @antonioguterres @AmbRice46 @VP45 @VP @Haavisto Share on X In the first we didn’t need Antony Fletman as the Horn Africa special envoy in the second we didn’t believe on his report about us. Because he is acting as TPLF agent. #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF @ChrisCoons @AmbRice46 Share on X TPLF is terrorist group and anyone who supports TPLF is terrorist. #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF @ChrisCoons @antonioguterres @AmbRice46 @VP45 @VP @Haavisto Share on X The Ethiopian believes on Dr Abiy reforms. #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF @ChrisCoons @antonioguterres @AmbRice46 @VP45 @VP @Haavisto Share on X We didn’t need any western country to prove our election because their motive is not the same with our plan. #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF @ChrisCoons @antonioguterres @AmbRice46 @VP45 @VP @Haavisto Share on X USA doesn’t touch us we are trying to change our peoples live we know your hidden agenda. You are the doing horrific things on Libya and Syria. #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF @ChrisCoons @AmbRice46 @VP45 @VP @Haavisto Share on X TPLF, USA, ISRAEL, AND EGYPT tries to destroy Ethiopia but they can’t. Please I tell you one thing, read Ethiopian history that is enough for u to know what Ethiopia is and what Ethiopian is. We defeat our entire enemy including white. #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering Share on X We have full right on our resources to control. Today we are trying to use our resources for national economic Growth. Ethiopia will Prevails. #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF @ChrisCoons @antonioguterres @AmbRice46 @VP45 @VP Share on X Ethiopia is not a state under US jurisdiction #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF @ChrisCoons @antonioguterres @AmbRice46 @VP45 @VP @Haavisto Share on X Ethiopia will not bow down to any pressure, Abiy must lead #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF @ChrisCoons @antonioguterres @AmbRice46 @VP45 @VP @Haavisto Share on X Why do US & Western governments countries try to put unnecessary pressure on Ethiopia? To hand off Dr Abiy ,to colonized Ethiopia , Ethiopia was never colonized. #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @SecBlinken @POTUS @JosepBorrellF @ChrisCoons @antonioguterres… Share on X Ethiopia doesn’t need outsiders to tell this sovereign & ancient country what it should do. Ethiopia says NO to neo-colonialists! #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF @ChrisCoons @antonioguterres @AmbRice46 @VP45 @VP… Share on X USA & Western governments are Terrorist TPLF’s ,Al-Shabaab, sympathizer #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF @ChrisCoons @antonioguterres @AmbRice46 @VP45 @VP @Haavisto Share on X USA Support TPLF Group. TPLF is a Terrorist Group TPLF crimes#Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF @ChrisCoons @antonioguterres @AmbRice46 @VP45 @VP @Haavisto Share on X USA is one of the enemies of Ethiopia. African Solutions to African Problems! #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF @ChrisCoons @antonioguterres @AmbRice46 @VP45 @VP @Haavisto Share on X Ethiopia says no to Neocolonialists #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF @ChrisCoons @antonioguterres @AmbRice46 @VP45 @VP @Haavisto Share on X GERD is the pride of Ethiopia. #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF @ChrisCoons @antonioguterres @AmbRice46 @VP45 @VP @Haavisto Share on X GERD is the pride of Africa. #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF @ChrisCoons @antonioguterres @AmbRice46 @VP45 @VP @Haavisto Share on X Why do US & Western governments countries try to put unnecessary pressure on Ethiopia? GERD will transform Ethiopia,ABIY will transform Ethiopia , We see lights at the end of the tunnel #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF Share on X Despite all the challenges Ethiopia faces, we remain hopeful that the best is yet to come for Ethiopia #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF @ChrisCoons @antonioguterres @AmbRice46 @VP45 @VP @Haavisto Share on X Ethiopia does NOT take order from Feltman & SecBlinken #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF @ChrisCoons @antonioguterres @AmbRice46 @VP45 @VP @Haavisto Share on X Ethiopia does not take order from USA , Ethiopia is NOT your colony #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF @ChrisCoons @antonioguterres @AmbRice46 @VP45 @VP @Haavisto Share on X The Current Ethiopian government is a real partner in pacifying the Horn of Africa, a strategic geopolitical region to the US national interest. #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @AmbRice46 @VP45 @VP @Haavisto @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF Share on X Ethiopia under Abiy has been working for economic integration of HOA which plays vital role for stable and prosperous region. Disrupting this will create a serious human catastrophe that can easily change the region as a breeding ground for terrorism #Stand4EthiopianUnity Share on X America look at Syria, Lybia, Afghanistan, Iraq they all became fertile grounds for ISIS and Al-Qaida and other terrorist groups because your and your partners interference in their domestic affairs #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @ChrisCoons @antonioguterres @AmbRice46 Share on X America and other Western countries should have supported the development endeavors of the Ethiopian government but you are creating problems to every solution our government comes up with. #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse Share on X Ethiopian people however poor we are building our Great Grand Renaissance Dam without the support of any country so as to break the chain of poverty we were tied with. Please leave us alone. #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @JosepBorrellF @ChrisCoons Share on X With the completion of the GERD Ethiopia will change the power balance in East Africa and become a showcase of transformational leadership for the whole of the continent this you don’t want to see but it is inevitable. #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering Share on X No power under the Sun can deter the prosperity of Ethiopia #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF @ChrisCoons @antonioguterres @AmbRice46 @VP45 @VP @Haavisto Share on X Ethiopian defense force dismantled the war monger TPLF within two weeks in spite of heavy losses it encountered on November 3 massacres committed on it by the betrayers bought by the Junta. #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @antonioguterres @AmbRice46 @VP45 @VP @Haavisto Share on X The gallant Ethiopian National defense force, Amhara special force and Militias wiped out the coward forces of darkness named TPLF that tried to loot the best logistics of the army and destroy the country #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse Share on X TPLF massacred the Northern command of the Defense force while asleep tired from the selfless activities of harvesting the grains of the Tigrean peasants and chasing locasts that infested the region. #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @JosepBorrellF @ChrisCoons Share on X The Banana republic has ended with TPLF, Respect Ethiopia’s sovereignty #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF @ChrisCoons @antonioguterres @AmbRice46 @VP45 @VP @Haavisto Share on X Respect Ethiopia’s sovereignty, Remember GERD is a big deal for us, Lots of women travel long distances & carry firewood. #GERD will change their lives. #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF @ChrisCoons @antonioguterres Share on X GERD will make Ethiopia great and will be symbolic in Africa. #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF @ChrisCoons @antonioguterres @AmbRice46 @VP45 @VP @Haavisto Share on X GERD is life changer; and Ethiopia is working round the clock to get it finalized. #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF @ChrisCoons @antonioguterres @AmbRice46 @VP45 @VP @Haavisto Share on X The time for a fair and equitable share of the Nile is now. #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF @ChrisCoons @antonioguterres @AmbRice46 @VP45 @VP @Haavisto Share on X Ethiopia was not, is not and will never be colonized. It didn’t happen then and won’t happen under our generation. Abiy must lead, Abiy our Hero leader , Abiy African hero leader #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF @ChrisCoons Share on X America please hands off Ethiopia. Ethiopia is one of the credible of civilization that managed to establish a stable government when you were living in the jungle. #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF @antonioguterres Share on X Ethiopia is a sovereign country with a very long history of civilization. Don’t try to tell us do this don’t do that. #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF @ChrisCoons @antonioguterres @AmbRice46 @VP45 @VP @Haavisto Share on X TPLF had been milking American money under the cover of partnering anti-terrorist activity in actual fact it was working with Al Shabab. #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF @ChrisCoons @antonioguterres @AmbRice46 @VP45 @VP Share on X Ethiopia is a real partner of America in the fight against terrorism in the Horn of Africa. America should think twice not to offend its real ally Ethiopia by interfere in the internal affairs of the country. #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @SecBlinken @POTUS Share on X America stop wasting your time and energy trying to re-erect the dead terrorist organization called TPLF #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF @ChrisCoons @antonioguterres @AmbRice46 @VP45 @VP @Haavisto Share on X TPLF did its best to destabilize the Horn of Africa by working with the enemies of the Somalian and Sudanese government. #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF @ChrisCoons @antonioguterres @AmbRice46 @VP45 @VP @Haavisto Share on X TPLF armed its terrorist forces with American weapon that was meant to fight terrorism in the Horn of Africa. Yet America is currently trying to save this terrorist organization by destabilizing the legitimate government in Ethiopia #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering Share on X TPLF used Al-Shabab as search engine for American tax payers dollar. It never fought against Al-Shabab TPLF and Al-Shabab were working hands and glove to destabilizing the region. #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @SecBlinken @POTUS @WhiteHouse @JosepBorrellF @ChrisCoons Share on X It is shameful and embarrassing for America, the main victim country in the world that lost hundred thousands of its citizens due to terrorism doing all its best to save a renown terrorist organization called TPLF #Stand4EthiopianUnity #USAstopInterfering @antonioguterres Share on X

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