Campaigns International International News News Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed Responds! 1 year ago Views: 12,235 1 The main purpose of Ethiopia joining any multilateral organization is to attain its national interest. #PMAbiyResponds #Ethiopia @EritreaNewsRoom @shabait @EmbassyEritrea @EritreaUNGeneva @Somalia @SomaliPM @TheVillaSomalia @WilliamsRuto @Senate_KE… Share on X 2 The reason why Ethiopia joined BRICS is not to leave one camp and go to on other, but to cooperate with all of them to attain its interests. #PMAbiyResponds #Ethiopia @EritreaNewsRoom @shabait @EmbassyEritrea @EritreaUNGeneva @Somalia @SomaliPM Share on X 3 #Ethiopia has close partnership with all countries. That continues to grow our time. #PMAbiyResponds #Ethiopia @EritreaNewsRoom @shabait @EmbassyEritrea @EritreaUNGeneva @Somalia @SomaliPM @TheVillaSomalia @WilliamsRuto @Senate_KE @DPCS_Djibouti… Share on X 4 The people of #Ethiopia and #Somalia are tied by blood. Many Ethiopians sacrificed and are paying price for peace of Somalia. #PMAbiyResponds #Ethiopia @IsmailOguelleh @somalilandmfa @musebiihi @SLNTV @Reuters @AJEnglish @AFP @CNNAfrica @BBCWorld @_AfricanUnion Share on X 5 There is no other country that has paid as much as Ethiopia for the peace of Somalia. This is because the peace of Somalia is the peace of Ethiopia. #PMAbiyResponds #Ethiopia @EritreaNewsRoom @shabait @EmbassyEritrea @EritreaUNGeneva @Somalia Share on X 6 The cooperation between #Ethiopia and #Somalia is deep. Ethiopia doesn’t wish any harm to its close friend #Somalia. #PMAbiyResponds #Ethiopia @SomaliPM @TheVillaSomalia @WilliamsRuto @Senate_KE @DPCS_Djibouti @IsmailOguelleh @somalilandmfa… Share on X 7 #Ethiopia has never invaded any country in its history, but some forces are trying to plunge #Ethiopia and #Somalia into conflict. This can never happen. #PMAbiyResponds #Ethiopia @musebiihi @SLNTV @Reuters @AJEnglish @AFP @CNNAfrica @BBCWorld Share on X 8 Ethiopia’s quest for access to the sea is based on mutual benefit. This is crucial for regional cooperation and integration. #PMAbiyResponds #Ethiopia @EritreaNewsRoom @shabait @EmbassyEritrea @EritreaUNGeneva @Somalia @SomaliPM @TheVillaSomalia… Share on X 9 Ethiopia is ready to negotiate with #Egypt and #Sudan about the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam. #PMAbiyResponds #Ethiopia @WilliamsRuto @Senate_KE @DPCS_Djibouti @IsmailOguelleh @somalilandmfa @musebiihi @SLNTV @Reuters @AJEnglish @AFP @CNNAfrica @BBCWorld @_AfricanUnion Share on X 10 Ethiopians are ready to listen to the questions of its Egyptian brothers. Egyptians should also become ready to handle our requests. #PMAbiyResponds #Ethiopia @EritreaNewsRoom @shabait @EmbassyEritrea @EritreaUNGeneva @Somalia @SomaliPM… Share on X 11 The Ethiopian Government and Tigray’s Interim Administration has achieved numerous victories in ensuring peace, economic recovery of the region and humanitarian assistance following #PMAbiyResponds #Ethiopia @TheVillaSomalia @WilliamsRuto @Senate_KE Share on X 12 Ethiopia is working to overcome the historical disruptors of peace: failure to express political interests through peaceful means, rejection of reconciliation efforts and sabotaging of peaceful outcomes. #PMAbiyResponds #Ethiopia @DPCS_Djibouti @IsmailOguelleh @somalilandmfa Share on X 13 Achieving political aims through violence is destructive political culture. Power in today’s Ethiopia emanates solely from democracy and elections. #PMAbiyResponds #Ethiopia @musebiihi @SLNTV @Reuters @AJEnglish @AFP @CNNAfrica @_AfricanUnion Share on X 14 Ethiopian history teaches that there is no gain out of conflict. Let’s strive for peace. #PMAbiyResponds #Ethiopia @EritreaNewsRoom @shabait @EmbassyEritrea @EritreaUNGeneva @Somalia @SomaliPM @TheVillaSomalia @WilliamsRuto @Senate_KE @DPCS_Djibouti… Share on X 15 The Ethiopian Government is diligently working to realize the developmental and constitutional reform aspirations of its people. #PMAbiyResponds #Ethiopia @amnestyusa @SecBlinken @POTUS @CNN @Reuters @BloombergAfrica @AFP @SecBlinken @guardian Share on X 16 The political struggle of some political forces in Ethiopia is aimed at ensuring personal benefits. That is why they act in contravention to national unity and national Interest. #PMAbiyResponds #Ethiopia @IsmailOguelleh @somalilandmfa @musebiihi @SLNTV @Reuters @AJEnglish Share on X 17 PM@AbiyAhmedAli reaffirmed the commitment of the Ethiopian Government to continue negotiation with armed groups if they respect the laws of the nation. #PMAbiyResponds @AFP @CNNAfrica @BBCWorld @_AfricanUnion #Ethiopia @EritreaNewsRoom @shabait Share on X 18 PM @AbiyAhmedAli called on armed groups in Amhara and Oromia regions for peaceful negotiations. #PMAbiyResponds #Ethiopia @EmbassyEritrea @EritreaUNGeneva @Somalia @SomaliPM @TheVillaSomalia @WilliamsRuto @Senate_KE @DPCS_Djibouti @IsmailOguelleh Share on X 19 The politicization of drought in some pockets of Ethiopia is simplistic. The gov’t is providing humanitarian assistance to those affected by drought. #PMAbiyResponds #Ethiopia @somalilandmfa @musebiihi @SLNTV @Reuters @AJEnglish @AFP @CNNAfrica Share on X 20 No Government has worked for the unity of Somalia in comparison to what Ethiopia did. Great efforts have been made to unite Somaliland and Somalia. #PMAbiyResponds #Ethiopia @BBCWorld @_AfricanUnion @EritreaNewsRoom @shabait @EmbassyEritrea Share on X 21 Whenever an agreement is made between Somaliland and Somalia, Ethiopia will be the first happy country. #PMAbiyResponds #Ethiopia @EritreaUNGeneva @Somalia @SomaliPM @TheVillaSomalia @WilliamsRuto @Senate_KE @DPCS_Djibouti @IsmailOguelleh Share on X 22 Ethiopia's request of access to the Red Sea is a matter of survival. #PMAbiyResponds #Ethiopia @EritreaNewsRoom @shabait @EmbassyEritrea @EritreaUNGeneva @Somalia @SomaliPM @TheVillaSomalia @WilliamsRuto @Senate_KE @DPCS_Djibouti @IsmailOguelleh Share on X 23 If it is right for Ethiopians to go and die for peace in Mogadishu, if it is right for Ethiopians to go and die in Darfur, then there should not have been a controversy when Ethiopians said we should die to protect the peace and security of the Red Sea. #PMAbiyResponds #Ethiopia Share on X 24 Ethiopia doesn’t infringe the sovereignty of any country. Ethiopia’s belief in the principle of give and take is unwavering. #PMAbiyResponds #Ethiopia @somalilandmfa @musebiihi @SLNTV @Reuters @AJEnglish @AFP @CNNAfrica @BBCWorld @_AfricanUnion Share on X 25 Ethiopia has paid nearly 10 billion dollars of its debt in the last five years. It is indeed a remarkable achievement! #PMAbiyResponds #Ethiopia @EritreaNewsRoom @shabait @EmbassyEritrea @EritreaUNGeneva @Somalia @SomaliPM @TheVillaSomalia Share on X About Post Author admin_w7y1yrey See author's posts Continue Reading Previous የኢትዮጵያን ወቅታዊ ሁኔታዎች በተመለከተ በዓለማቀፍ ሚድያዎች የወጡ የተመረጡ ዘገባዎችNext የኢትዮጵያን ወቅታዊ ሁኔታዎች በተመለከተ በዓለማቀፍ ሚድያዎች የወጡ የተመረጡ ዘገባዎች