If You Really Care For Ethiopa, Disarm The Terrorist TPLF Group #8

#TPLF’s final call of desperation is still a war drum for more death and destruction. Rather than externalizing its problem, the #TPLF should renounce violence, disarm and save the precious lives of children and youth. #DisarmTPLF #TPLFisTheCause @Reuters @StateDept @AFP Share on X2
#TPLF has continued its long-held tactic of scapegoating #Eritrea for its own weaknesses and failures. It fails to live in peace with #Ethiopians; it creates chaos in the region and still whines. #DisarmTPLF #DisarmTPLF #TPLFisTheCause @MikeHammerUSA @EUSR_Weber @bpolitics Share on X3
As usual, #TPLF restarted its media-wave before deploying another human-wave to the battleground. The #IC should condemn the #TPLF for sending more child soldiers to their death. #DisarmTPLF #TPLFisTheCause @BBCAfrica @HouseForeign @CNNAfrica pic.twitter.com/iEpHUSXved Share on X4
@MikeHammer, who are the other forces that are taking unprovoked actions against #Ethiopia’s sovereignty? Call the historical enemies, especially Egypt, by their name rather than scapegoating #Eritrea. #DisarmTPLF #TPLFisTheCause @AJEnglish @AsstSecStateAF @MikeHammerUSA Share on X5
#TPLF is a Trojan horse for #Ethiopia’s historical enemies to destabilize its peace and stability and #HoA. The first victims, #Ethiopia and #Eritrea, have duties and responsibilities to preserve their peace and stability. #DisarmTPLF #TPLFisTheCause @EUSR_Weber @SFRCdems Share on X6
Any negotiation requires trust in the mediators and reliable negotiators. The TPLF belittles the #AU and Obasanjo & it still refuses to renounce its idea that war solves every problem. #DisarmTPLF #DisarmTPLF #TPLFisTheCause pic.twitter.com/O2FZNjBp0C Share on X7
If you want to prove that you are of Tigrayan ancestry, you must either obtain certification from the Pure ones or totally support the terrorist TPLF. Is this not disgusting? #DisarmTPLF #DisarmTPLF #TPLFisTheCause @HouseForeign @hr @JosepBorrellF… Share on X8
TPLF’s message to mothers in Tigray: We lost about 150,000 of your kids in just three weeks of fighting that we provoked. You need to send us the remaining children so that we can carry on with the war. #DisarmTPLF #DisarmTPLF #TPLFisTheCause @FCDOGovUK @HannaTetteh Share on X9
According to TPLF, Ethiopian soldiers who are in disarray are attacking Tigray from all sides. Lying is one thing; making it plausible is another. Make up your minds & tell your supporters which one to believe in. #DisarmTPLF #DisarmTPLF #TPLFisTheCause @LaetitiaBader Share on X10
The TPLF issued a statement urging the people of Amhara and Afar not to join the fight. They say our enemy is the gov’t but don’t take it seriously if we rape you & loot you along the way. Daydreamers! #DisarmTPLF #DisarmTPLF #TPLFisTheCause @amnest Share on X11
The terrorist TPLF and its sympathizers promote the occupation and looting of this or that village in the Amhara and Afar regions as a victory. A sick jock is the appropriate description! #DisarmTPLF #DisarmTPLF #TPLFisTheCause @BradSherman pic.twitter.com/TFDqxugrEp Share on X12
According to the TPLF, invading the Amhara and Afar regions is justifiable to safeguard Tigray. As per this logic, they shouldn’t be surprised if Tigray is invaded by non-Tigrayan forces. #DisarmTPLF #DisarmTPLF #TPLFisTheCause @ChrisCoons @SFRCdems Share on X