Campaigns Email Campaign International News Ethiopia’s Green Legacy Initiative to Surpass its Goal of Planting 20 Billion Trees #2 2 years ago Views: 15,764 1 Ethiopia's policy framework for climate change mitigation and adaptation has progressively evolved since the ratification of the UN Framework Convention (UNFCCC) in 1994. Ahead of #COP27🇪🇹 #EthiopiaPrevails @UN @SDGoals Share on X 2 🇪🇹's National Adaptation Plan(NAP)includes critical programs such as Agriculture Growth Program(AGP), the Livestock Master Plan(LMP)aiming to improve agro productivity, commercialization, to reduce vulnerability to climate change. Ahead of #COP27🇪🇹 #EthiopiaPrevails @UNDPClimate Share on X 3 Ethiopia is ensuring the legacy of green economic development path by mainstreaming Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and climate resilient green economy in different sectors. Ahead of #COP27🇪🇹 #EthiopiaPrevails @UN @SDGoals Share on X 4 The 🇪🇹|n 10 yr Development Plan aims to build on the industrial sector to achieve economic transformation with manufacturing from its total GDP level from 6.9% to 17.2% by 2030 while achieving an avg econ growth of 10% for the next 10 years. Ahead of #COP27🇪🇹 #EthiopiaPrevails Share on X 5 Ethiopia's rate of poverty has declined from 29.6% in 2010/11 to 23.5% in 2019. Following its green economy path, it is continuing this trend to meet SDG goal 1 of reducing poverty by 2030. Ahead of #COP27🇪🇹 #EthiopiaPrevails @SDGaction Share on X 6 🇪🇹's Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) of the Paris agreement, set a 2018 baseline and 2030 targets & prioritized 40 adaptation interventions and a selection of accompanying indicators. Ahead of #COP27🇪🇹 #EthiopiaPrevails @UN @SDGoals Share on X 7 The Paris Agreement requests each country's climate actions. 🇪🇹 has submitted & updated its plan to cover 2020-2030. It set 2025 & 2030 mitigation targets consistent with its political ambition & readiness to act on #climatechange. Ahead of #COP27🇪🇹 #EthiopiaPrevails Share on X 8 #SDGs 1.5 By '30, build the resilience of the poor & those in vulnerable situations. Reduce vuln to climate-related extreme events, econ, social, & environmental shocks/disasters. 🇪🇹's #GreenLegacy addresses this goal. Ahead of #COP27🇪🇹 #EthiopiaPrevails @UN Share on X 9 The Paris Agrmt. is the most inclusive global agrmt on climate change. Others like z Kyoto Prtcl focused on cutting emissions from the dvlpd🌎.Paris, set a global goal to which every country agreed to contribute.🇪🇹 is doing its part.Ahead of #COP27🇪🇹 #EthiopiaPrevails @SongweVera Share on X 10 In 2015 🇪🇹 intended to limit its net (GHG) emissions in '30 to 145 Mt CO2e or lower. It is a 255 MtCO2e reduction from the projected ‘business-asusual’ (BAU) emissions in '30 or a 64% reduction from the BAU scenario in '30. Ahead of #COP27🇪🇹 Share on X 11 🇪🇹's plan to combat the adverse effects of climate change is based on its Climate Resilient Green Economy Strategy. The CRGE'd ensure a resilient economic dvlpt pathway while decreasing per capita emissions by 64% or more in ’30. Ahead of #COP27🇪🇹 #EthiopiaPrevails… Share on X 12 In the long term,🇹intends to achieve its vision of becoming carbon-neutral with mid-term goal of attaining middle income status. The Green legacy initiative aims to curb the effects of climate change and deforestation in Ethiopia. Ahead of #COP27🇪🇹 #EthiopiaPrevails @UNDPClimate Share on X 13 Towards its long-term adaptation goal,🇹is increasing its resilience, reducing vulnerability of livelihoods & landscapes. Boosting agro productivity, minimizing food insecurity& increasing incomes by breeding improved crop varieties. Ahead of #COP27🇪🇹 #EthiopiaPrevails Share on X 14 At 1.8 tCO2e, 🇪🇹's per capita GHG emissions are insignificant compared to total global emissions. when Ethiopia’s contribution is fully implemented, it would reduce per capita emissions to 1.1 tCO2e by 2030 exceeding expectations. Ahead of #COP27🇪🇹 #EthiopiaPrevails @UNDPClimate Share on X 15 The full & effective impl of the Green Economy Strategy requires more than $150 bln by '30. a category of 🇪🇹's Intended Nationally Determined Contrib is to identify the tech,policies &actions to enable invstmt limiting emission to 145 Mt/lower.Ahead of #COP27🇪🇹 Share on X 16 🇪🇹 has already committed significant resources to reduce GHGs & build resilience,including for the implementation of afforestation & land rehab interventions, generation & distribution of electricity from clean & renewable sources.Ahead of #COP27🇪🇹 Share on X 17 🇪🇹 spends an estimated annual average of $4 Bln for the purchase of fuel. In the face of 🌎 fuel uncertainties, the gvmnt recently engaged in an ambitious effort to fast-track the transition into electric mobility. Ahead of #COP27🇪🇹 #EthiopiaPrevails @SongweVera @dagmawit_moges Share on X 18 The🌎 agreed to strengthen the global response to climate change by keeping a🌎 temp rise well below 2 ℃ above pre-industrial levels & to pursue efforts to further limit temp increase to 1.5 ℃. 🇪🇹 is on track on its commitment. Ahead of #COP27🇪🇹 #EthiopiaPrevails… Share on X 19 🇪 's 145 Mt CO2e target was calculated by computing the associated emissions using the economic dvlpmt targets (2010-2015), past performance and the ambition to reach middle-income status before 2025. Ahead of #COP27🇪🇹 #EthiopiaPrevails @SongweVera Share on X 20 The foundation of 🇪🇹's EINDC is its CRGE Strategy. The CRGE sets out to deliver these objectives:•Lift 🇪🇹 to middle-income status by 2025•Ensure econ dvlpt is sustainable by limiting GHG emissions•Create green job opportunities. Ahead of #COP27🇪🇹#EthiopiaPrevails @UNDPClimate Share on X About Post Author admin_w7y1yrey See author's posts Continue Reading Previous የኢትዮጵያን ወቅታዊ ሁኔታዎች በተመለከተ በዓለማቀፍ ሚድያዎች የወጡ የተመረጡ ዘገባዎችNext የኢትዮጵያን ወቅታዊ ሁኔታዎች በተመለከተ በዓለማቀፍ ሚድያዎች የወጡ የተመረጡ ዘገባዎች