Ethiopian Truth Media

The Enemy Of Truth Is Blind Acceptance.

Ethiopia Deserves Support Not Sanction!

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#Ethiopia won't succumb to consequences of pressure engineered by disgruntled individuals for whom consolidating power is more important than the well-being of millions. #SanctionTPLFTerrorists #HandsoffEthiopia #JoeBidensAmerica @USEmbassyAddis @POTUS @SecBlinken @guardian Share on X


The consequences & aftermaths of hurried & rash decisions made by various US administrations left many global populations in more desolate conditions than the intervention attempted to rectify #SanctionTPLFTerrorists #HandsoffEthiopia @USEmbassyAddis @JoeBiden @StateDept Share on X


While the entire world has turned its eyes onto Ethio & the Govt for all the wrong reasons, it has failed to openly & sternly reprimand the terrorist group in same manner it has been chastising Eth govt. #SanctionTPLFTerrorists #HandsoffEthiopia Share on X


Developing nations, like Ethio, have been expectant a new course in the US’s foreign policy will be charted, departing from influence of individuals that have entrenched themselves into the politics of other nations. Sad the opposite is happening! #SanctionTPLFTerrorists @nytimes Share on X


Developing nations, like #Ethiopia, expected a new course in US’s foreign policy, dept from influence of individuals entrenched themselves into politics of other nations. Sad the opposite is happening! #SanctionTPLFTerrorists #HandsoffEthiopia #JoeBidensAmerica @USEmbassyAddis Share on X


History will record the orchestrated turbulent period Ethio is going through at the moment; justified by some Western policy makers and global institutions under the guise of humanitarian assistance. #SanctionTPLFTerrorists #HandsoffEthiopia @POTUS @SecBlinken @SecBlinken @AFP Share on X


Unwarranted pressure, characterized by double standards, has been rooted in an orchestrated distortion of events & facts. As such US’ recent policy against #Ethiopia evidently surpasses humanitarian concerns. #SanctionTPLFTerrorists #HandsoffEthiopia @USEmbassyAddis @POTUS Share on X


The War Started by #TPLF's brutal attack on the Sovereign #ENDF Army. #Ethiopians Need Peace, that's why they say #SanctionTPLFTerrorists #HandsoffEthiopia #JoeBidenBackoff @JoeBiden @StateDept @RepKarenBass @SecBlinken @USAmbUN @PowerUSAID @RT_com Share on X


Do as u’re told seems to be guiding principle of US foreign policy. As it stands, it has destroyed many countries & American lives. Yet few privileged in Biden’s circle are eager to add more countries & lives to the list. #SanctionTPLFTerrorists #HandsoffEthiopia Share on X


Now We clearly understood the real cause and who's behind #TPLFisaTerrorist its @StateDept #SanctionTPLFTerrorists #HandsoffEthiopia  @POTUS @USEmbassyAddis @CNN @Reuters @JoeBiden @StateDept @RepKarenBass @nytimes @BBC  @SecBlinken @USAmbUN @PowerUSAID Share on X


For almost three decades, Ethiopia|ns in all corners hv been subjected to pervasive human rights, civil and political rights violations under TPLF’s regime. Why know? We know U’r concern is not abt humanitarian. #SanctionTPLFTerrorists #HandsoffEthiopia Share on X


It is essential to point out here that Ethiopia will not succumb to consequences of pressure engineered by disgruntled individuals for whom consolidating power is more important than the well-being of millions. #SanctionTPLFTerrorists #HandsoffEthiopia @SecBlinken @USAmbUN Share on X


#US & #EU Fighting a Losing battle of Foreign Policy,Their ill Calculated Interventionist Policy is further Boosting China's Dominance in Asia & Africa #SanctionTPLFTerrorists #HandsoffEthiopia @SecBlinken @USAmbUN @PowerUSAID @AmbassadorRice Share on X


The Treacherous Pressure from the West, has also a Silver Lining, to further Eradicate the TPLF-made Pandemic, that caused Long Lost Disunity b/n Ethiopians #SanctionTPLFTerrorists #HandsoffEthiopia #JoeBidenBackoff @USEmbassyAddis @JoeBiden @Reuters @nytimes @BBC @guardian @AFP Share on X


Either the West will Stop Irritating Ethiopia & Africa, Or they will accept Global Dominance of Un-Stoppable China #SanctionTPLFTerrorists #HandsoffEthiopia @RepKarenBass @SecBlinken @USAmbUN @PowerUSAID @RT_com @JoeBiden @StateDept Share on X


No Country achieve Dev't by aide money, Ethiopia is not exception & Sanction of the West won't have same effect as it was in 80s & 90s China, the Noninterventionist becoming Super #SanctionTPLFTerrorists #HandsoffEthiopia @USEmbassyAddis @Reuters @JoeBiden Share on X


Now We clearly Understood the real cause & who's behind #TPLFisaTerrorist  its @StateDept @POTUS the world is better learned that, in every evil like the #AtrocitiesByTPLF there is USA #SanctionTPLFTerrorists #HandsoffEthiopia #JoeBidenBackoff Share on X


U.S Sanctions, coordinated with EU & UK, have two major objectives.The immediate objective is to put extreme pressure against Ethiopia to halt its successful counter attack on #TPLF Rebels & to give TPLF a breathing space #SanctionTPLFTerrorists @WhiteHouse @POTUS Share on X


While #TPLF use @UNOCHA & @WFP trucks to transport Rebels to #Amhara & #Afar to Loot & Massacre civilians, Yet @POTUS Impose Sanctions & Order Negotiation b/n Terror Enterprise & Sovereign Gov't #SanctionTPLFTerrorists #HandsoffEthiopia @USEmbassyAddis @CNN… Share on X


After signing an Order to Sanction Ethiopia, @JoeBiden said - People of Ethiopia deserve peace - if So; #SanctionTPLFTerrorists #HandsoffEthiopia  Who r against Peace @RT_com @PowerUSAID @AmbassadorRice @USEmbassyAddis @JoeBiden @StateDept @RepKarenBass… Share on X


Any Unfair, Unbalanced & Undue Pressure on Eth & Eri will only Deepen & Widen the military Engagement. It is known zat any sanctions imposed won't outlast the Biden admin thus No one is willing to Contemplate National Integrity. #SanctionTPLFTerrorists… Share on X


It is already known: Any Sanctions imposed on Eth & Eri won't outlast the Biden Administration; thus No one is willing to Contemplate National Integrity. #SanctionTPLFTerrorists #HandsoffEthiopia @USEmbassyAddis @JoeBiden @StateDept @RepKarenBass Share on X


History is the witness that #Ethiopia is the greatest & the dignified African country which defended its sovereignty by its heroic Men & Women. No battalion & Weaponized aid of @PowerUSAID & Sanction of @POTUS can succeed to bend the #HandsoffEthiopia.… Share on X


Compatriots! Don’t panic for any news of sanctions on Ethiopia. Let’s keep getting together as we are doing and help our country to bring Peace, Love & Prosperity to Ethiopia. #HandsoffEthiopia. #SanctionTPLFTerrorists #HandsOffEthiopia @SecBlinken @USAmbUN @PowerUSAID Share on X


If you come to Ethiopia with dignity & interest, it will be easier, but it will not be done. There is no turning back, No transitional Govt will be created in Ethiopia. #SanctionTPLFTerrorists #HandsoffEthiopia @USEmbassyAddis @JoeBiden @StateDept @RepKarenBass Share on X


I stand with the leader of my FREE nation of Ethiopia. I stand with our Commander In Chief of #ENDF. I stand with Prime Minster @AbiyAhmedAli of Ethiopia against all of his enemies foreign and domestic. #SanctionTPLFTerrorists #HandsoffEthiopia @SecBlinken @USAmbUN @PowerUSAID Share on X


#TPLFTerroristGroup deployed armies of lobbyists & paid digital campaigns to deliberately misattribute evidences of countless #AtrocitiesbyTPLF committed against humanity, #WarCrimes & Genocide. Truth can’t be hidden! #SanctionTPLFTerrorists #HandsoffEthiopia Share on X


Not listing & Sanctioning TPLF Terrorist& its leaders responsible 4 orchestrating a series of Genocidal campaigns resulting in killings of 100s of 1000s, Int’l leaders r sending Msgs saying impunity 4 mass atrocities can be tolerated. #SanctionTPLFTerrorists… Share on X


If the # US is interested to maintain & reinforce z strategic p/ship with #Ethiopia, there is ONLY ONE DEMAND. As a sovereign country, we want to be RESPECTED, not manipulated or dictated! You have to leave Ethiopia to #Ethiopians! #SanctionTPLFTerrorists Share on X


@AbiyAhmedAli has only one objective: justice for his people, sovereignty for his people, recognition of the independence of his people and their rights over their resources.That's what we stand for. We stand with our PM. #SanctionTPLFTerrorists #HandsoffEthiopia @nytimes @BBC Share on X

Ethiopia Deserves Support Not Sanction!ts!


#US’s foreign Policy in #Afghanistan, #Syria, #Haiti etc. This is another failure of US foreign policy. Ethiopia will not bow to any sanctions. Ethiopians never see our unity dismantled. Still Our Flag is waving. #SanctionTPLFTerrorists #HandsoffEthiopia @guardian @AFP @RT_com Share on X


The humiliation our ancestors have faced throughout the continent 4 centuries will not be resuscitated in these lands upon which the green, gold & red colors of independence have inspired many to successfully struggle for their freedom! #SanctionTPLFTerrorists… Share on X


Visionary | Incorruptible | Trustworthy | Respected | Loved. No one is like him! I stand with @AbiyAhmedAli #SanctionTPLFTerrorists #HandsoffEthiopia @AFP @RT_com @USEmbassyAddis @JoeBiden @StateDept @RepKarenBass @SecBlinken @USAmbUN @PowerUSAID Share on X


@JoeBiden Ethiopia has No place for Terrorism, Extremism, or Arm-twist for Regime Change. Ethiopians never see our unity dismantled. Still Our Flag is waving. #SanctionTPLFTerrorists #HandsOffEthiopia @PowerUSAID @AmbassadorRice @CNN @Reuters @nytimes @BBC @guardian Share on X


Dear @POTUS @VP @SecBlinken , pls don’t waste Ur time to daunting the proud sovereign nation by loopy sanctions. We’re people of VALUE & DIGNITY! #SanctionTPLFTerrorists #HandsoffEthiopia @USEmbassyAddis @JoeBiden @StateDept @RepKarenBass @USAmbUN Share on X


It's extraordinary how @JoeBiden Admin becoming a threat to the livelihood of 110 mill people of Ethiopia to save the devil #TPLF. If US stop your support #TPLFTerrorists then that will be the end of all the current atrocities. #SanctionTPLFTerrorists #HandsoffEthiopia @RT_com Share on X


Sanction won’t work to end the conflict in Ethio any more than it did to end conflicts in Syria or Korean peninsula. Need more creativity than knee-jerk reaction. @SecBlinken @USAmbUN @jakejsullivan @JoeBiden #SanctionTPLFTerrorists #HandsoffEthiopia @nytimes @BBC @guardian @AFP Share on X


Sanctioning Ethiopia in an attempt to embolden TPLF Terrorists is futile to regional & global peace & stability. It also shrinks #US's declining sphere of influence in Africa. Review your Policy. #SanctionTPLFTerrorists #HandsoffEthiopia @PowerUSAID @AmbassadorRice @CNN Share on X


We Ethiopia|ns are a proud people who loves truth & justice & will not bow to US sanctions. We will not give up our freedom & sovereignty! #SanctionTPLFTerrorists #HandsoffEthiopia @USEmbassyAddis @JoeBiden @StateDept @RepKarenBass @SecBlinken @USAmbUN… Share on X


There is one thing that US doesn’t seem to get it right about Ethiopia. We are proud people of a proud nation who will never compromise or kneel down and beg for a hand out in exchange of our liberty and freedoms. #SanctionTPLFTerrorists #HandsoffEthiopia @USEmbassyAddis @CNN Share on X


Let’s Ethiopians of every stripe join hands to hands. When we all Ethiopian stand together nothing will happened. #SanctionTPLFTerrorists #HandsoffEthiopia @Reuters @JoeBiden @StateDept @RepKarenBass @nytimes @BBC @SecBlinken @USAmbUN @PowerUSAID Share on X


Everything will work out! Let's join hands to save Ethiopia. Let's help our country! God will not abandon Ethiopia! #SanctionTPLFTerrorists #HandsoffEthiopia @AmbassadorRice @guardian @AFP @RT_com @USEmbassyAddis @CNN @Reuters @JoeBiden @StateDept @RepKarenBass @nytimes @BBC Share on X


Biden administration is working with Egyptian and Arab league lobbyist to divide Ethiopia that will never happen. #SanctionTPLFTerrorists #HandsoffEthiopia @SecBlinken @USAmbUN @PowerUSAID @AmbassadorRice @guardian @AFP @RT_com @HouseForeign @AJEnglish @USEmbassyAddis @CNN Share on X


Biden you don’t have the gut to denounce the terrorist TPLF that is currently using Tigrean children as cannon fodder Yet you abuse your power as POTUS by wring this garbage that doesn’t worth the paper on which it is written on. #SanctionTPLFTerrorists #HandsoffEthiopia Share on X


Tigrean children are being used as sacrificial lamb to save the lives of few TPLF terrorist thugs. Doesn’t this concern you Biden as a president of a great nation? Shame on you!!! #SanctionTPLFTerrorists #HandsoffEthiopia @HouseForeign @AJEnglish Share on X


For nearly five decades the Tigrian people got nothing from the TPLF thugs except misery, shame, abject poverty and above all alienation from the brotherly peoples of fellow Ethiopians#SanctionTPLFTerrorists #HandsoffEthiopia @USEmbassyAddis @CNN @Reuters @JoeBiden @StateDept Share on X


It is not in our DNA to be frightened. WE Ethiopian people are standing by the side of our beloved PM, we never retreat nor surrender, and also never give up by the sanctions of the USA. #SanctionTPLFTerrorists #HandsoffEthiopia @RepKarenBass @nytimes @BBC @SecBlinken @USAmbUN Share on X


We Ethiopians deserve peace and security. The mere fact is that US is becoming the main source of our instability. If US really seek stability in HOA the only thing she can do is to raise its Hands off Ethiopia #SanctionTPLFTerrorists #HandsoffEthiopia @PowerUSAID @AmbassadorRice Share on X


Biden; we are Ethiopians who want our freedom more than anything else. We don’t care about your sanction. Go to hell with it!!! #SanctionTPLFTerrorists #HandsoffEthiopia @guardian @RT_com @DeputySecState @HouseForeign @AJEnglish @USEmbassyAddis @CNN Share on X


Abiy Ahmed we millions of proud Ethiopians are ready to sacrifice our lives for the realization of your dream of making Ethiopia prosperous, a land of abundance. #SanctionTPLFTerrorists #HandsoffEthiopia @Reuters @JoeBiden @StateDept @RepKarenBass @nytimes @BBC @SecBlinken Share on X


It is neither America nor Biden that has the final say on Ethiopia. The Ethiopian people have the final say and they said in black and white that ABIY MUST LEAD end of the story #SanctionTPLFTerrorists #HandsoffEthiopia @USAmbUN @PowerUSAID @AmbassadorRice @guardian @AFP @RT_com Share on X


Real power belongs to the Almighty God not to America. Abiy is a God-chosen leader and God fights the battle against his enemies. The God fearing and faithful people of Ethiopia has been Praying for Abiy and he will win. #SanctionTPLFTerrorists #HandsoffEthiopia @DeputySecState Share on X


What a later!!! Indisputable, smartness, diplomatic and emotional intelligence all in one latter. This is not just a latter this is an amazing lecture as well. #SanctionTPLFTerrorists #HandsoffEthiopia @HouseForeign @AJEnglish @USEmbassyAddis @Reuters Share on X


Abiy depicted in his smart later what is hidden in the heart of every Ethiopian. #SanctionTPLFTerrorists #HandsoffEthiopia @JoeBiden @StateDept @RepKarenBass @nytimes @BBC @SecBlinken @USAmbUN @PowerUSAID @AmbassadorRice @guardian @AFP @RT_com Share on X


We won’t bend over any external pressure we are the sons and daughters of our forefathers who scored a resounding victory against colonialism and now we will never knell down to neocolonialists and their home grown lackeys #SanctionTPLFTerrorists #HandsoffEthiopia @DeputySecState Share on X


Ethiopia would inspire the whole of Africa to shake off the shackles of neocolonialism the same way our forefathers’ victory at the historic Battle of Adwa inspired the decolonization of Africa that led to their political independence. #SanctionTPLFTerrorists #HandsoffEthiopia Share on X


Yes you are right Abiy. Our identity as Ethiopians and our identity as Africans will not let us live under the yoke of neocolnialism. #SanctionTPLFTerrorists #HandsoffEthiopia @HouseForeign @AJEnglish @USEmbassyAddis @Reuters @JoeBiden @StateDept @RepKarenBass @nytimes @BBC Share on X


We won’t let the sleepy Biden Administration bully our beloved country. We will never give in to any foreign pressure. We won’t accept Neocolonialism, as we rejected colonialism. #SanctionTPLFTerrorists #HandsoffEthiopia @SecBlinken @USAmbUN @PowerUSAID Share on X


This is a miscalculation on the part of America. Attempting to exert this nonsense sanction would only kindle patriotism of Ethiopians. #SanctionTPLFTerrorists #HandsoffEthiopia @AmbassadorRice @guardian @AFP @RT_com @DeputySecState @HouseForeign @AJEnglish @USEmbassyAddis @CNN Share on X


We Ethiopian people extend our hands for friendship, but we cannot allow any body to determine our future! Twisting our arms is not permitted because, we are Ethiopians. #SanctionTPLFTerrorists #HandsoffEthiopia @Reuters @JoeBiden @StateDept @RepKarenBass @nytimes @SecBlinken Share on X

Ethiopia Deserves Support Not Sanction!ts!


It is a heartfelt and powerful letter to the President of the US, a country many Ethiopians of our generation looked on as a solution to the challenges we were facing in the past. #SanctionTPLFTerrorists #HandsoffEthiopia @USAmbUN @PowerUSAID @AmbassadorRice @guardian @AFP… Share on X


Negotiated ceasefire what a joke! Negotiated ceasefire with a terror group that has decades of inhuman atrocities is extremely alarming. All concerned Ethiopians should prepare to tighten their belts NOW! #SanctionTPLFTerrorists #HandsoffEthiopia @AFP Share on X


This is a proper and well worded response by Ethiopian leader to USA Government's unwanted and uncalled for intervention in the internal affairs of the Country #SanctionTPLFTerrorists #HandsoffEthiopia @DeputySecState @HouseForeign @AJEnglish @USEmbassyAddis @Reuters @JoeBiden Share on X


I salute my PM for this brave and passionate response which captures the spirit of majority of Ethiopians! #SanctionTPLFTerrorists #HandsoffEthiopia @StateDept @RepKarenBass @nytimes @BBC @SecBlinken @USAmbUN @PowerUSAID @AmbassadorRice @guardian Share on X


A terrorist is terrorist be it in the Middle East or in Africa. TPLF had been labeled as terrorist by USA long before it is called so by Ethiopian Parliament. A terrorist is unwelcome in Africa as in the US or the whole world #SanctionTPLFTerrorists #HandsoffEthiopia Share on X


This is clearly an African statement.Telling them that we are no longer dumb as they think us to be. #SanctionTPLFTerrorists #HandsoffEthiopia @HouseForeign @AJEnglish @USEmbassyAddis @CNN @Reuters @JoeBiden @StateDept @RepKarenBass @nytimes @BBC @SecBlinken @USAmbUN @PowerUSAID Share on X


Sanctions or no Sanctions Ethiopians will not rest until the terrorist group TPLF is wiped out from the face of the earth. #SanctionTPLFTerrorists #HandsoffEthiopia @AmbassadorRice @guardian @AFP @RT_com @DeputySecState @HouseForeign @AJEnglish @POTUS Share on X

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