Campaigns International International News News ENDF Soldiers Died For The Unity And Brotherhood Spirits Of All Ethiopians! 1 year ago Views: 12,239 1 Not for single nation!! Not for single religion!! Not for certain peoples it’s just life principle of #ENDF solder. #HandsOff_ENDF #Ethiopia_prevails #ENDF @MikeHammerUSA @SkyNewsBreak @VOAAfrica @guardian @AJEnglish @BBCAfrica @UN @UNHumanRights Share on X 2 I just know a defense force which is called #ENDF who are just willing to make sacrifices, including the possibility of losing their lives, in the service of their country. #HandsOff_ENDF #Ethiopia_prevails #ENDF @MikeHammerUSA @SkyNewsBreak @VOAAfrica Share on X 3 What can replace the #ENDF dedication and sacrifices contribute to national security and the defense of the values and principles that define their homeland. #HandsOff_ENDF #Ethiopia_prevails #ENDF @MikeHammerUSA @SkyNewsBreak @VOAAfrica @guardian Share on X 4 Throughout my experience the Ethiopia defense force solder has just sacrifices all his life for the peace and security of his/her citizens. #HandsOff_ENDF #Ethiopia_prevails #ENDF @MikeHammerUSA @SkyNewsBreak @VOAAfrica @guardian @AJEnglish @BBCAfrica Share on X 5 #ENDF did not have nation to die rather country #Ethiopia!! . #HandsOff_ENDF #Ethiopia_prevails #ENDF @MikeHammerUSA @SkyNewsBreak @VOAAfrica Share on X 6 #ENDF solders pays their precious life for the unity and brotherhood sprits of #Ethiopia. #HandsOff_ENDF #Ethiopia_prevails #ENDF @MikeHammerUSA @SkyNewsBreak @VOAAfrica @guardian @AJEnglish @BBCAfrica @UN @UNHumanRights @Reuters @CNNAfrica Share on X 7 #ENDF exemplifies bravery and selflessness, dedicating their lives to safeguarding Ethiopia's peace and prosperity. #HandsOff_ENDF #Ethiopia_prevails #ENDF @MikeHammerUSA @SkyNewsBreak @VOAAfrica @guardian @AJEnglish Share on X 8 We honor #ENDF for their steadfast dedication to safeguarding not only #Ethiopia but also East Africa. #HandsOff_ENDF #Ethiopia_prevails #ENDF @MikeHammerUSA @SkyNewsBreak @VOAAfrica @guardian @AJEnglish @BBCAfrica @UN @UNHumanRights @CNNAfrica Share on X 9 #ENDF stands as a pillar of strength, protecting Ethiopia's sovereignty and ensuring peace and stability. #HandsOff_ENDF #Ethiopia_prevails #ENDF @MikeHammerUSA @SkyNewsBreak @VOAAfrica @guardian @AJEnglish @BBCAfrica @UN @UNHumanRights @Reuters Share on X 10 With unreserved commitment, #ENDF undertakes its responsibility to defend #Ethiopia and its people, exemplifying courage and resilience. #HandsOff_ENDF #Ethiopia_prevails #ENDF @MikeHammerUSA @SkyNewsBreak @VOAAfrica @guardian @AJEnglish @BBCAfrica @UN Share on X 11 #ENDF's commitment to protecting Ethiopia's borders and preserving national security is commendable and unwavering. #HandsOff_ENDF #Ethiopia_prevails #ENDF @MikeHammerUSA @SkyNewsBreak @VOAAfrica @guardian @AJEnglish @BBCAfrica @UN @UNHumanRights Share on X 12 #ENDF's key motto is #Ethiopia First. #HandsOff_ENDF #Ethiopia_prevails #ENDF @MikeHammerUSA @SkyNewsBreak @VOAAfrica @guardian @AJEnglish @BBCAfrica @UN @UNHumanRights @Reuters @CNNAfrica Share on X 13 #ENDF’s value for Ethiopia shines through their dedication and sacrifice, protecting #Ethiopia till their last breath. #HandsOff_ENDF #Ethiopia_prevails #ENDF @MikeHammerUSA @SkyNewsBreak @VOAAfrica @guardian @AJEnglish @BBCAfrica @UN @UNHumanRights Share on X 14 No matter what the #ENDF are typically trained to defend the sovereignty, security, and interests of their nation or country. #HandsOff_ENDF #Ethiopia_prevails #ENDF @MikeHammerUSA @SkyNewsBreak @VOAAfrica @guardian @AJEnglish @BBCAfrica @UN Share on X 15 Standing strong for unity, security, and peace! Join us in saluting the Ethiopian Defence Force for their selfless sacrifices in safeguarding the nation. #HandsOff_ENDF #Ethiopia_prevails #ENDF @MikeHammerUSA @SkyNewsBreak @VOAAfrica @guardian @AJEnglish… Share on X 16 A tribute to the guardians of our nation's unity! The Ethiopian Defence Force's sacrifices resonate through time, creating a legacy of security and peace for all Ethiopians. #HandsOff_ENDF #Ethiopia_prevails #ENDF @MikeHammerUSA @SkyNewsBreak @VOAAfrica Share on X 17 The Ethiopian Defence Force: Architects of peace, guardians of unity. Their sacrifices pave the way for a secure Ethiopia where diversity thrives. Let's appreciate their dedication to our collective well-being. #HandsOff_ENDF #Ethiopia_prevails #ENDF @MikeHammerUSA @SkyNewsBreak Share on X 18 In the realm of sacrifices, the Ethiopian Defence Force stands tall, fortifying the foundation of our nation's unity. Join us in acknowledging their role in securing a peaceful and diverse Ethiopia #HandsOff_ENDF #Ethiopia_prevails #ENDF @MikeHammerUSA @SkyNewsBreak @VOAAfrica Share on X 19 Shoutout to the brave hearts of the Ethiopian Defence Force! Their sacrifices echo through the corridors of time, contributing to the security and peace we cherish today. #HandsOff_ENDF #Ethiopia_prevails #ENDF @MikeHammerUSA @SkyNewsBreak @VOAAfrica Share on X 20 The Ethiopian Defence Force, a living testament to sacrifice and commitment. Their efforts for unity, security, and peace resonate in every corner of our nation. Let's honor their legacy. #HandsOff_ENDF #Ethiopia_prevails #ENDF @MikeHammerUSA Share on X 21 Join us in expressing gratitude to the Ethiopian Defence Force for their sacrifices, uniting our diverse nation under the banner of peace and security. #HandsOff_ENDF #Ethiopia_prevails #ENDF @MikeHammerUSA @SkyNewsBreak @VOAAfrica @guardian @AJEnglish Share on X 22 The Ethiopian defense force demonstrates unwavering commitment to protecting its people, showcasing dedication and resilience. #HandsOff_ENDF #Ethiopia_prevails #ENDF @MikeHammerUSA @SkyNewsBreak @VOAAfrica @guardian @AJEnglish @BBCAfrica @UN Share on X 23 ENDF’s selfless sacrifice reflects a profound sense of duty, as they prioritize the safety and well-being of the citizens they serve. #HandsOff_ENDF #Ethiopia_prevails #ENDF @MikeHammerUSA @SkyNewsBreak @VOAAfrica @guardian @AJEnglish @BBCAfrica @UN Share on X 24 The commitment of the Ethiopian defense force exemplifies the highest ideals of service and heroism, earning respect and gratitude. #HandsOff_ENDF #Ethiopia_prevails #ENDF @MikeHammerUSA @SkyNewsBreak @VOAAfrica @guardian @AJEnglish @BBCAfrica Share on X 25 ENDFwillingness to give everything for the people showcases a deep sense of solidarity and unity with the community. #HandsOff_ENDF #Ethiopia_prevails #ENDF @MikeHammerUSA @SkyNewsBreak @VOAAfrica @guardian @AJEnglish @BBCAfrica @UN @UNHumanRights Share on X 26 The Ethiopian defense force's sacrifices contribute to fostering a stable and secure environment for citizens to thrive. #HandsOff_ENDF #Ethiopia_prevails #ENDF @MikeHammerUSA @SkyNewsBreak @VOAAfrica @guardian @AJEnglish @BBCAfrica @UN @UNHumanRights Share on X 27 Their bravery in the face of adversity sets an inspiring example for others, instilling a sense of pride and confidence in the nation. #HandsOff_ENDF #Ethiopia_prevails #ENDF @MikeHammerUSA @SkyNewsBreak @VOAAfrica @guardian @AJEnglish @BBCAfrica Share on X 28 The selflessness demonstrated by the defense force fosters a strong sense of national unity and resilience among the people. #HandsOff_ENDF #Ethiopia_prevails #ENDF @MikeHammerUSA @SkyNewsBreak @VOAAfrica @guardian @AJEnglish @BBCAfrica @UN Share on X 29 ENDF dedication to protecting the population ensures that the people can live with a greater sense of security and peace of mind. #HandsOff_ENDF #Ethiopia_prevails #ENDF @MikeHammerUSA @SkyNewsBreak @VOAAfrica @guardian @AJEnglish @BBCAfrica @UN Share on X 30 The Ethiopian defense force's sacrifices contribute to the overall development and prosperity of the nation. #HandsOff_ENDF #Ethiopia_prevails #ENDF @MikeHammerUSA @SkyNewsBreak @VOAAfrica @guardian @AJEnglish @BBCAfrica @UN @UNHumanRights @Reuters Share on X About Post Author admin_w7y1yrey See author's posts Continue Reading Previous የኢትዮጵያን ወቅታዊ ሁኔታዎች በተመለከተ በዓለማቀፍ ሚድያዎች የወጡ የተመረጡ ዘገባዎችNext የኢትዮጵያን ወቅታዊ ሁኔታዎች በተመለከተ በዓለማቀፍ ሚድያዎች የወጡ የተመረጡ ዘገባዎች