Campaigns International International News News United, Patriotic & Innovative Abiy Ahmed Ali Leadership Is Forecasting An Ever Bright & Peaceful Ethiopia! 2 years ago Views: 14,983 1 Ethiopians stood together and recorded a miracle on the history books that no one else in the world dares to even imagine. #AbiyAhmedAli #EthiopiaPrevails @MikeHammerUSA @UN_HRC @Reuters @USAmbUN @AFP @bpolitics @CNNAfrica @EU_Commission Share on X 2 Our victory at Adwa stands as a symbol of our unity. #AbiyAhmedAli #EthiopiaPrevails @AJEnglish @AsstSecStateAF @EUSR_Weber @SFRCdems @SenateForeign @HouseForeign @hr @JosepBorrellF @StateDept @FCDOGovUK @HannaTetteh @BBCAfrica @LaetitiaBader Share on X 3 Unity is a major theme in all of our country's symbolic speech, stories, riddles, songs, and identity narratives. #AbiyAhmedAli #EthiopiaPrevails @KenRoth @amnest @BradSherman @ChrisCoons @HouseForeign @UKParliament @eucopresident @JanezLenarcic Share on X 4 Even today, the modern patriotism that is expected of all of us is to protect, nurture, enhance, and advocate for our unity. #AbiyAhmedAli #EthiopiaPrevails @PowerUSAID @eu_eeasn @eucopresident @trussliz @CanadaFP @vonderleyen @MikeHammerUSA Share on X 5 Ethiopia is calling on us to beautify our upward journey together by focusing on issues that benefit us rather than those that harm us. #AbiyAhmedAli #EthiopiaPrevails @UN_HRC @Reuters @USAmbUN @AFP @bpolitics Share on X 6 Serving is a blessing. Despite many efforts to create a bureaucracy that will assist customers, it is still not possible to create satisfaction in the required volume and scale. #AbiyAhmedAli #EthiopiaPrevails @CNNAfrica @EU_Commission @AJEnglish Share on X 7 Creating a healthy customer-service provider environment and strengthening a bureaucracy free of theft is a long-term mindset change, not a one-time campaign. #AbiyAhmedAli #EthiopiaPrevails @AsstSecStateAF @EUSR_Weber @SFRCdems @SenateForeign Share on X 8 In addition to combating thieves who sell services, the government is actively working with all sectors of society to promote fairness. #AbiyAhmedAli #EthiopiaPrevails @HouseForeign @hr @JosepBorrellF @StateDept @FCDOGovUK @HannaTetteh @BBCAfrica Share on X 9 To have the service delivery that we desire and long for, all of us must persevere and struggle. #AbiyAhmedAli #EthiopiaPrevails @LaetitiaBader @KenRoth @amnest @BradSherman @ChrisCoons @HouseForeign @UKParliament @eucopresident @JanezLenarcic Share on X 10 We understand how an undeveloped mind can destroy a built nation, and we will do everything possible to build a nation with a built mind. #AbiyAhmedAli #EthiopiaPrevails @PowerUSAID @eu_eeasn @eucopresident @trussliz @CanadaFP @vonderleye Share on X 11 I trust that all of our people, religious and educational institutions, as well as parents and elders, will do their part to eradicate theft by teaching about serving and developing loyalty. #AbiyAhmedAli #EthiopiaPrevails @MikeHammerUSA @UN_HRC Share on X 12 The contribution of urban agriculture to controlling the rising cost of living is significant. #AbiyAhmedAli #EthiopiaPrevails @Reuters @USAmbUN @AFP @bpolitics @CNNAfrica @EU_Commission @AJEnglish @AsstSecStateAF @EUSR_Weber @SFRCdems @SenateForeign Share on X 13 Families in many cities across our country can now feed their families while also caring for the environment, thanks to urban agriculture. #AbiyAhmedAli #EthiopiaPrevails @HouseForeign @hr @JosepBorrellF @StateDept @FCDOGovUK @HannaTetteh @BBCAfrica Share on X 14 Our people have keen eyes for beauty. In addition to beautifying and cleaning the environment, urban agriculture helps to maintain the natural balance #AbiyAhmedAli #EthiopiaPrevails @LaetitiaBader @KenRoth @amnest @BradSherman @ChrisCoons Share on X 15 Even though we face challenges as a nation in the urban agriculture sector, we must continue to strengthen the results we have achieved by focusing on the supporters rather than the obstacles. #AbiyAhmedAli #EthiopiaPrevails @HouseForeign @UKParliament @eucopresident Share on X About Post Author admin_w7y1yrey See author's posts Continue Reading Previous የኢትዮጵያን ወቅታዊ ሁኔታዎች በተመለከተ በዓለማቀፍ ሚድያዎች የወጡ የተመረጡ ዘገባዎችNext የኢትዮጵያን ወቅታዊ ሁኔታዎች በተመለከተ በዓለማቀፍ ሚድያዎች የወጡ የተመረጡ ዘገባዎች