Campaigns International International News The New Ethiopia Museum of Art and Science 2 years ago Views: 16,004 1 It all started in Ethiopia, the birthplace of civilization and humanity. The world shouldn't be surprised by the construction of a stunning museum of science and art. #EMAS #ResilientlyOnward @ACMI_Africa @mfaethiopia @UNFCCC @UNDPClimate @AbdikerM Share on X 2 A wonderful science and art museum was constructed in Ethiopia, the country of origin, by a smart government aware of its proper place in history. #EMAS #ResilientlyOnward @ACMI_Africa @mfaethiopia @UNFCCC @UNDPClimate @AbdikerM Share on X 3 The stunning Ethiopian scientific museum's architectural design speaks loudly about the country's potential in the field of science. #EMAS #ResilientlyOnward @ACMI_Africa @mfaethiopia @UNFCCC @UNDPClimate @AbdikerM Share on X 4 The spectacular Museum of Science and Art, which occupies seven acres of land in the heart of Addis Ababa, is a stunning addition to the city's already breath-taking status as the capital of Africa. #EMAS #ResilientlyOnward @ACMI_Africa @UNFCCC Share on X 5 The green legacy project, which is being carried out on a national level, is manifested in the museum's eco-friendly surroundings, which encompass 80% of the site with 4000 indigenous plants and magnificent flowers. #EMAS #ResilientlyOnward @ACMI_Africa Share on X 6 The museum's inviting environment, ample parking, and world's best outside services exceed one's expectations. #EMAS #ResilientlyOnward @ACMI_Africa @mfaethiopia @UNFCCC @UNDPClimate @AbdikerM Share on X 7 It's time to stop spreading misinformation about Ethiopia and Africa in general, and to start highlighting the stunning, state-of-the-art museum of arts and sciences in Addis Abeba, the continent's capital. #EMAS #ResilientlyOnward @UNFCCC Share on X 8 Among the prehistoric nations where science and technology were well developed was Ethiopia. Hence, the country deserves this fantastic museum. #EMAS #ResilientlyOnward @ACMI_Africa @mfaethiopia @UNFCCC @UNDPClimate @AbdikerM Share on X 9 Ethiopia was renowned for its achievements in the fields of mathematics, medicine, music, and astronomy, among others. Live examples of the ancient background in science and the arts can be found in the Axum Stele and the Lalibela rock-hewn churches. #EMAS #ResilientlyOnward Share on X 10 All eyes are on Ethiopia, a nation that is striving to regain its former glory in all disciplines. Future African scientists will flourish in the museum of arts and sciences. #EMAS #ResilientlyOnward @ACMI_Africa @mfaethiopia @UNFCCC @UNDPClimate Share on X 11 Ethiopia maintained its historical position as a beacon of independence, this time in the fields of science and the arts by creating a spectacular science and art museum in the center of the African capital. #EMAS #ResilientlyOnward @AbdikerM @UNFCCC Share on X 12 It’s time to halt the exodus of African geniuses to the industrialized world. Ethiopia is now taking the lead by establishing a world-class museum of science and art to foster the development of a large number of African scientists who can address Africa's many challenges. #EMAS Share on X 13 African solutions to African problems. The spectacular science and art museum founded in Ethiopia is crucial to the continent's effort to achieve self-sufficiency. #EMAS #ResilientlyOnward @ACMI_Africa @mfaethiopia @UNFCCC @UNDPClimate @AbdikerM Share on X 14 One of the issues facing African disporta scientists was the lack of modern facilities for the application of their acquired knowledge . By providing a huge museum, Ethiopia addressed this issue. #EMAS #ResilientlyOnward @ACMI_Africa @mfaethiopia Share on X 15 The amazing museum of science and art in Addis Ababa is a huge step forward in technology transfer for freeing Africa from extreme poverty and backwardness. #EMAS #ResilientlyOnward @ACMI_Africa @mfaethiopia @UNFCCC @UNDPClimate @AbdikerM Share on X About Post Author admin_w7y1yrey See author's posts Continue Reading Previous የኢትዮጵያን ወቅታዊ ሁኔታዎች በተመለከተ በዓለማቀፍ ሚድያዎች የወጡ የተመረጡ ዘገባዎችNext የኢትዮጵያን ወቅታዊ ሁኔታዎች በተመለከተ በዓለማቀፍ ሚድያዎች የወጡ የተመረጡ ዘገባዎች