The international community has been misled by TPLF fabricated misinformation from factories of fake news such as CNN!
The judgment of the international community has been misled by TPLF fabricated misinformation from factories of fake news such as CNN. #TPLFisTheCause #CNNFakeReport @Reuters @AFP @bpolitics @BBCAfrica @CNNAfrica @AJEnglish @AsstSecStateAF Share on X2
CNN has repeatedly been used by the TPLF as a vehicle to disseminate their propaganda masquerading as news. #TPLFisTheCause #CNNFakeReport @MikeHammerUSA @EUSR_Weber @SFRCdems @SenateForeign @HouseForeign @hr @JosepBorrellF Share on X3
CNN, the champion of fake news, burnt to ashes the Nobel profession of journalism when it presented the so-called Axum massacre. #TPLFisTheCause #CNNFakeReport @MikeHammerUSA @EUSR_Weber @HannaTetteh @LaetitiaBader @KenRoth Share on X4
The CNN would be the undisputed and triumphant “media” if the world awarded the Pulitzer prize for producing massive amounts of fake news. #TPLFisTheCause #CNNFakeReport @ChrisCoons @SFRCdems @SFRCdems @HouseForeign @UKParliament @EU_Commission Share on X5
We have repeatedly witnessed CNN mercenaries disseminate TPLF melodrama in the name of news while disguising themselves as journalists. #TPLFisTheCause #CNNFakeReport @eucopresident @vonderleyen @JanezLenarcic @PowerUSAID @USAmbUN @CanadaFP Share on X6
A b*tch like Nima Elbagir, whose name is clearly posted on the TPLF payrolls, is notorious for spreading white lies in the name of CNN NEWS without ever setting foot on the scene of the massacre she claimed was committed. #CNNFakeReport Share on X7
Tedros Adhanom, the chief of the international wing of the TPLF lie factory, organizes the TPLF propagandists that develop the scripts that Western media outlets like CNN use. #TPLFisTheCause #CNNFakeReport @SenateForeign Share on X‘