Ethiopian Truth Media

The Enemy Of Truth Is Blind Acceptance.

If You Really Care For Ethiopa, Disarm The Terrorist TPLF Group

6 min read



Unlike the #US’s perception, Ethiopia has been working with #IC to fight any threats to the peace and stability of the #HoA region. Terrorists like Alshabab and TPLF pose serious threats to the interests of #Ethiopia and the #US alike. #DisarmTPLF#TPLFistheCause @_AfricanUnion Click To Tweet


#Ethiopia’s peace and stability is closely intertwined with its aspiration to use its natural resources. The #US interest is best served if it works with #Ethiopia than Terrorist and greedy spoilers like #Egypt. #DisarmTPLF #TPLFistheCause @_AfricanUnion @AUC_MoussaFaki Click To Tweet


The TPLF has no genuine desire for peace and everything it has to say about ceasefire and negotiations has been proven to be a tool of buying time for the clique to regroup itself and military preparation for a new war. There is no guarantee of lasting peace unless #DisarmTPLF! Click To Tweet


TPLF launched new offensive in different fronts after hours of negotiation & ceasefire calls, proving their call was mere pretentious to gain international attention & sympathy, just as they laid out in their final war strategy leaked document. #DisarmTPLF #TPLFistheCause Click To Tweet


A time has come where mothers in Tigray finally realize that their children are paying with their lives for the comfort of a few TPLFites.#DisarmTPLF #TPLFistheCause @_AfricanUnion @AUC_MoussaFaki @SCRtweets @UN @UN_HRC @StateDept @SecBlinken Click To Tweet


Sticking to its longstanding character, the TPLF conflates, confuses, and creates false narratives with a deliberate effort to appease its backers, only to show the situation is worsening and broadening the regional aspect. Truth must prevail!!! #DisarmTPLF #TPLFisTheCause Click To Tweet


The youth in Tigray will never achieve anything different by going through the paths laid out by the terrorist TPLF. That chapter is closed and only a respectful & cooperative spirit with fellow Ethiopians will take you a long way.#DisarmTPLF #TPLFisTheCause @MikeHammerUSA Click To Tweet


Message to the people of Tigray: We can all make the future brighter with cooperation and brotherhood rather than engaging in hatred and the unnecessary loss of our precious lives.#DisarmTPLF #TPLFistheCause @_AfricanUnion @AUC_MoussaFaki @SCRtweets Click To Tweet


Despite the TPLF’s toxic propaganda, a prosperous & peaceful Tigray can never be realized with an underdeveloped or destroyed Ethiopia. We all rise and fall together. #DisarmTPLF #TPLFistheCause @_AfricanUnion @AUC_MoussaFaki @SCRtweets @UN Click To Tweet


Peace is what all Ethiopians require. However, we know from experience that the terrorist TPLF is not interested in a peace deal. Its contradictory statements and actions reveal its true malevolent intent. #DisarmTPLF #TPLFistheCause @_AfricanUnion Click To Tweet


To TPLF supporters: what did the people of Tigray benefit from 27 years of political power in Ethiopia? Didn’t the group multiply all the positive gains by zero? #DisarmTPLF #TPLFistheCause @_AfricanUnion @AUC_MoussaFaki @SCRtweets @UN @UN_HRC Click To Tweet


Even during the times that the TPLF was in power, almost 1/3 of the people of Tigray were dependent on food aid. Sticking with an unworkable ideology will never take the people of Tigray out of abject poverty. #DisarmTPLF #TPLFistheCaus @_AfricanUnion Click To Tweet


Spending time on what makes you healthier, wealthier, and wiser today will reap you positive results in the future. The path of death and destruction that the TPLF chose for the people of Tigray today will never result in satisfaction at the end.#DisarmTPLF #TPLFistheCause Click To Tweet


Ethiopia is fighting homegrown terrorist groups known as the TPLF. #DisarmTPLF #TPLFistheCause @_AfricanUnion @AUC_MoussaFaki @SCRtweets @UN @UN_HRC @StateDept @SecBlinken @MikeHammerUSA @EU_Commission @EUSR_Weber @HouseForeign @hr @JosepBorrellF Click To Tweet


It is clear that the International Community is rushing to save the TPLF, undermining the peace process led by the @_AfricanUnion. The #TPLF is responsible for the conflict, and it must be disarmed and held accountable. #DisarmTPLF #TPLFistheCause @_AfricanUnion @AUC_MoussaFaki Click To Tweet


#US, #UK and #EU are openly conspiring with the #TerroristTPLF to undermine the @_AfricanUnion peace process. #Ethiopians stand together for the freedom of their nation in its entirety. #LiberateTigray #DisarmTPLF #TPLFistheCause @AUC_MoussaFaki Click To Tweet


The West is bargaining with the TPLF & Al-Shabab at the expense of the HoA’s peace and stability. # DisarmTPLF #TPLFistheCause @_AfricanUnion @AUC_MoussaFaki @Reuters @AFP @bpolitics @BBCAfrica @CNNAfrica @AJEnglish @AsstSecStateAF @MikeHammerUSA Click To Tweet


The Ethiopian Government’s primary responsibility is to its citizens. The TPLF has scoffed at every peace opportunity in the last four years. The #IC has proven to be a failed broker, and the Government must find a durable solution. Enough! #DisarmTPLF #TPLFistheCause Click To Tweet


The TPLF has looted @WFP, @USAID fuel and aid, launched a third round of war, defying the @_AfricanUnion peace process, and is using waves of children and farmers as fighters to starve the region during harvest. #DisarmTPLF #TPLFistheCause @AUC_MoussaFaki @SCRtweets @UN Click To Tweet


Interception of #TPLF battle communications: If you encounter anyone retreating from your rank, make sure you shoot them dead. They don’t deserve to live. TPLF is a criminal gang and must be disarmed. #DisarmTPLF #TPLFistheCause @_AfricanUnion @AUC_MoussaFaki @SCRtweets @UN Click To Tweet


Who is to blame for the disruption of basic services in Tigray? Isn’t it the TPLF that is making it impossible to distribute humanitarian aid by stealing food and fuel, as well as escalating the conflict and putting a strain on services? #DisarmTPLF #TPLFistheCause @SCRtweets Click To Tweet


The TPLF is on its deathbed, and it is receiving lifesaving assistance from the #US, #EU, and #UK. Unending preconditions and arrogance are the hallmarks of the group. It must perish. #DisarmTPLF #TPLFistheCause @_AfricanUnion @AUC_MoussaFaki @UN Click To Tweet


Ethiopian govt has been calling for peaceful talk while TPLF was turned a deaf ear. Though it’s late, Ethiopia would push AU-lead peace process with a high level commitment. At the same time definitely will defend TPLFs’ terrorist attack. #DisarmTPLF #TPLFistheCause @UN… Click To Tweet


The media are reporting as if the TPLF has offered the Ethiopian government a peace talk. The correct headline should be that the TPLF accepted the government's offer to have unconditional peace talks. #DisarmTPLF #TPLFistheCause @_AfricanUnion @AUC_MoussaFaki @SCRtweets @UN Click To Tweet


When Obasanjo begins his peace negotiations, it will soon become clear if the TPLF and its enablers are playing a bluff when they say they will embrace the unconditional peace talks. No place for hypocrites to hide! #DisarmTPLF #TPLFistheCause @_AfricanUnion @AUC_MoussaFaki Click To Tweet


The headlines of the TPLF’s acceptance of the peace talks perfectly go in parallel with the actual offensives the group launched on the ground against the Ethiopian army. Enough of this hypocrisy! #DisarmTPLF #TPLFistheCause @StateDept @UN_HRC Click To Tweet


Call it by any fancy name: TDF, the Government of Tigray, the Regional Government of Tigray, etc. The terrorist TPLF is the right nomenclature that we Ethiopians know. #DisarmTPLF @_AfricanUnion @AUC_MoussaFaki @SCRtweets @UN @UN_HRC @StateDept Click To Tweet



جبههّ تيغراي الإرهابيهّ تريد الآن هدنة مشروطة قبل هزيمة كاملة. لقد بدأوا الحرب في المقام الأول وعليهم أن يحاسبوا على ذلك. الطريقة الوحيدة لتحقيق السلام… Click To Tweet


خيار السلام بدون شروط مسبقة TPLF ليس ادعاءً ، ولكن انزعوا سلاحكم. #DisarmTPLF #TPLFistheCause @AJEnglish @AsstSecStateAF @MikeHammerUSA @EUSR_Weber @SFRCdems @SenateForeign @HouseForeign @hr @JosepBorrellF @StateDept @FCDOGovUK… Click To Tweet


جبههّ تيغراي هي المجموعة الإرهابية الأكثر فظاعة في تاريخ إثيوبيا. شعب تيغراي يعانون ويجب أن يتحرروا من سلاسله. #DisarmTPLF #TPLFistheCause @EUSR_Weber @HannaTetteh @LaetitiaBader @KenRoth… Click To Tweet


تنشغل TPLF بإحباط كل فرصة سلام في # إثيوبيا. الحكومة تدعو إلى سلام غير مشروط حتى الآن قدمت TPLF شرطين مسبقين غير مقبول: عودة جميع الخدمات الأساسية وانسحاب… Click To Tweet


ما تفعله # الولايات المتحدة في Tigray مشابه لما تفعله في Ukrain و # تايوان. إحباط طموح الأمم من تحقيق السلام والتنمية المستدامين. يجب أن تتوقف !!! #DisarmTPLF #TPLFistheCause… Click To Tweet


كيف يعتبر الصراع الداخلي في شمال إثيوبيا حالة طوارئ وطنية للولايات المتحدة؟ مثل هذا التدخل الخارجي في الشؤون الداخلية لإثيوبيا تهديد للولايات المتحدة؟… Click To Tweet


رسالة إلى شعب تيغراي: يمكننا جميعًا أن نجعل المستقبل أكثر إشراقًا بالتعاون والأخوة بدلاً من الانخراط في الكراهية والخسارة غير الضرورية لأرواحنا… Click To Tweet


تعمل #TPLF # على تجويع تيغراي من خلال احتجاز المنطقة بأكملها كرهينة ، وتقويض الجهود الإنسانية عمدًا بما في ذلك نهب الوقود من برنامج الأغذية العالمي. #DisarmTPLF… Click To Tweet


بينما تم جر # إثيوبيا بشكل غير عادل إلى # مجلس الأمن_للمرة ١٣ وما يسمى بخبراء حقوق الإنسان الدوليين ، يحاول خبراء الأمم المتحدة إنقاذ # TPLF ، يرفض الإثيوبيون… Click To Tweet


خندق بعد الخندق وحصن بعد الحصن الذي تستخدمه TPLF مليء بالمساعدات الإنسانية من المتبرعين مثل USAID و برنامج الغذاء العالمي يكشف النمط الواضح عن مدى اعتماد… Click To Tweet


موافقة POTUS على تمديد حالة الطوارئ الوطنية في إثيوبيا لا تساعد في التخفيف من حدة الصراع الذي تقول الولايات المتحدة إنه يؤثر على مصلحتي الوطنية! #DisarmTPLF… Click To Tweet


إنّ تصميم الرئيس الأمريكي على تمديد حالة الطوارئ الوطنية لإثيوبيا ليس أكثر من وضع الجماعة الإرهابية TPLF وحكومة منتخبة الّتي تحمي المدنيين على نفس… Click To Tweet


تمديد العقوبات ضد #Ethiopia و #Eritrea لا يحمي حقًا المصلحة الوطنية للولايات المتحدة في القرن الأفريقي ؛ بدلاً من ذلك ، لا يمكن اعتباره سوى إجراءات تلاعب أمريكية… Click To Tweet


ليس لدى اللجنة الدولية لخبراء حقوق الإنسان أي اختصاص أو تقدير مناسب للصراع الذي أثارته الجبهة الشعبية لتحرير تيغراي في انتهاك للهدنة الإنسانية. #DisarmTPLF… Click To Tweet


لا يمكن للجنة الدولية لخبراء حقوق الإنسان أن تفوض لنفسها السلطة للبت في المسائل التي تهدد السلام والأمن. #DisarmTPLF #TPLFistheCause @SFRCdems @SenateForeign @HouseForeign @eucopresident… Click To Tweet


إنّ الدعوة الواضحة التي وجهتها اللجنة الدولية لخبراء حقوق الإنسان إلى اتخاذ إجراءات ضد #Ethiopia من قبل #UNSC تظهر فقط السلوك المتهور للجنة وتثبت تأكيد حكومة… Click To Tweet


جعلت اللجنة الدولية لخبراء حقوق الإنسان حقوق الإنسان سلاحاً للضغط السياسي وكشفت عن نواياها الحقيقية ، وأغلقت جميع أبواب التعاون مع الحكومة. #DisarmTPLF… Click To Tweet

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