If You Really Care For Ethiopa, Disarm The Terrorist TPLF Group #14
#TPLF’s conventional wisdom is that calling for a ceasefire signals military weakness. That’s why we see the TPLF as the first to fire, and the last to sit for peace. Enough with the hide-and-seek games that cost people their lives. #FakeTigrayGenocide #DisarmTPLF @AFP Share on X2
Dear @JosepBorrellF, Are you calling for unfettered humanitarian access to the #TPLF soldiers or the people of Tigray? We haven’t heard you condemning the TPLF for weaponizing @WFP fuel & trucks, and USAID food yet! #FakeTigrayGenocide #DisarmTPLF @Reuters @MikeHammerUSA Share on X3
To this day, Tigray is the only region in Ethiopia where no credible opposition discourse is tolerated. The #EU, #Ireland, #Norway, & @JosepBorrellF, please don’t tell us you are pro-democracy in Ethiopia! #FakeTigrayGenocide #DisarmTPLF @bpolitics pic.twitter.com/0bMBa5dfvq Share on X4
Nearly six million people in Ethiopia’s northern Tigray region are held hostage as bargaining chips by #TPLF warlords. It’s pathetic to see pseudo intellectuals portraying this as the bravery of Tigrayans (Tigray Jeganu mythology). #FakeTigrayGenocide #DisarmTPLF @AsstSecStateAF Share on X5
Numerous people who were thought to be Ethiopian government collaborators vanished, were conscripted or killed after Ethiopian forces left the Tigray region in June 2021. The #TPLF thrives on keeping people silent, not on their freedom. #FakeTigrayGenocide #DisarmTPLF @KenRoth Share on X6
If you’re of a #TPLF supporter, what you say will count only if you unconditionally support the group. The message is crystal clear: TPLF owns you, and you've got to remain a tool of the group and be contented. #FakeTigrayGenocide #DisarmTPLF @trussliz Share on X7
The continued indulgence of the #TPLF rebels is exacerbating the human cost. Those in favor of ending this war would be wise to stop drawing false equivalency between the warring parties. It’s time to hold TPLF rebel leaders accountable. #FakeTigrayGenocide #DisarmTPLF Share on X8
The people of Ethiopia are waiting with patience to see statements by the #EU, @JosepBorrellF and #Ireland expressing concerns about the atrocious acts of the #TPLF in the Amhara and Afar regions. Adios, with your selective empathy! #FakeTigrayGenocide #DisarmTPLF @EUSR_Weber Share on X9
Long before the coming to power of Ethiopia’s current government, 15% of Tigray’s population depended on some form of international food assistance. The TPLFites should stop externalizing problems and start to face the facts. #FakeTigrayGenocide #DisarmTPLF @MikeHammerUSA Share on X10
When the #TPLF was in power, less than 50% of the population in Tigray had access to reliable clean drinking water, including in cities like Axum and Mekelle. You can’t hide the facts with mere propaganda. #FakeTigrayGenocide #DisarmTPLF @SFRCdems pic.twitter.com/7WnbpQ6e87 Share on X11
#TPLF is fighting for survival. Equating this as a fight of the people of Tigray for survival is insulting the intelligence of humanity. We will see if the people perish when a political party ceases to exist. #FakeTigrayGenocide #DisarmTPLF @CNNAfrica @SenateForeign Share on X12
Only free people can make free choices. The people of Tigray are not free. Ganging up on anyone with a divergent view from the #TPLF’s dogmas is the hallmark of the terrorist group. If you are of Tigrayan descent and don’t believe this, try it.#DisarmTPLF @HouseForeign @hr Share on X13
The time is coming for the #TPLF leaders to change their names and hide themselves by dressing as farmers, priests, sheiks, and cross-border traders. We are waiting to laugh and be content with the fact that no one can escape justice! #FakeTigrayGenocide #DisarmTPLF @StateDept Share on X14
Why does the #ICHREE need an extension of its time? Didn’t the “experts” already make their conclusion based on phone calls with individuals that they had never met, seen or verified their authenticity? #FakeTigrayGenocide #DisarmTPLF @JosepBorrellF @FCDOGovUK @EUSR_Weber Share on X15
#ICHREE is in need of creative writers. Applicants should be imaginative enough to create horrible characters that use rape and food as weapons of war. Lawyers, especially those who have written fat books with thin content, are encouraged to apply. #DisarmTPLF @LaetitiaBader Share on X16
It’s understandable if people who have amassed undue wealth under the #TPLF's protection support the terrorist group. It’s sad to see all the others willing to sacrifice their energy and time for the comfort of the few under a fake ethnic pride banner. #DisarmTPLF Share on X
For #TPLF’s minions, fixing your broken life or family should come first before fixing the problems of the society you claim to represent. You are more in love with an imaginary Tigray than your real siblings, friends, and colleagues. #DisarmTPLF @SenateForeign @Reuters Share on X
The conflict in north Ethiopia, as some half-baked pseudo intellectuals tout, is not for the survival of the Tigray people. It’s fought to protect the privileges of the few at the expense of the multitude. #FakeTigrayGenocide #DisarmTPLF @MikeHammerUSA @AFP @bpolitics Share on X
Fear of accountability is the main force that drove #TPLF criminals to take fortitude in Tigray, not bravery or love for the people. The problem is that many in Tigray have to die in vain before they understand this. #FakeTigrayGenocide #DisarmTPLF @BBCAfrica @CNNAfrica Share on X
There isn't a military solution to the conflict in northern Ethiopia, they tell us. However, they are occupied with providing the TPLF with satellite images & cutting-edge weaponry. End your hypocrisy now #FakeTigrayGenocide #DisarmTPLF Share on X
They say humanitarian aid should not be compromised and should not be used as a bargaining chip for peace talks. But we rarely saw them hold the #TPLF accountable for weaponizing aid. #FakeTigrayGenocide #DisarmTPLF @EUSR_Weber @SFRCdems @HouseForeign Share on X
Supporting the #TPLF might make the government less effective and hurt our economy. But, whoever you are, you must understand that by doing so, you are choosing to make Ethiopians your lifelong adversaries. #FakeTigrayGenocide #DisarmTPLF @hr pic.twitter.com/jABlTgcCgw Share on X24
The #TPLF and its minions are being eaten alive by inferiority complex. They never considered that they could work and succeed like any other Ethiopian unless they hid behind political power. #FakeTigrayGenocide #DisarmTPLF @JosepBorrellF @StateDept @StateDept @FCDOGovUK Share on X