If the Case is Humanitarian Use All The Road Routes To Tigray, Until All The Roads Are Destroyed By TPLF !
19 min read
Listen to Getachew Reda of #TPLF will tell the world enough about TPLF destruction plan, he said they would attack generation plants and bridges to get attention. #TDFdamagedTekeze #TPLFDenyCeasefire @MarisePayne @ScottMorrisonMP @SenatorWong Click To Tweet
It is in TPLF's DNA to destroy whatever is built for the people to seek world wide attention and try to get to power. #TDFdamagedTekeze #TPLFDenyCeasefire @JamesDuddridge @DominicRaab @HouseofCommons @EstoniaUN @irishmissionun Click To Tweet
Who used children as soldiers? who use people as human shields? who is committing #EndertaGenocide, the answer is crystal clear #TPLFisaTerroristGroup #HandsoffEthiopia #HandsoffGERD. #TDFdamagedTekeze #TPLFDenyCeasefire @heikomaas @eu_echo @vonderleyen Click To Tweet
TPLF claimed they won the Ethiopian national army and drove them out five days ago, and blame ENDF again by destroying Takaze brigde, that is abolutely unbearable. #TDFdamagedTekeze #TPLFDenyCeasefire @RepKarenBass @antonioguterres @mbachelet @EUCouncil @POTUS Click To Tweet
Ethiopia condemns the insincere and hypocritical humanitarian concerns and false allegations from westerners, intentionally focused on the situation in the #Tigray but seeking to weaken Ethiopia indirectly #HandsOffEthiopia #HandsoffGERD. #TDFdamagedTekeze … Click To Tweet
The Western media hoax is a dangerous political propaganda machine that is very vividly demonstrating their intention, to weaken Ethiopia by any means necessary. #TDFdamagedTekeze #TPLFDenyCeasefire @EU_Commission @eu_echo @JanezLenarcic @Europarl_EN Click To Tweet
After the complete withdrawal of Ethiopian & Eritrean soldiers from #Tigray, TPLF claiming ENDF destroyed Takeze Bridge is something very very contradictory, they just did it to get more attention. #TDFdamagedTekeze #TPLFDenyCeasefire @UNHCRCanada @AustraliaUN Click To Tweet
#TPLF has killed hundreds of Tigrians in reprisal for working with the Ethiopian gov't as humanitarian & for not joining them after total withdrawal of ENDF and ErDF. #TDFdamagedTekeze #TPLFDenyCeasefire @CoryBooker @SecBlinken @UN @swiss_un @UNGeneva Click To Tweet
Over hundred female have been raped already and a lot healthcare have been robbed just the next day after ENDF withdrew from Tigray region. Why are @nimaelbagir & MSM silent? #TDFdamagedTekeze #TPLFDenyCeasefire @GerrySimpsonHRW @HRC Click To Tweet
Will the @POTUS and @EU_Commission condemn earnestly the act of TPLF to destroy a life line bridge (Tekeze) to hamper what state department called its main concern (providing humanitarian assistance)? #TDFdamagedTekeze #TPLFDenyCeasefire @HRW @EU_Commission… Click To Tweet
We are Not New for this kind Action. It is #TPLF. TPLF has already been linked to the destruction of infrastructure in #Axum airport, today destroyed the Tekeze Bridge. The bridge was one of the main supply routes into Tigray region. #TDFdamagedTekeze #TPLFDenyCeasefire Click To Tweet
#TPLF officially rejected the ceasefire then destroyed the Tekeze bridge. #TPLF terrorists don’t care about Tigrayans. #Ethiopia govt had spent $2b+ on aid for our people in Tigray while you kept blaming @AbiyAhmedAli. #TDFdamagedTekeze #TPLFDenyCeasefire @SenateFloor… Click To Tweet
The governments of #Ethiopia have just confirmed that #TPLFTerroristGroup destroyed Tekeze Bridge in a futile attempt of facilitating air drop from humanitarian agencies. Of course their mission is smuggling armaments to #Tigray. #TDFdamagedTekeze #TPLFDenyCeasefire… Click To Tweet
It is better for US to put a leash on TPLF, no ENDF is no more in Tigray, TPLF is acting like a mad dog Destroying Tekeze Bridge & beating war drums. Put a leash on TPLF or ENDF will do as usual! #TDFdamagedTekeze #TPLFDenyCeasefire @USEmbassyAddis @dw_amharic… Click To Tweet