Ethiopian Truth Media

The Enemy Of Truth Is Blind Acceptance.

If the Case is Humanitarian Use All The Road Routes To Tigray, Until All The Roads Are Destroyed By TPLF !

19 min read
Listen to Getachew Reda of #TPLF will tell the world enough about TPLF destruction plan, he said they would attack generation plants and bridges to get attention. #TDFdamagedTekeze  #TPLFDenyCeasefire @MarisePayne @ScottMorrisonMP @SenatorWong Click To Tweet It is in TPLF's DNA to destroy whatever is built for the people to seek world wide attention and try to get to power. #TDFdamagedTekeze  #TPLFDenyCeasefire @JamesDuddridge @DominicRaab @HouseofCommons @EstoniaUN @irishmissionun Click To Tweet Who used children as soldiers? who use people as human shields? who is committing #EndertaGenocide, the answer is crystal clear #TPLFisaTerroristGroup #HandsoffEthiopia #HandsoffGERD. #TDFdamagedTekeze  #TPLFDenyCeasefire @heikomaas @eu_echo @vonderleyen Click To Tweet TPLF claimed they won the Ethiopian national army and drove them out five days ago, and blame ENDF again by destroying Takaze brigde, that is abolutely unbearable. #TDFdamagedTekeze  #TPLFDenyCeasefire @RepKarenBass @antonioguterres @mbachelet @EUCouncil @POTUS Click To Tweet Ethiopia condemns the insincere and hypocritical humanitarian concerns and false allegations from westerners, intentionally focused on the situation in the #Tigray but seeking to weaken Ethiopia indirectly #HandsOffEthiopia #HandsoffGERD. #TDFdamagedTekeze … Click To Tweet The Western media hoax is a dangerous political propaganda machine that is very vividly demonstrating their intention, to weaken Ethiopia by any means necessary. #TDFdamagedTekeze  #TPLFDenyCeasefire @EU_Commission @eu_echo @JanezLenarcic @Europarl_EN Click To Tweet After the complete withdrawal of Ethiopian & Eritrean soldiers from #Tigray, TPLF claiming ENDF destroyed Takeze Bridge is something very very contradictory, they just did it to get more attention. #TDFdamagedTekeze  #TPLFDenyCeasefire @UNHCRCanada @AustraliaUN Click To Tweet #TPLF has killed hundreds of Tigrians in reprisal for working with the Ethiopian gov't as humanitarian & for not joining them after total withdrawal of ENDF and ErDF. #TDFdamagedTekeze  #TPLFDenyCeasefire @CoryBooker @SecBlinken @UN @swiss_un @UNGeneva Click To Tweet Over hundred female have been raped already and a lot healthcare have been robbed just the next day after ENDF withdrew from Tigray region. Why are @nimaelbagir & MSM silent? #TDFdamagedTekeze  #TPLFDenyCeasefire @GerrySimpsonHRW @HRC Click To Tweet Will the @POTUS  and @EU_Commission condemn earnestly the act of TPLF to destroy a life line bridge (Tekeze) to hamper what state department called its main concern (providing humanitarian assistance)? #TDFdamagedTekeze  #TPLFDenyCeasefire @HRW @EU_Commission… Click To Tweet We are Not New for this kind Action. It is #TPLF. TPLF has already been linked to the destruction of infrastructure in #Axum airport, today destroyed the Tekeze Bridge. The bridge was one of the main supply routes into Tigray region. #TDFdamagedTekeze  #TPLFDenyCeasefire Click To Tweet #TPLF officially rejected the ceasefire then destroyed the Tekeze bridge. #TPLF terrorists don’t care about Tigrayans. #Ethiopia govt had spent $2b+ on aid for our people in Tigray while you kept blaming @AbiyAhmedAli. #TDFdamagedTekeze  #TPLFDenyCeasefire @SenateFloor… Click To Tweet The governments of #Ethiopia have just confirmed that #TPLFTerroristGroup destroyed Tekeze Bridge in a futile attempt of facilitating air drop from humanitarian agencies. Of course their mission is smuggling armaments to #Tigray. #TDFdamagedTekeze  #TPLFDenyCeasefire… Click To Tweet It is better for US to put a leash on TPLF, no ENDF is no more in Tigray, TPLF is acting like a mad dog Destroying Tekeze Bridge & beating war drums. Put a leash on TPLF or ENDF will do as usual! #TDFdamagedTekeze  #TPLFDenyCeasefire @USEmbassyAddis @dw_amharic… Click To Tweet

If the Case is Humanitarian Use All The Road Routes To Tigray, Until All The Roads Are Destroyed By TPLF !

Ethiopia's road towards Tigray has many routes and if the international community wanted to help the people of Tigray they can use all of it. #TDFdamagedTekeze #TPLFDenyCeasefire @MarisePayne @ScottMorrisonMP @SenatorWong @JamesDuddridge @DominicRaab @HouseofCommons @EstoniaUN Click To Tweet The TPLF # terrorist group began to destroy bridges and facilities in the country, the images of the Aksum air port and the Tekeze Bridge are witnesses that have presented their experiences today! #TDFdamagedTekeze  #TPLFDenyCeasefire @MarisePayne @ScottMorrisonMP… Click To Tweet Rejecting the humanitarian ceasefire enacted in support of farmers to seize the planting season, the terrorist group TPLF has destroyed the Tekeze Bridge intentionally to limit assistance route into the region. #TDFdamagedTekeze  #TPLFDenyCeasefire @JamesDuddridge… Click To Tweet Listen to Getachew Reda of #TPLF threatening they would attack generation plants and bridges. It is in TPLF's DNA. #TDFdamagedTekeze  #TPLFDenyCeasefire @HouseofCommons @EstoniaUN @irishmissionun  @heikomaas @eu_echo @vonderleyen @RepKarenBass @antonioguterres Click To Tweet TPLF spokes person Getachew Reda vowing to destroy infrastructure including bridges @JosepBorrellF stop supporting terrorist TPLF, Ethiopia has committed for humanitarian ceasefire, tell your TPLF to do the same. #TDFdamagedTekeze  #TPLFDenyCeasefire @mbachelet @EUCouncil… Click To Tweet We recommend people to stay away from bridges & other similar infrastructure. Our target is z infrastructures...This is not only in Bahir Dar & Gonder, but also anywhere else - Getachew Reda, member of TPLF. TPLF targeted a bridge. #TDFdamagedTekeze … Click To Tweet TPLF destroyed the bridge purposely    to accuse ETHIOPIAN government in the mean time the good think getachew reda already gave the interview they will destroy the mean infrastructure and any z government project. #TDFdamagedTekeze  #TPLFDenyCeasefire… Click To Tweet US demands never end at all!!  What has internet networking has to do with supplying USAID?? Their next demands is going to be asking #AbiyAhmedAli to let them visiting Getachew Reda. Ridiculous America comes to your common sense. #TDFdamagedTekeze  #TPLFDenyCeasefire… Click To Tweet Who had spent 20% of the country's budget to cover 70% aid in Tigray is working to set up an air bridge while your terrorist friends are killing Tigrayans. #TDFdamagedTekeze  #TPLFDenyCeasefire @UNHCRCanada @AustraliaUN @CoryBooker @SecBlinken @UN @swiss_un @UNGeneva Click To Tweet The end justifies the means. Perhaps the reason why #Tplfterrorists destroyed the Tekeze Bridge after all. So that Humanitarian Aid, I.e. international code name for ARMS, could be flown directly to Mekele without going through customs check points. #TDFdamagedTekeze … Click To Tweet TPLF is absolutely shameless, they will destroy a city full of people to propagate their lies, and not bridge that connects them to the region they claim is enemy. #TDFdamagedTekeze  #TPLFDenyCeasefire @GerrySimpsonHRW @HRC @HRW @EU_Commission @JanezLenarcic Click To Tweet TPLF has done more than this in the past, they killed 3000 people and blamed it on DERG regime, they killed 100 people in site the day of Irrecha, and blamed it on stampede, now they destroy bridge and blaming it on Ethiopian gov't. #TDFdamagedTekeze  #TPLFDenyCeasefire… Click To Tweet TPLF to Ethiopia is like mortar and pestle, it always have to grind or kick Ethiopia down to be heard, they destroyed Takeze brigde that connects to Gonder, the region that they actually claim as enemy, and they want to blame it on Ethiopian gov't! #TDFdamagedTekeze … Click To Tweet How rude is TPLF, yesterday they were celebrating because they said they won, and today they realize they only won the propaganda so they destroy Takeze bridge and blame it on Ethiopian gov't? The national army left the country 4 days ago. #TDFdamagedTekeze … Click To Tweet The west hypocracy is now above what the TPLF needed even, they don't want to stop lying about Ethiopia till they destroy it, do the westerners need to govern Ethiopia, or did they discover that we have a gas! #TDFdamagedTekeze  #TPLFDenyCeasefire @USEmbassyAddis @dw_amharic Click To Tweet The #TPLFterroristgroup began to destroy bridges and facilities in the country, they have already done so many, Aksum air port and the Tekeze power plant and Ethio-telecomunication are the living proof to this day. #TDFdamagedTekeze  #TPLFDenyCeasefire @KarenBassTweets Click To Tweet

If the Case is Humanitarian Use All The Road Routes To Tigray, Until All The Roads Are Destroyed By TPLF !

The Bridge of Tekeze has been broken by the TPLF Bandits. The International Community should condemn this act by strongest possible term. #TDFdamagedTekeze  #TPLFDenyCeasefire @MarisePayne @ScottMorrisonMP @SenatorWong @JamesDuddridge Click To Tweet Sources are claiming that TPLF forces hit the Tekeze bridge to mislead international community and for the need of international flight direct to Mekele. This issue is reported by international Medias. #TDFdamagedTekeze  #TPLFDenyCeasefire @DominicRaab @HouseofCommons Click To Tweet #TPLF destroyed the Tekeze Bridge to request humanitarian corridor via Sudan so that it can safely smuggle in weapons. #TDFdamagedTekeze  #TPLFDenyCeasefire @EstoniaUN @irishmissionun  @heikomaas Click To Tweet We will target and destroy critical infrastructures such as long bridges and power stations - Getachew Reda, TPLF's Spokes Person. #TDFdamagedTekeze  #TPLFDenyCeasefire @eu_echo @vonderleyen @RepKarenBass @antonioguterres Click To Tweet The #TPLF has broken the Tekeze Bridge to attract international attention. The international community must know the true purpose of this terrorist group. #TDFdamagedTekeze  #TPLFDenyCeasefire @mbachelet @EUCouncil @POTUS Click To Tweet It is the people of Tigray who must show that war is not a traditional game. The Ethiopian government has done its best.  Self-liberation from tplf. You are suffering more than enough. Now free yourself from TPLF. #TDFdamagedTekeze  #TPLFDenyCeasefire @EU_Commission… Click To Tweet 3 days since Ethiopia forces left Tigray.  Tekze bridge got destroyed while TPLF is in charge of Tigray. What more destruction will we see in the coming days?  STOP #TPLF from destroying more infrastructures! #TDFdamagedTekeze  #TPLFDenyCeasefire @JanezLenarcic Click To Tweet #TPLF only wants to hold power; he doesn't know that power will be released, so he will kill until he takes power. #TPLF is Ethiopia's problems, cancer and it is tormenting the people. #TDFdamagedTekeze  #TPLFDenyCeasefire @Europarl_EN @UNHCRCanada Click To Tweet As 1985 TPLF planned & orchestrated hunger propaganda the same as they are doing today. . #DisarmTPLF for peaceful Tigray. #TDFdamagedTekeze  #TPLFDenyCeasefire @AustraliaUN @CoryBooker @SecBlinken @UN @swiss_un @UNGeneva Click To Tweet They destroyed the TEKEZE'S Bridge. TPLF is asking weapons supply via Air.  to so they will start fighting Ethiopia and Eritria. #TDFdamagedTekeze  #TPLFDenyCeasefire @GerrySimpsonHRW @HRC @HRW @EU_Commission Click To Tweet Western media remained silent when #TPLFTerroristGroup destroys the #Tekeze bridge. Western Media is an enemy of Africa's development. #DisarmTPLF for peaceful Tigray. #TDFdamagedTekeze  #TPLFDenyCeasefire @JanezLenarcic @HouseForeignGOP Click To Tweet TPLF have history of blow up many bridges during Derg regime. This time is no different. TPLF digital woyane was discussing in their chat group before Tekeze Bridge is collapsed. Shame on TPLF! #TDFdamagedTekeze  #TPLFDenyCeasefire @SenateFloor @ChrisCoons Click To Tweet

If the Case is Humanitarian Use All The Road Routes To Tigray, Until All The Roads Are Destroyed By TPLF !

#TPLF is terrorist Juntas, they destroy infrastructure #Tekeze that will create man-made starves on their own peoples. #TDFdamagedTekeze  #TPLFDenyCeasefire @HRW @EU_Commission @JanezLenarcic @HouseForeignGOP Click To Tweet #TPLF purposely destroyed the Tekeze Bridge to block the humanitarian assistance process! #TDFdamagedTekeze  #TPLFDenyCeasefire @GerrySimpsonHRW @HRC Click To Tweet TPLF is a terrorist group which is known for destroying infrastructure. Now #Tekeze bridge.Tplf was complaining that Tigreans are starving & international community was convinced. #TDFdamagedTekeze  #TPLFDenyCeasefire @UN @swiss_un @UNGeneva Click To Tweet Only TPLF can destroy a life line bridge (Tekeze Bridge) for humanitarian support and complain of people starving. TPLF is a terrorist organization. #TDFdamagedTekeze  #TPLFDenyCeasefire @UNHCRCanada @AustraliaUN @CoryBooker @SecBlinken Click To Tweet The Difference between #TPLF junta, #Al-Shabaab, , and #ISIS is only in name and language. All of them destroy infrastructure, bombard historical sites, terrorize, killings, loot & spread false info. #TDFdamagedTekeze  #TPLFDenyCeasefire @JanezLenarcic @Europarl_EN Click To Tweet #TPLF destroyed the Tekeze Bridge to request humanitarian corridor via Sudan so that it can safely smuggle in weapons. #TDFdamagedTekeze  #TPLFDenyCeasefire @HRC @HRW @EU_Commission @JanezLenarcic Click To Tweet The bridge was destroyed by TPLF who were discussing online starting their offense from Tekeze river HOURS before it was destroyed! #TDFdamagedTekeze  #TPLFDenyCeasefire @mbachelet @EUCouncil @POTUS @EU_Commission @eu_echo Click To Tweet #TPLF is using the ppl of Tigray as a pawn for political consumption! The west lack of recognition of the efforts of Ethiopia govt is astonishing! #TDFdamagedTekeze  #TPLFDenyCeasefire @eu_echo @vonderleyen @RepKarenBass @antonioguterres Click To Tweet TPLF destroyed the Bridge over Tekeze River. TPLF had destroyed electric power source for Mekele in the past. TPLF has a track record of destroying infrastructure. US just like UK should demand TPLF to declare ceasefire. #TDFdamagedTekeze  #TPLFDenyCeasefire… Click To Tweet TPLF has destroyed Tekeze Bridge. The only bridge to bring Aid in to Tigray from Sudan. Now Aid will be lifted by air which is perfect for TPLF to smuggled weapons, the same tactics they used in the 80th. #TDFdamagedTekeze  #TPLFDenyCeasefire @HouseofCommons @EstoniaUN Click To Tweet #TPLF destroyed #Axum airport, #Adigrat medicine factory &  #Electricity lines.This time #TPLF destroyed #Tekeze bridge. Yet no condemnation by Int'l community.So, who is really starving #Tigray people? #TDFdamagedTekeze  #TPLFDenyCeasefire @MarisePayne… Click To Tweet

If the Case is Humanitarian Use All The Road Routes To Tigray, Until All The Roads Are Destroyed By TPLF !

#TPLFTerroristGroup destroyed Tekeze bridge that connects #Amhara regional state and #Tigray to avoid checkpoints!! #TDFdamagedTekeze  #TPLFDenyCeasefire @USEmbassyAddis @dw_amharic @JimInhofe @KarenBassTweets @RepGregoryMeeks @RepJasonCrow @Ilhan @JoeNeguse Click To Tweet A major accusation by the international media was, #Ethiopia army killing farmers to force starvation as a tool of war in #Tigray. The ceasefire has made that point useless. #TDFdamagedTekeze  #TPLFDenyCeasefire @VOAAmharic @VOANews Click To Tweet The World was unfairly pressuring #Ethiopia'n Gov't to leave its soldiers out of its own territory, #Tigray Region of #Ethiopia. Now, who to blame for these devastating crisis. #TDFdamagedTekeze  #TPLFDenyCeasefire @SenateFloor @ChrisCoons Click To Tweet #TPLF has destroyed the #Tekezze Bridge the main emergency humanitarian route to #Tigray that connects to #Amhara region. #TDFdamagedTekeze  #TPLFDenyCeasefire @EU_Commission @JanezLenarcic @HouseForeignGOP Click To Tweet #Tekeze Bridge intentionally destroyed by #TPLFTerroristGroup. But this bridge is not important to transport Aids to western organizations want to condemn #tplf. Always point to #Ethiopia #TDFdamagedTekeze  #TPLFDenyCeasefire @MichaelBennet @RepTedLieu Click To Tweet There is an alternative rout but once you cross the #Tigray border you will have to negotiate with #TPLF for a safe passage. They are determined to starve their hostages to provoke western intervention. #TDFdamagedTekeze  #TPLFDenyCeasefire @GerrySimpsonHRW @HRC @HRW Click To Tweet The terrorist #TPLF, known for its uses of food aid as a political tool. #TDFdamagedTekeze  #TPLFDenyCeasefire @CoryBooker @SecBlinken @UN @swiss_un @UNGeneva Click To Tweet Everybody knows TPLF has already been linked to the destruction of infrastructure in #Axum airport, today destroyed the Tekeze Bridge. The bridge was one of the main supply routes into Tigray region. #TDFdamagedTekeze  #TPLFDenyCeasefire @UNHCRCanada @AustraliaUN Click To Tweet #TPLF can’t survive in #Tigray but pensive facewill continue to terrorize neighboring regions! #TPLF,Al-Shabaab,Boko Haram & ISIS are the same they destroy infrastructure, terrorize by killings,loot & spread #fake news. #TDFdamagedTekeze  #TPLFDenyCeasefire… Click To Tweet For the few Western “human-rights advocates”, our well-being never mattered. It’s the agenda and national interest that matters. It just gets sugar-coated to the point that they make it seem too real. But then it’s not. #HandsOffEthiopia. #TDFdamagedTekeze … Click To Tweet Congratulations! As per your countless accusations #ENDF was the problem.  Now that #ENDF has pulled out you have free access to #TPLF which you are not bothered by, therefore, no more excuses. Deal with #TPLF & deliver all the aid needed. #HandsOffEthiopia.… Click To Tweet Another day, another fabrication from the Angle of darkness, #TPLF. Surely, they’ll keep entertaining us for a long time to come. Stay tuned, for the coming episodes. #TPLFisaterriostgroup #HandsOffEthiopia #TDFdamagedTekeze  #TPLFDenyCeasefire @antonioguterres @mbachelet Click To Tweet The conflict in Tigray and the political situation in Ethiopia has demonstrated one thing very vividly-that Western media is a hoax and a dangerous political propaganda machine!#HandsOffEthiopia #TDFdamagedTekeze  #TPLFDenyCeasefire @vonderleyen @RepKarenBass Click To Tweet #Ethiopia condemns the insincere and hypocritical humanitarian concerns of some parties and false allegations intentionally focused on the situation in the #Tigray. #HandsOffEthiopia #TDFdamagedTekeze  #TPLFDenyCeasefire @irishmissionun  @heikomaas @eu_echo Click To Tweet Who is beating the drums of war yet again? Who is damaging infrastructure? #TDFdamagedTekeze  #TPLFDenyCeasefire @DominicRaab @HouseofCommons @EstoniaUN Click To Tweet Who is using child soldiers? Who is committing #EndertaGenocide #TPLFisaTerroristGroup #HandsoffEthiopia #TDFdamagedTekeze  #TPLFDenyCeasefire @MarisePayne @ScottMorrisonMP @SenatorWong @JamesDuddridge Click To Tweet

If the Case is Humanitarian Use All The Road Routes To Tigray, Until All The Roads Are Destroyed By TPLF !

The breakdown of essential services such as the blackout of electricity, telecommunications, and internet throughout by TPLF and his armed group/TDF/, humanitarian situation in Tigray region become worse. #TDFdamagedTekeze  #TPLFDenyCeasefire @MarisePayne @ScottMorrisonMP Click To Tweet From December 4 2020 till now TPLF mafia group black out basic infrastructures. But the Ethiopian government tries to address the problem committed by TPLF.  #TDFdamagedTekeze  #TPLFDenyCeasefire @SenatorWong @JamesDuddridge Click To Tweet Ethiopian government calls for peace and for humanitarian access in tigray region, but TPLF hinders any humanitarian access in the area. So who is accountable for the black out of infrastructures in Tigray region? TPLF and his armed group should be. #TDFdamagedTekeze … Click To Tweet The world media is deliberately misinforming and dis-informing concerning the situation in tigray region and the role of Ethiopian government to overcome the situation.    #TDFdamagedTekeze  #TPLFDenyCeasefire @HouseofCommons @EstoniaUN Click To Tweet On 28 June, the Federal Government agreed to the request from the Interim Regional Administration in Tigray for a unilateral ceasefire, until the farming season ends. #TDFdamagedTekeze  #TPLFDenyCeasefire @irishmissionun  @heikomaas Click To Tweet On 1 July, the bridge over the Tekeze River, connecting Gondar – Shire was blown up by the terrorist TPLF armed force which calls his self as Tigray Defence force. Shame on you western countries and Medias! #TDFdamagedTekeze  #TPLFDenyCeasefire @eu_echo @vonderleyen… Click To Tweet As history tells wolkite, humera, tesegede and raya are parts of the Amhara province, but following the coming of TPLF in to power since 1990s he forcefully annexed those Amhara provinces by calling them western and southern tigray. #TDFdamagedTekeze  #TPLFDenyCeasefire… Click To Tweet There is no Amhara special force in tigray region. Amhara special force is in former Amhara provinces. #TDFdamagedTekeze  #TPLFDenyCeasefire @EUCouncil @POTUS @EU_Commission @eu_echo Click To Tweet Shame on you   America and westerns. The Ethiopian state of emergency has been declared terrorist TPLF group destroyed the bridge to block the aid line to the region. #TDFdamagedTekeze  #TPLFDenyCeasefire @JanezLenarcic @Europarl_EN @UNHCRCanada Click To Tweet A large number of youths providing community service to the society during the crisis time in the region were killed in Mekele, Adigrat and Shire by the terrorist TPLF armed group. #TDFdamagedTekeze  #TPLFDenyCeasefire @AustraliaUN @CoryBooker Click To Tweet The TPLF junta had a well-developed track record of destroying infrastructure built by the government and scapegoating the government for its damage. #TDFdamagedTekeze  #TPLFDenyCeasefire @SecBlinken @UN @swiss_un Click To Tweet TPLF destroyed infrastructures because it wants to starve the Tigray people. #TDFdamagedTekeze  #TPLFDenyCeasefire @HRC @HRW @EU_Commission @JanezLenarcic Click To Tweet TPLF demolished critical infrastructures and cry for access to humanitarian assistance hoping that weapon would be smuggled to it camouflaged as AID by air. #TDFdamagedTekeze  #TPLFDenyCeasefire @HouseForeignGOP @SenateFloor @ChrisCoons Click To Tweet TPLF has a well-developed track record of lying. #TDFdamagedTekeze  #TPLFDenyCeasefire @VOAAmharic @VOANews @USEmbassyAddis @dw_amharic @JimInhofe @KarenBassTweets Click To Tweet The  bridge  of  Tekeze  river  broken   by TPLF milita group .not  the federal government as  well  as   not  the  Amhara  special force . #TDFdamagedTekeze  #TPLFDenyCeasefire @RepGregoryMeeks… Click To Tweet

If the Case is Humanitarian Use All The Road Routes To Tigray, Until All The Roads Are Destroyed By TPLF !

If the federal government  wants  to  enter the  Tigray  uses multi road outlets just like in north east of  Adiss ababa  direction  debre birhan -woldeya  to mekele  and  also  east  direction of … Click To Tweet The terrorist TPLF, known for its uses of food aid as a political tool. #TDFdamagedTekeze  #TPLFDenyCeasefire @ScottMorrisonMP @SenatorWong @JamesDuddridge @DominicRaab @HouseofCommons Click To Tweet Everybody knows TPLF has already been linked to the destruction of infrastructure in Axum airport, today destroyed the Tekeze Bridge. #TDFdamagedTekeze  #TPLFDenyCeasefire @EstoniaUN @irishmissionun Click To Tweet The bridge was one of the main supply routes into Tigray region. TDF/TPLF destroying it aiming at starving the people of Tigray. #TDFdamagedTekeze  #TPLFDenyCeasefire @heikomaas @eu_echo @vonderleyen @RepKarenBass Click To Tweet The TPLF have been asking for airlift of aid before the bridge was bombed as far as 3 days ago. A good indication of the devilish work of destroying supply line. #TDFdamagedTekeze  #TPLFDenyCeasefire @antonioguterres Click To Tweet You can't expect good things to come from the devil incarnated TPLF. #TDFdamagedTekeze  #TPLFDenyCeasefire @mbachelet @EUCouncil @POTUS @EU_Commission @eu_echo @JanezLenarcic @Europarl_EN @UNHCRCanada Click To Tweet The  western   medias  and  countries   must you know that  tplf  is   and   an  extremist terrorist  and  group  not  only  in the  Ethiopia  but  also … Click To Tweet All the breakdown of infrastructure in   Tigray region conducted and deliberately committed   by the scavenge group of tplf. This is the truth. #TDFdamagedTekeze  #TPLFDenyCeasefire @KarenBassTweets @RepGregoryMeeks @RepJasonCrow @Ilhan Click To Tweet The current federal democratic republic of  Ethiopia  is  a well organized and transforming  stage  in  the  country  and  also destroying the  extreme  ethnic  based   thinking  and … Click To Tweet The TPLF terrorist group even don’t bothers to its supporters, Tigray region bleeds by this terrorist group. #TDFdamagedTekeze  #TPLFDenyCeasefire @VOAAmharic @VOANews @USEmbassyAddis Click To Tweet Western  and  all global citizens  and  medias   must  you  know  that  truth  always  prevails  even  the   small gangster group TPLF mafia  get the values .The  time … Click To Tweet TPLF is a blood sucker! They are looking for more blood not food and we said enough is enough. #TDFdamagedTekeze  #TPLFDenyCeasefire @HRC @HRW @EU_Commission @JanezLenarcic @HouseForeignGOP Click To Tweet The TPLF were known for bridge destruction starting from their life in Dedebit Deseret hence, known as Deldey sebary in Amharic meaning bridge destroyers. #TDFdamagedTekeze  #TPLFDenyCeasefire @UNGeneva @GerrySimpsonHRW Click To Tweet For someone who knows or read the history of TPLF they can easily understand that TPLF will do anything to accomplish its evil desires. Killing, destroying, stealing is their nature. #TDFdamagedTekeze  #TPLFDenyCeasefire @SecBlinken @UN @swiss_un Click To Tweet The TPLF Junta hoped that by destroying the bridges it will get weapon smuggled under the cover of Aid via airplane. That only happens on our grave. #TDFdamagedTekeze  #TPLFDenyCeasefire @UNHCRCanada @AustraliaUN @CoryBooker Click To Tweet Even the aid agencies propose the need to use plane to supply humanitarian aid, the airplanes should land in Addis, go through security check before they move to Mekelle. #TDFdamagedTekeze  #TPLFDenyCeasefire @eu_echo @JanezLenarcic @Europarl_EN Click To Tweet The Ethiopian government should never allow any organization to fly over its territory, be it USAID or WFP. If the aid agencies want that they should be subjected to security check before flying to Mekelle. #TDFdamagedTekeze  #TPLFDenyCeasefire @POTUS @EU_Commission Click To Tweet The government should make sure that only inspected planes can land in Mekelle. #TDFdamagedTekeze  #TPLFDenyCeasefire @RepKarenBass @antonioguterres @mbachelet @EUCouncil Click To Tweet The junta sent a guerrilla unit to blow up the bridge, hoping to block access to federal army but more importantly force aid organizations to airdrop, which means less scrutiny for their cargoes. #TDFdamagedTekeze  #TPLFDenyCeasefire @eu_echo @vonderleyen Click To Tweet The defense force should restore it via a vehicle-launched bridge as soon as possible. #TDFdamagedTekeze  #TPLFDenyCeasefire @DominicRaab @HouseofCommons @EstoniaUN @irishmissionun  @heikomaas Click To Tweet Rejecting the humanitarian ceasefire enacted in support of farmers to seize the planting season, the terrorist groups TPLF have destroyed the Tekeze Bridge intentionally to limit assistance route into the region. #TDFdamagedTekeze  #TPLFDenyCeasefire @JamesDuddridge Click To Tweet TPLF is has an experience of damaging bridges and infrastructures remember Axum Airport and small bridges they destroyed in October. #TDFdamagedTekeze  #TPLFDenyCeasefire @MarisePayne @ScottMorrisonMP @SenatorWong Click To Tweet All Tigray people  and  concerned  citizen should  know to  that  supporting  and  financing the terrorist group  is to  asked/admit  to international war crime court . #TDFdamagedTekeze  #TPLFDenyCeasefire @MarisePayne Click To Tweet TPLF has been and will always be an existential threat to the people of Tigray. #TDFdamagedTekeze  #TPLFDenyCeasefire @ScottMorrisonMP @SenatorWong @JamesDuddridge @DominicRaab Click To Tweet Here comes TPLF the liberator of the people of Tigray is about to wipe the Tigreans from the face of the Earth unless they Say no more TPLF and fight against it nail and throat. #TDFdamagedTekeze  #TPLFDenyCeasefire @HouseofCommons Click To Tweet All TPLF juntas and propagandist Please stop lying rather than disgracing yourself you can’t cheat anybody anymore. Tplf  is  world laying group .shame  on  you! #TDFdamagedTekeze  #TPLFDenyCeasefire @EstoniaUN @irishmissionun Click To Tweet These bunch of thieves and agents of destruction had been looting, raping, and killing the people of Tigray destroying the infrastructures built with the money of the poor Ethiopians from the day of their birth till their final death. #TDFdamagedTekeze  #TPLFDenyCeasefire… Click To Tweet The TPLF who are the forces of darkness organized in the the name of the Tigrean people took the people as hostage for half a century. #TDFdamagedTekeze  #TPLFDenyCeasefire @heikomaas @eu_echo @vonderleyen Click To Tweet The Tekeze Bridge was blown up by TPLF because it doesn’t want Gondar to Tigray corridor because Ethiopia checks aid before crossing to Tigray. #TDFdamagedTekeze  #TPLFDenyCeasefire @RepKarenBass @antonioguterres @mbachelet Click To Tweet It destroyed the bridge also because TPLF plans to request direct flights to Mekelle to reinforce its army by smuggling weapon in the name of humanitarian aid. #TDFdamagedTekeze  #TPLFDenyCeasefire @EUCouncil @POTUS @EU_Commission Click To Tweet The Desperate TPLF destroyed Tekeze Bridge hoping for weapons airlift in the name of aid food. #TDFdamagedTekeze  #TPLFDenyCeasefire @AustraliaUN @CoryBooker @SecBlinken @UN @swiss_un Click To Tweet The TPLF group systematically destroyed   the Tigray region   if they are not power. #TDFdamagedTekeze  #TPLFDenyCeasefire @UNGeneva @GerrySimpsonHRW @HRC @HRW @EU_Commission Click To Tweet The TPLF  terrorist group  have  no  any  power  to  attack the  ENDF  as well  as  Amhara  special force . #TDFdamagedTekeze  #TPLFDenyCeasefire @JanezLenarcic @HouseForeignGOP @SenateFloor Click To Tweet The Desperate TPLF destroyed Tekeze Bridge hoping for weapons airlift in the name of aid food. #TDFdamagedTekeze  #TPLFDenyCeasefire @ChrisCoons @VOAAmharic @VOANews @USEmbassyAddis Click To Tweet Who has a 50 years history of destroying public property? The answer is crestal clear. It is the TPLF. #TDFdamagedTekeze  #TPLFDenyCeasefire @dw_amharic @JimInhofe @KarenBassTweets @RepGregoryMeeks @RepJasonCrow Click To Tweet The FDRE of Ethiopian government  master  to  help  and  advocate  the Tigray  region displaced  people  when the militia  group dispersed   in Deseret and  caves . #TDFdamagedTekeze  #TPLFDenyCeasefire @Ilhan… Click To Tweet Tplf junta destroy the Tekaze Bridge in the boarder of Amhara region. #TDFdamagedTekeze  #TPLFDenyCeasefire @JoeNeguse @MichaelBennet @RepTedLieu Click To Tweet TPLF junta’s terrorist in the broad of east Africa and Ethiopia. #TDFdamagedTekeze  #TPLFDenyCeasefire @ChrisCoons @VOAAmharic @VOANews @USEmbassyAddis Click To Tweet Tplf start war robbing in Tigray region and broader area. #TDFdamagedTekeze  #TPLFDenyCeasefire @dw_amharic @JimInhofe @KarenBassTweets @RepGregoryMeeks @RepJasonCrow @Ilhan @JoeNeguse @MichaelBennet @RepTedLieu Click To Tweet The world community should be on the side of Ethiopian government not to terrorist group TPLF junta. #TDFdamagedTekeze  #TPLFDenyCeasefire @ChrisCoons @VOAAmharic @VOANews @USEmbassyAddis Click To Tweet The Ethiopian government is trying to make the life of the tigray’s better and to make fill them secured. #TDFdamagedTekeze  #TPLFDenyCeasefire @JanezLenarcic @HouseForeignGOP @SenateFloor Click To Tweet The Ethiopian government enforced separate ceasefire in tigray region, prompting the withdrawal of national defense force. Reports from the area indicate that robbers and kings are taking place in some areas. #TDFdamagedTekeze  #TPLFDenyCeasefire @UNGeneva @GerrySimpsonHRW Click To Tweet Junta has been realized without charge for the sake of the masses but for no apparent reason TPLF has been brutal killing people and damage the infrastructure. #TDFdamagedTekeze  #TPLFDenyCeasefire  @HRC @HRW @EU_Commission Click To Tweet If Ethiopian government need, Ethiopian Defense force can enter by Afar. #TDFdamagedTekeze  #TPLFDenyCeasefire @UNHCRCanada @AustraliaUN @CoryBooker @SecBlinken @UN @swiss_un Click To Tweet TPLF started dismissed the entire infrastructure before 45 years ago. #TDFdamagedTekeze  #TPLFDenyCeasefire @POTUS @EU_Commission @eu_echo @JanezLenarcic @Europarl_EN Click To Tweet Ethiopian defense force and Amhara special force protected the infrastructure for the past 6 months. So they will never touch the Ethiopian resource. #TDFdamagedTekeze  #TPLFDenyCeasefire @EUCouncil Click To Tweet The TPLF is the enemy of the people of Tigray. That is why it is destroying public infrastructure built with public funds. #TDFdamagedTekeze  #TPLFDenyCeasefire @vonderleyen @RepKarenBass @antonioguterres @mbachelet Click To Tweet A barbaric group of Tplf does not know anything more than demolishing public infrastructures. #TDFdamagedTekeze  #TPLFDenyCeasefire @EstoniaUN @irishmissionun  @heikomaas @eu_echo Click To Tweet The terrorist group of TPLF does not care about the people of Tigray that is why they do not hesitate to make public utilities useless. #TDFdamagedTekeze  #TPLFDenyCeasefire @DominicRaab @HouseofCommons Click To Tweet Terrorist organization like the TPLF who destroys public infrastructure and drags the country back ten to fifteen years is a cancer for a developing country like Ethiopia. #TDFdamagedTekeze  #TPLFDenyCeasefire @SenatorWong @JamesDuddridge Click To Tweet Destroying infrastructure for the terrorist TPLF is a long-aged trend, TDF/TPLF is known for using grail as political tool. Yesterday TPLF brutally killed 38 civilians and destroyed the Takeze Bridge. #TDFdamagedTekeze  #TPLFDenyCeasefire @MarisePayne @ScottMorrisonMP Click To Tweet

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