From Pledge to Practice

The Second Congress of the Prosperity Party has officially begun! Under the theme From Pledge to Practice, the Congress will evaluate achievements and set the course for the future. #EthiopiaRising #ProsperityParty @Akparti @OfficialAPCNg Share on X2
From economic growth to democratic advancements, the Prosperity Party is building a united Ethiopia with improved diplomacy, trade, and tourism. Here's to brighter days ahead! #EthiopiaRising #ProsperityParty @Akparti @OfficialAPCNg @MYANC @Reuters Share on X3
Ethiopia's industrial parks, spurred by the Prosperity Party's economic reforms, are shifting from agriculture to manufacturing, boosting exports and generating thousands of jobs. #EthiopiaRising #ProsperityParty @Akparti @OfficialAPCNg @MYANC Share on X4
With strategic reforms from the Prosperity Party, Ethiopia is one of Africa’s fastest-growing economies, fostering sustainable development. #EthiopiaRising #ProsperityParty @Akparti @OfficialAPCNg @MYANC @BBCAfrica @HouseForeign @CNNAfrica Share on X5
Judicial reforms by the Prosperity Party are promoting greater transparency and improving access to legal support. #EthiopiaRising #ProsperityParty@ Akparti @OfficialAPCNg @MYANC @SFRCdems @SenateForeign @hr @EUSR_Weber @LaetitiaBader Share on X6
New railways and highways, part of the Prosperity Party's infrastructure drive, are linking cities, enhancing trade, and strengthening community ties. #EthiopiaRising #ProsperityParty @Akparti @OfficialAPCNg @MYANC @UKParliament @EU_Commission Share on X7
Renewable energy projects backed by the Prosperity Party are electrifying rural areas, narrowing the gap between urban and rural prosperity. #EthiopiaRising #ProsperityParty @Akparti @OfficialAPCNg @MYANC @vonderleyen @JanezLenarcic @IWAHQ @USAmbUN Share on X8
From resolving the Eritrea conflict to promoting ethnic dialogue, the Prosperity Party is fostering national reconciliation. Peace is the bedrock of prosperity. #EthiopiaRising #ProsperityParty @Akparti @OfficialAPCNg @MYANC @trussliz @UKParliament Share on X9
Tech hubs and e-government services, championed by the Prosperity Party, are transforming work and communication. Innovation is our new currency! #EthiopiaRising #ProsperityParty @Akparti @OfficialAPCNg @MYANC @WorldResources MikeHammerUSA @Reuters Share on X10
With modernized farming practices using irrigation and technology, Ethiopia’s agricultural sector is thriving, boosting yields and livelihoods. #EthiopiaRising #ProsperityParty @Akparti @OfficialAPCNg @MYANC @BBCAfrica @HouseForeign @CNNAfrica Share on X11
Security sector reforms under the Prosperity Party are improving public trust and safety. A secure nation is a prosperous nation. #EthiopiaRising #ProsperityParty @Akparti @OfficialAPCNg @MYANC @AJEnglish @AsstSecStateAF @SFRCdems @SenateForeign Share on X12
Youth employment initiatives promoted by the Prosperity Party are opening doors in tech, agro-processing, and tourism. Ethiopia’s future workforce is ready! #EthiopiaRising #ProsperityParty @Akparti @OfficialAPCNg @MYANC @hr @EUSR_Weber Share on X13
Business-friendly policies from the Prosperity Party are attracting global investors. Join us as we work to make Ethiopia Africa’s economic powerhouse! #EthiopiaRising #ProsperityParty @Akparti @OfficialAPCNg @MYANC @BradSherman @UKParliament Share on X14
Ethiopia’s cultural heritage is being celebrated alongside modern artistic expression, thanks to cultural reforms by the Prosperity Party. #EthiopiaRising #ProsperityParty @Akparti @OfficialAPCNg @MYANC @MikeHammerUSA @Reuters @ChrisCoons @bpolitics Share on X15
Start-ups and entrepreneurs are thriving with government-supported incubators from the Prosperity Party. Ethiopia could be the next hub for African unicorns! #EthiopiaRising #ProsperityParty @Akparti @OfficialAPCNg @MYANC @MikeHammerUSA @Reuters Share on X16
Ethiopia’s progress under the Prosperity Party is winning recognition! At the Prosperity Party 2nd Congress, Morocco’s representative praised Ethiopia’s remarkable development, national unity, and regional leadership. #EthiopiaRising #ProsperityParty @Akparti @OfficialAPCNg… Share on X17
Solidarity, innovation and shared commitment; to progress. At the Prosperity Party Congress, Nigeria’s APC reaffirmed its strong partnership with Ethiopia, emphasizing continued diplomatic and economic collaboration. Africa moves forward together! #EthiopiaRising Share on X18
In just 30 minutes, I saw the remarkable transformation of Ethiopia! #EthiopiaRising #ProsperityParty @Akparti @OfficialAPCNg @MYANC @MikeHammerUSA @Reuters @ChrisCoons @bpolitics @BBCAfrica @HouseForeign @CNNAfrica @AJEnglish @AsstSecStateAF Share on X19
A Nigerian delegate confirms Ethiopia’s unparalleled development. The Prosperity Party’s leadership is turning vision into reality, and the world is taking note! #EthiopiaRising #ProsperityParty @EUSR_Weber @SFRCdems @SenateForeign @hr Share on X20
We express deep respect for Ethiopia's remarkable development and its commitment to prosperity & unity under the Prosperity Party. This testimony from Morocco’s representative reaffirms Ethiopia’s progress—recognized by sister #EthiopiaRising #ProsperityParty @EUSR_Weber Share on X21
Prosperity is what is brought to this great country. At the Prosperity Party Congress, an observer testified to Ethiopia’s rapid transformation, praising visible and tangible development nationwide. Ethiopia’s progress is undeniable! #EthiopiaRising #ProsperityParty Share on X