Campaigns International International News News Ethiopia’s Economy Shows Extraordinary Resilience 2 years ago Views: 12,837 1 Good news for #Ethiopia! #Ethiopia has what it takes & the best is yet to come! #ResilientlyOnwards #Ethiopia @MikeHammerUSA @Reuters @ChrisCoons @bpolitics @BBCAfrica @HouseForeign @CNNAfrica @AJEnglish @AsstSecStateAF @EUSR_Weber @SFRCdems @SenateForeign @HouseForeign Share on X 2 Ethiopia’s economic reform has paid off! #ResilientlyOnwards #Ethiopia @hr @JosepBorrellF @StateDept @FCDOGovUK @AFP @MikeHammerUSA @EUSR_Weber @HannaTetteh @LaetitiaBader @KenRoth @amnest @BradSherman @SFRCdems @UKParliament @EU_Commission Share on X 3 Such achievements are indications of the commitment of the GoEthiopia and the potential of our country! We trust the economic reforms placed to pull our country into prosperity! #ResilientlyOnwards #Ethiopia @eucopresident @vonderleyen @JanezLenarcic @PowerUSAID @USAmbUN Share on X 4 IMF put Ethiopia as the fourth-largest economy grow projection in sub-Saharan Africa in 2023. This is due to the easing of armed conflict in the nation and the continuation of ambitious economic reforms aimed at opening up one of Africa’s fastest growing. #ResilientlyOnwards Share on X 6 Ethiopia’s economic recovery is projected to be accelerated in 2023 because of the solving of armed conflict in the nation and the continuation of ambitious economic reform efforts aimed at opening up one of Africa’s fastest growing economies #ResilientlyOnwards #Ethiopia Share on X 7 According to IMF in 2023 Ethiopia will become East Africa’s largest economy & 3rd largest in Sub-Saharan Africa. Ethiopia’s economy shows extraordinary resilience. #ResilientlyOnwards #Ethiopia @HouseForeign @eucopresident @JosepBorrellF @trussliz Share on X 8 The IMF predicts Ethiopia's GDP will reach $126.2 billion this year, expanding by 13.5%. This is an impressive figure, and Ethiopia's economy will likely continue to grow in the coming years. #ResilientlyOnwards #Ethiopia @UKParliament @CanadaFP @UN_HRC @vonderleyen Share on X 9 Ethiopia's rate of poverty has declined from 29.6% in 2010/11 to 23.5% in 2019. Following its green economy path, it is continuing this trend to meet SDG goal 1 of reducing poverty by 2030 #ResilientlyOnwards #Ethiopia @MikeHammerUSA @Reuters @ChrisCoons @bpolitics @BBCAfrica Share on X 10 Ethiopia sees the hydropower project as a vital part of the campaign to lift its population out of poverty and to create a unified National Identity.#GERD #ResilientlyOnwards #Ethiopia @HouseForeign @CNNAfrica @AJEnglish @AsstSecStateAF @EUSR_Weber Share on X 11 The wealth of Ethiopia's hydropower #GERD is the way to Ethiopia’s ambition to be in mid-level economy by some time in 20_2#''S #ResilientlyOnwards #Ethiopia @SFRCdems @SenateForeign @HouseForeign @hr @JosepBorrellF @StateDept @FCDOGovUK @AFP @MikeHammerUSA @EUSR_Weber Share on X 12 Reforms in agriculture, economy, and security created opportunities for Ethiopia's prosperity. Institutions played a vital role in achieving uninterrupted results during changes. Based on research, they'll contribute significantly to success. #ResilientlyOnwards #Ethiopia Share on X 13 Ethiopia's inclusive prosperity agenda relied on home grown economic reform is anchored in enabling decent livelihoods, building resilience and green foundation for generation to come. PM ABIY AHMED ALI #ResilientlyOnwards #Ethiopia @LaetitiaBader Share on X 14 Ethiopia's home grown economic reforms are bearing fruit with cluster and irrigation based farming which has increased productivity. Let us build on these successes. #ResilientlyOnwards #Ethiopia @HannaTetteh @KenRoth @amnest @BradSherman @SFRCdems @UKParliament @EU_Commission Share on X 15 What makes the current homegrown economic reform full-fledged is because it makes its foundation on those good remarks laid by the then government #ResilientlyOnwards #Ethiopia @eucopresident @vonderleyen @JanezLenarcic @PowerUSAID @USAmbUN @CanadaFP Share on X 16 Ethiopia’s economy has proved to be resilient, managing to endure internal and external influences while registering high development #ResilientlyOnwards #Ethiopia @eu_eeas @SFRCdems @SenateForeign @HouseForeign @eucopresident @JosepBorrellF @trussliz @UKParliament @CanadaFP Share on X 17 The core aim of the 10 year long economic reform of the GOEthiopia is ensuring food self-sufficiency via import substitution and making agricultural sector a reliable foreign currency source. #ResilientlyOnwards #Ethiopia @UN_HRC @vonderleyen Share on X 18 GoEthiopia has been keenly working on the capitalization of industrial parks to enhance the horizontal and vertical integration of economic sectors and garner the participation of the Diaspora and other relevant actors to sustain the economic growth #ResilientlyOnwards #Ethiopia Share on X 19 Our beloved Pm @AbiyAhmedAli Build up, keep up the pace in one hand and hold the sword on the other hand. Ensure prosperity for Ethiopia and its people! We are with you! #ResilientlyOnwards #Ethiopia @MikeHammerUSA @Reuters @ChrisCoons @bpolitics Share on X 20 The resilience and growth of our economy in the last 5 yrs, in all these unspeakable storms, is infact a good indicator of our prosperity to be. #ResilientlyOnwards #Ethiopia @BBCAfrica @HouseForeign @CNNAfrica @AJEnglish @AsstSecStateAF @EUSR_Weber @SFRCdems @SenateForeign Share on X 21 Great job, Ethiopia! And congratulations to all those who directed our country on the right path and into the right direction! Ethiopia deserves to prosper! #ResilientlyOnwards #Ethiopia @HouseForeign @hr @JosepBorrellF @StateDept @FCDOGovUK @AFP Share on X 22 Ethiopia's right to safeguard its sovereignty and territorial integrity must be respected recognizing the efforts it is making to solve its basic problems! #ResilientlyOnwards #Ethiopia @MikeHammerUSA @EUSR_Weber @HannaTetteh @LaetitiaBader Share on X 23 The implementation of homegrown economic reform that aimed at tapping the country's development potentials, has an undeniable impact in stabilizing nation's economy #ResilientlyOnwards #Ethiopia @KenRoth @amnest @BradSherman @SFRCdems @UKParliament @EU_Commission @eucopresident Share on X 24 Implementation of the economic reform has enabled the country to mitigate the effects of the corona virus pandemic and the conflicts that aroused in the northern part of Ethiopia. #ResilientlyOnwards #Ethiopia @vonderleyen @JanezLenarcic @PowerUSAID Share on X 25 Giving deaf ear and a blind eye to the best accomplishments registered in the economy these days by the government of Ethiopia is not appropriate! #ResilientlyOnwards #Ethiopia @USAmbUN @CanadaFP @eu_eeas @SFRCdems @SenateForeign @HouseForeign @eucopresident @JosepBorrellF Share on X 26 The resilience of Ethiopian economy despite multiple shocks and the quick rebound is astounding. Even now, Ethiopia has the capacity to attract more investment both in debt & equity. #ResilientlyOnwards #Ethiopia @trussliz @UKParliament @CanadaFP Share on X 27 Ethiopian economy exhibited commendable performance with resilience in a stable and promising path. #ResilientlyOnwards #Ethiopia @UN_HRC @vonderleyen @MikeHammerUSA @Reuters @ChrisCoons @bpolitics @BBCAfrica @HouseForeign @CNNAfrica @AJEnglish Share on X 28 The Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam is not just a hydroelectric project, it's a beacon of hope for #Ethiopia's economy. #ResilientlyOnwards #Ethiopia @MikeHammerUSA @Reuters @ChrisCoons @bpolitics @BBCAfrica @HouseForeign @CNNAfrica @AJEnglish @AsstSecStateAF @EUSR_Weber Share on X 29 The economy has shown growth despite bottlenecks resulted from coronavirus pandemic, drought and the conflict in northern part of the country. #ResilientlyOnwards #Ethiopia @SFRCdems @SenateForeign @HouseForeign @hr @JosepBorrellF Share on X 30 Ethiopia's booming Infrastructure, improving proprietary rights, suitable weather, caring people & best policies are attracting more investment. #ResilientlyOnwards #Ethiopia @FCDOGovUK @AFP @MikeHammerUSA @EUSR_Weber @HannaTetteh @LaetitiaBader @KenRoth @amnest @BradSherman Share on X 31 Ethiopia`s homegrown reform initiative encompasses macroeconomic, structural, and sectoral reforms aimed at stabilizing the macroeconomic environment, addressing foreign exchange shortages, and promoting export-oriented industries. #ResilientlyOnwards #Ethiopia @SFRCdems Share on X 32 With the end of the conflict in the north, the GoEthiopia is now committed to reviving and deepening its economic reform agenda for 2023. #ResilientlyOnwards #Ethiopia @UKParliament @EU_Commission @eucopresident @vonderleyen @JanezLenarcic Share on X 33 The 10 year Economic reform is expected to provide an overarching framework to guide the Government's policies aimed at boosting investment, improving productivity, raising exports, creating jobs, and improving living standards. #ResilientlyOnwards #Ethiopia @PowerUSAID @USAmbUN Share on X 34 The return of peace is a chance to accelerate the economic transformation agenda that enhance productivity and job creation. #ResilientlyOnwards #Ethiopia @CanadaFP @eu_eeas @SFRCdems @SenateForeign @HouseForeign @eucopresident @JosepBorrellF @trussliz @UKParliament @CanadaFP Share on X 35 Ethiopia, a great resilient country of great people is moving to well-deserved new heights! #ResilientlyOnwards #Ethiopia @UN_HRC @vonderleyen @MikeHammerUSA @Reuters @ChrisCoons @bpolitics @BBCAfrica @HouseForeign @CNNAfrica @AJEnglish @AsstSecStateAF Share on X 36 Ethiopia is bigger than the challenges it’s facing at the moment & we will keep on pushing to overcome them & come out stronger. #ResilientlyOnwards #Ethiopia @EUSR_Weber @SFRCdems @SenateForeign @HouseForeign @hr @JosepBorrellF @StateDept @FCDOGovUK @AFP @MikeHammerUSA Share on X 37 #GERD is a significant step towards enhancing #Ethiopia’s effort for achieving shared prosperity and regional economic cooperation & lift millions out of poverty. #ResilientlyOnwards #Ethiopia @EUSR_Weber @HannaTetteh @LaetitiaBader @KenRoth @amnest @BradSherman @SFRCdems Share on X 38 PM Dr Abiy Ahmed Ali is known for walking the talk. There is nothing that he has not accomplished as he promised. For sure he will transform Ethiopia & The Horn to a new level. #ResilientlyOnwards #Ethiopia @UKParliament @EU_Commission @eucopresident Share on X 39 If Ethiopia can achieve this level of economic resilience in War time, just imagine what we can achieve in peace time. #ResilientlyOnwards #Ethiopia @vonderleyen @JanezLenarcic @PowerUSAID @USAmbUN @CanadaFP @eu_eeas @SFRCdems @SenateForeign @HouseForeign @eucopresident Share on X About Post Author admin_w7y1yrey See author's posts Continue Reading Previous Defending Ethiopia!Next Enough With War! Let’s Celebrate Peace!