Ethiopian Day !
11 min readEnglish
Ethiopia became a symbol of African redemption, political and religious ideology that continued to inspire through generations. #EthiopianDay @AUC_MoussaFaki @EU_Commission @StateDept @USEmbassyAddis @USAmbUN @CNN @guardian… Click To Tweet2
Ethiopia to the Blacks in the Diaspora was like Zion or Jerusalem to the Jews Barrett Leonard #EthiopianDay @PowerUSAID @Telegraph @AmbassadorRice @BBCAfrica @UNEthiopia @TheReporterET @antonioguterres @UNGeneva @CNN @JoeBiden @AJEnglish Click To Tweet3
Ethiopia is the symbolic home of all Black people and the root of their cultural and historical legacies. #EthiopianDay @SecBlinken @nytimes @USAmbUN @AP @USAID @JosepBorrellF @HouseForeign @AUC_MoussaFaki @EU_Commission @StateDept… Click To Tweet4
Ethiopia is the place to which Blacks should return and/or should develop through financial and political investment. #EthiopianDay @USEmbassyAddis @USAmbUN @CNN @guardian @PowerUSAID @Telegraph @AmbassadorRice @BBCAfrica @UNEthiopia Click To Tweet5
The 'Africa for the Africans' movement, exemplified by Ethiopian leaders since the early days of colonization. #EthiopianDay #EthiopianDay @TheReporterET @antonioguterres @UNGeneva @CNN @JoeBiden @AJEnglish @SecBlinken @nytimes @USAmbUN @AP @USAID Click To Tweet6
Ethiopianism became a generic term to describe a whole range of the black man's efforts to improve their religious, educational, and political status in society. #EthiopianDay @JosepBorrellF @HouseForeign @AUC_MoussaFaki Click To Tweet7
Psalm 68:31: Ethiopia shall soon stretch out her hands unto God. #EthiopianDay@EU_Commission @StateDept @USEmbassyAddis @USAmbUN @CNN @guardian @PowerUSAID @Telegraph @AmbassadorRice @BBCAfrica @UNEthiopia @TheReporterET Click To Tweet8
The brave history of Ethiopian people help to revitalized the hope of an oppressed people. #EthiopianDay @antonioguterres @UNGeneva @CNN @JoeBiden @AJEnglish @SecBlinken @nytimes @USAmbUN @AP @USAID @JosepBorrellF @HouseForeign Click To Tweet9
Ethiopia is the only African country that defeated the colonizing European power and remained un-colonized. Its people paid great sacrifices to defend their territorial integrity and national independence. #EthiopianDay #PanAfricanismPrevails #EthiopianDay @AUC_MoussaFaki Click To Tweet10
Ethiopia is one of the few African countries which were the founding members of the United Nations. Since then, its concern for the prevalence of global peace has steadily grown and become more practical. #EthiopianDay #PanAfricanismPrevails @EU_Commission Click To Tweet11
Ethiopia played a pivotal role in establishing the former Organization of African Unity (OAU) subsequently transformed to the African Union (AU), and the peace and Security Council of the Union. #PanAfricanismPrevails #EthiopianDay Click To Tweet12
Ethiopia played significant roles in the Pan-African Movement #EthiopianDay #EthiopianDay @StateDept @USEmbassyAddis @USAmbUN @CNN @guardian @PowerUSAID @Telegraph @AmbassadorRice @BBCAfrica @UNEthiopia @TheReporterET @antonioguterres @UNGeneva @CNN… Click To Tweet13
Ethiopia is a country with a very long history that maintained its independence when the whole of Africa was scrambled by European colonizers #EthiopianDay @USEmbassyAddis @USAmbUN @CNN @guardian @PowerUSAID @Telegraph @AmbassadorRice Click To Tweet14
Ethiopia shined as an independent country for centuries as a result of the sacrifices made by its gallant sons and daughters who defeated its enemies in every generation. #EthiopianDay @BBCAfrica @UNEthiopia @TheReporterET @antonioguterres Click To Tweet15
As the only independent country in the content, Ethiopia played major role in the decolonization of Africa #EthiopianDay @UNGeneva @CNN @JoeBiden @AJEnglish @SecBlinken @nytimes @USAmbUN @AP @USAID @JosepBorrellF @HouseForeign Click To Tweet16
Being Ethiopian is being invincible in the face of hardships #EthiopianDay #EthiopianDay @AUC_MoussaFaki @EU_Commission @StateDept @USEmbassyAddis @USAmbUN @CNN @guardian @PowerUSAID @Telegraph @AmbassadorRice @BBCAfrica @UNEthiopia… Click To Tweet17
Ethiopia, the cradle of mankind had remarkable civilization when most of toady's super powers were unknown. #EthiopianDay @antonioguterres @UNGeneva @CNN @JoeBiden @AJEnglish @SecBlinken @nytimes @USAmbUN @AP @USAID @JosepBorrellF Click To Tweet18
Ethiopia hosted the Abrahamic religion (Christianity, Islam and Judaism)before any other country in the world. #EthiopianDay @HouseForeign @AUC_MoussaFaki @EU_Commission @StateDept @USEmbassyAddis @USAmbUN @CNN @guardian… Click To Tweet19
Ethiopia’s name is mentioned many times in both the Holy Bible and the Holy Quran#EthiopianDay @PowerUSAID @Telegraph @AmbassadorRice @BBCAfrica @UNEthiopia @TheReporterET @antonioguterres @UNGeneva @CNN @JoeBiden @AJEnglish @SecBlinken Click To Tweet20
When Prophet Mohammed (s.a.w) was persecuted by the Quarish ruling class in Saudi Arabia whereas Ethiopia accepted the first Muslims with happiness #EthiopianDay @nytimes @USAmbUN @AP @USAID @JosepBorrellF @HouseForeign Click To Tweet21
Ethiopia scored shattering victories against series of aggressors that came to rule her #EthiopianDay @AUC_MoussaFaki @EU_Commission @StateDept @USEmbassyAddis @USAmbUN @CNN @guardian @PowerUSAID @Telegraph @AmbassadorRice @BBCAfrica Click To Tweet22
Ethiopian patriots preserved the independence and territorial integrity of the country by defeating the Fascist Italians that armed to the teeth with modern weapon.#EthiopianDay @UNEthiopia @TheReporterET @antonioguterres @UNGeneva @CNN Click To Tweet23
Being Ethiopian is a symbol of patriotism#EthiopianDay @JoeBiden @AJEnglish @SecBlinken @nytimes @USAmbUN @AP @USAID @JosepBorrellF @HouseForeign @AUC_MoussaFaki @EU_Commission @StateDept @USEmbassyAddis @USAmbUN @CNN @guardian … Click To Tweet24
Ethiopia is a mosaic of cultures where more than 86 cultures live in harmony for generations #EthiopianDay @AmbassadorRice @BBCAfrica @UNEthiopia @TheReporterET @antonioguterres @UNGeneva @CNN @JoeBiden @AJEnglish @SecBlinken @nytimes Click To Tweet25
Ethiopia is a unique country where people with different religions live together peacefully. #EthiopianDay @USAmbUN @AP @USAID @JosepBorrellF @HouseForeign @AUC_MoussaFaki @EU_Commission @StateDept @USEmbassyAddis @USAmbUN @CNN Click To Tweet26
Ethiopia is a country of origins where everything started including the first human being. #EthiopianDay @guardian @PowerUSAID @Telegraph @AmbassadorRice @BBCAfrica @UNEthiopia @TheReporterET @antonioguterres @UNGeneva @CNN @JoeBiden Click To Tweet27
Ethiopia is where the longest river in the world originates, the lowest depression on earth, where an active volcano can be seen boiling , where the Great Rift Valley passes through Ethiopia. #EthiopianDay @AJEnglish @SecBlinken @nytimes @USAmbUN @AP @USAID Click To Tweet28
Ethiopia is the only African country that has kept its immense natural resources in tact While the resources of the other African countries was looted by European colonizers for generations #EthiopianDay @JosepBorrellF @HouseForeign Click To Tweet29
Ethiopia is one of the very few countries on earth that has its own calendar and alphabets and numbers #EthiopianDay @AUC_MoussaFaki @EU_Commission @StateDept @USEmbassyAddis @USAmbUN @CNN @guardian @PowerUSAID @Telegraph @AmbassadorRice Click To Tweet30
Ethiopia is known as the water tower of Africa with untapped potential that can easily change the country in to basket of bread #EthiopianDay @BBCAfrica @UNEthiopia @TheReporterET @antonioguterres @UNGeneva @CNN @JoeBiden @AJEnglish @SecBlinken @nytimes… Click To Tweet31
Ethiopia will continue to celebrate five national days that can bring everyone together, and will continue to prosper regardless of the pressures. #EthiopianDay @USAmbUN @AP @USAID @JosepBorrellF @HouseForeign @AUC_MoussaFaki @EU_Commission… Click To Tweet32
regardless of the wishy-washy white media lies, Ethiopia is blooming and TPLF with their allies are grief-stricken! #EthiopianDay @StateDept @USEmbassyAddis @USAmbUN @CNN @guardian @PowerUSAID @Telegraph @AmbassadorRice @BBCAfrica @UNEthiopia… Click To Tweet33
PM @AbiyAhmedAhmed declared this five days to be a national days, it is a strong bond that can tie Ethiopians together to build greatest Ethiopia. #EthiopianDay @TheReporterET @antonioguterres @UNGeneva @CNN @JoeBiden @AJEnglish @SecBlinken @nytimes Click To Tweet34
Even though Ethiopia is facing highest cruelty from the western & their white-wing media, Ethiopia will never go back to darkness after seeing the bright lights of changes. #EthiopianDay @USAmbUN @AP @USAID @JosepBorrellF @HouseForeign @AUC_MoussaFaki … Click To Tweet35
Life in Ethiopia may seem difficult coz of the way white media is reporting, the truth is, things are changing for better. #EthiopianDay @EU_Commission @StateDept @USEmbassyAddis @USAmbUN @CNN @guardian @PowerUSAID @Telegraph @AmbassadorRice… Click To Tweet36
Ethiopia will prosper on the tombstone of TPLF, and people of Tigray will be lebrated from this tyrants. #EthiopianDay @JosepBorrellF @HouseForeign @AUC_MoussaFaki @EU_Commission @StateDept @USEmbassyAddis @USAmbUN @CNN @guardian … Click To Tweet37
Let us do our part by resolving our problems peacefully so that we can grow strong, Ethiopia wil be the shield of Africa. #EthiopianDay @Telegraph @AmbassadorRice @BBCAfrica @UNEthiopia @TheReporterET @antonioguterres @UNGeneva @CNN @JoeBiden Click To Tweet38
Abiy is a great leader who has made a difference in our country in just three unbelievable years. #EthiopianDay will be celebrated with him in power for many many years. @AJEnglish @SecBlinken @nytimes @USAmbUN @AP @USAID @JosepBorrellF @HouseForeign Click To Tweet39
PM #AbiyAhmed is a great leader who has made a difference in our country in just three unbelievable years, he made the 13months of sunshine shine again. #EthiopianDay @AUC_MoussaFaki @EU_Commission @StateDept @USEmbassyAddis @USAmbUN @CNN @guardian… Click To Tweet40
We will continue to prosper and fight for the good of the country, and celebrating this five days together is building the strongest bond with each other. #EthiopianDay @PowerUSAID @Telegraph @AmbassadorRice @BBCAfrica @UNEthiopia @TheReporterET Click To Tweet41
No matter how harder #Westerners throw a stone at our #Ethiopia we remain united for #Ethiopia is indeed too big to fall!! #EthiopianDay @antonioguterres @UNGeneva @CNN @JoeBiden @AJEnglish @SecBlinken @nytimes @USAmbUN @AP @USAID Click To Tweet42
As #Westerners try day & night to dismantle #Ethiopia with the help of the TPLF & OLF thugs we remain even more united for our foundation started thousands of years ago!! #EthiopianDay @JosepBorrellF @HouseForeign @AUC_MoussaFaki Click To Tweet43
They say false news travels fast letting the truth come later; TPLF's war crime started from northern command defence force & resumes in Afar & Amhara regions which the truth was/is neglected for multiple purposes by the #Westerners #EthiopianDay… Click To Tweet44
TPLF & OLF were never victims but villains that committed multiple war crimes against humanity which was intentionally left from being recognized by #Westerners #EthiopianDay Commission @StateDept @USEmbassyAddis @USAmbUN @CNN Click To Tweet45
money has transformed everything, every watchdog, every independent authority, Media, Human right watchs, Amnesty, UNSC too, UN is gulled by USG gov't to push GoE to concede with TPLF demands, so are z media's #EthiopianDay @guardian @PowerUSAID Click To TweetAfaan Oromoo
💪 Itiyoophiyummaan #haqa! 🇪🇹🇪🇹🇪🇹🇪🇹🇪🇹🇪🇹🇪🇹🇪🇹🇪🇹🇪🇹 Itiyoophiyummaan dhugaa barbaaduudha! ✍️Itiyppphiyummaan kan nama biraa barbaaduu dhiisuu, akkasumas kan ofii dabarsanii laachuu dhiisuudha!. … Click To Tweet47
Onnee Itiyoophiyummaa fi jaalala biyyaa! 🇪🇹🇪🇹🇪🇹🇪🇹🇪🇹🇪🇹🇪🇹🇪🇹🇪🇹🇪🇹 Qaaammeen tokko guyyaan Itiyoophiyummaa har’aa suuraan gaafa ibsamu kana fakkaata. Nuunis kana Itiyoophiyummaan, Onneen Itiyoophiyummaas kana fakkaatti… Click To Tweet48
✍️Itiyoophiyummaan mallattoo fi faajjii #Birmaddummaa Afriikaati! 🇪🇹🇪🇹🇪🇹🇪🇹🇪🇹🇪🇹🇪🇹🇪🇹🇪🇹🇪🇹 #Guyyaa_Itiyoophiyaanotaa! #EthiopianDay @HouseForeign @AUC_MoussaFaki @EU_Commission … Click To Tweet49
✍️Bara 2013 Qaammeen 1 Guyyaa Ityoophiyaa jedhamuun kabajamaa ooleera! Kana Itiyoophiyummaan! #Guyyaa_Itiyoophiyaanotaa! #EthiopianDay @Telegraph @AmbassadorRice @BBCAfrica @UNEthiopia @TheReporterET @antonioguterres @UNGeneva @CNN @JoeBiden @AJEnglish… Click To Tweet50
🇪🇹🇪🇹 Itiyoophiyummaan afuura tokkummaafi sab-daneessummaan kan walitti hidhate kabaja keenyaafi eenyummaa keenyadha! #Guyyaa_Itiyoophiyaanotaa! #EthiopianDay @SecBlinken @nytimes @USAmbUN @AP @USAID @JosepBorrellF @HouseForeign @AUC_MoussaFaki … Click To Tweet51
🇪🇹 #Itiyoophiyummaan #eenyummaa Itiyoophiyaanota walitti hidheefi tokkoomsedha! #Guyyaa_Itiyoophiyaanotaa! #EthiopianDay @EU_Commission @StateDept @USEmbassyAddis @USAmbUN @CNN @guardian @PowerUSAID @Telegraph @AmbassadorRice @BBCAfrica Click To Tweet52
#Itiyoophiyaan #Paan Afriikaanizimii hundeessuu keessatti gahee ol-aanaa kan taphatteefi biyya Afriikaa keessatti yeroo mara #fakkeenyummaa guddaan kan kaatudha. #Ethiopian_day_guyyaa¬_Itiyoophiyaanotaa! #EthiopianDay @UNEthiopia @TheReporterET Click To Tweet53
🇪🇹🇪🇹 Itiyoophiyummaan #seenaa baroota dheeraa kan qabduufi birmaddummaa isheef gootota kufan, lafee isaanii cabsan kan qabdudha. #Ethiopiasnday_guyyaa_¬Itiyoophiyaanotaa! #EthiopianDay @antonioguterres @UNGeneva @CNN @JoeBiden @AJEnglish @SecBlinken… Click To Tweet54
‘’Itiyoophiyaan haadha Aadaa daneessaa, af-daneessa, amantaa daneessa, akkasumas ilaalcha garaa garaa warra qabnu walitti qabdee kaayyoo biyyummaaf kan dhaabbattedha’’ Dr Abiyyii Ahmed #Kana_Itiyoophiyummaan #Guyyyaa_Itiyoophiyaanotaa! #EthiopianDay… Click To Tweet55
Warri lixaa hoogantoota #Afrikaa Qaroo ta'aan, Baayyee jibbuu, Garuu kan akka Dr Abiyyi isaan #Ijibbaachisee hin jiru. Nama Hanga Dr Abiyyi irratti qabsaa'anis hin qaban. #Abiyi_Must_lead! #Guyyaa_Itiyoophiyaanotaa! #EthiopianDay Click To Tweet56
💪 Itiyoophiyummaan #haqa! 🇪🇹🇪🇹🇪🇹🇪🇹🇪🇹🇪🇹🇪🇹🇪🇹🇪🇹🇪🇹 Itiyoophiyummaan dhugaa barbaaduudha! ✍️Itiyppphiyummaan kan nama biraa barbaaduu dhiisuu, akkasumas kan ofii dabarsanii laachuu dhiisuudha!. … Click To Tweet57
Onnee Itiyoophiyummaa fi jaalala biyyaa! 🇪🇹🇪🇹🇪🇹🇪🇹🇪🇹🇪🇹🇪🇹🇪🇹🇪🇹🇪🇹 Qaaammeen tokko guyyaan Itiyoophiyummaa har’aa suuraan gaafa ibsamu kana fakkaata. Nuunis kana Itiyoophiyummaan, Onneen Itiyoophiyummaas kana fakkaatti… Click To Tweet58
✍️Itiyoophiyummaan mallattoo fi faajjii #Birmaddummaa Afriikaati! 🇪🇹🇪🇹🇪🇹🇪🇹🇪🇹🇪🇹🇪🇹🇪🇹🇪🇹🇪🇹 #Guyyaa_Itiyoophiyaanotaa! #EthiopianDay @HouseForeign @AUC_MoussaFaki @EU_Commission … Click To Tweet59
✍️Bara 2013 Qaammeen 1 Guyyaa Ityoophiyaa jedhamuun kabajamaa ooleera! Kana Itiyoophiyummaan! #Guyyaa_Itiyoophiyaanotaa! #EthiopianDay @Telegraph @AmbassadorRice @BBCAfrica @UNEthiopia @TheReporterET @antonioguterres @UNGeneva @CNN @JoeBiden @AJEnglish… Click To Tweet60
🇪🇹🇪🇹 Itiyoophiyummaan afuura tokkummaafi sab-daneessummaan kan walitti hidhate kabaja keenyaafi eenyummaa keenyadha! #Guyyaa_Itiyoophiyaanotaa! #EthiopianDay @SecBlinken @nytimes @USAmbUN @AP @USAID @JosepBorrellF @HouseForeign @AUC_MoussaFaki … Click To Tweet61
🇪🇹 #Itiyoophiyummaan #eenyummaa Itiyoophiyaanota walitti hidheefi tokkoomsedha! #Guyyaa_Itiyoophiyaanotaa! #EthiopianDay @EU_Commission @StateDept @USEmbassyAddis @USAmbUN @CNN @guardian @PowerUSAID @Telegraph @AmbassadorRice @BBCAfrica Click To Tweet62
#Itiyoophiyaan #Paan Afriikaanizimii hundeessuu keessatti gahee ol-aanaa kan taphatteefi biyya Afriikaa keessatti yeroo mara #fakkeenyummaa guddaan kan kaatudha. #Ethiopian_day_guyyaa¬_Itiyoophiyaanotaa! #EthiopianDay @UNEthiopia @TheReporterET Click To Tweet63
🇪🇹🇪🇹 Itiyoophiyummaan #seenaa baroota dheeraa kan qabduufi birmaddummaa isheef gootota kufan, lafee isaanii cabsan kan qabdudha.. #Ethiopiasnday_guyyaa_¬Itiyoophiyaanotaa! #EthiopianDay @antonioguterres @UNGeneva @CNN @JoeBiden @AJEnglish @SecBlinken… Click To Tweet64
Itiyoophiyaan haadha Aadaa daneessaa, af-daneessa, amantaa daneessa, akkasumas ilaalcha garaa garaa warra qabnu walitti qabdee kaayyoo biyyummaaf kan dhaabbattedha Dr Abiyyii Ahmed #Kana_Itiyoophiyummaan #Guyyyaa_Itiyoophiyaanotaa! #EthiopianDay Click To Tweet65
Warri lixaa hoogantoota #Afrikaa Qaroo ta'aan, Baayyee jibbuu, Garuu kan akka Dr Abiyyi isaan #Ijibbaachisee hin jiru. Nama Hanga Dr Abiyyi irratti qabsaa'anis hin qaban. #Abiyi_Must_lead! #Guyyaa_Itiyoophiyaanotaa #EthiopianDay Click To TweetAmharic
ኢትዮጵያዊነት ማለት የዶ/ር አብይ አይኖች ውስጥ የሚታየው የሚንበለበል የሀገር ፍቅር ነው! #EthiopianDay @JosepBorrellF @HouseForeign @AUC_MoussaFaki @EU_Commission @StateDept … Click To Tweet67
የጋራ መሰረታችን ነው፣ የጋራ ጉዳያችን ነው፣ ለወደፊትም አብሮን የሚዘልቅ የህይወታችን እስትንፋስ ነው።#EthiopianDay @TheReporterET @antonioguterres @UNGeneva @CNN @JoeBiden @AJEnglish @SecBlinken… Click To Tweet68
ቆራጡ ወታደር በዱር በገደል ደሙን የሚያፈሰው ህይወቱን የሚገብረው ለኢትዮጵያዊነት ነው!#EthiopianDay @JosepBorrellF @HouseForeign @AUC_MoussaFaki @EU_Commission @StateDept @USEmbassyAddis… Click To Tweet69
ሁላችንም የተሰባሰብነው በኢትዮጵያዊነት ጥላ ስር ነው። ይኸም ማለት ዛሬ እና ትናንት ላይ ብቻ ላይ የተንጠለጠለ ሳይሆን፣ ነገና ለወደፊቱምም አብሮ ለመኖር… Click To Tweet70
ኢትዮጵያዊነት በአብሮነት፣የወደፊት ነፃነትን አስከብሮ፣ በጋራ ለማደግ የመስማማት ውጤት ነው፡፡ በዚህ መንፈስ ነው ነፃነታችንን አስከብረን ዛሬ ላይ… Click To Tweet71
ኢትዮጵያዊነት ከእንግዲህ ወዲህ፣ ፈቅደን መርጠን የምንወስደው እንጂ በግድ የሚጫንብን ሸክም አይደለም ። ይኸውም በአዲሱ የለውጥ አመራር እውን ሆኗል።#EthiopianDay… Click To Tweet72
ኢትዮጵያዊነት ሰላምን፣ ፍቅርን፣ ይቅር ባይነትን መታዘዝና አካፍሎ መብላትን ሁሉ አካቶ የያዘ ትልቅ ስጦታችን ነው። የፍጡራን ሁሉ … Click To Tweet73
ኢትዮጵያ ሐገራችንና ኢትዮጵያዊ ማንነታችን በዋልታ ረገጥ የፓለቲካ ደላሎችና በሃገር ሻጭ ባንዳዎች ለአፍታም ቢሆን አይፋቅም!ኢትዮጵያዊነት ከፍ… Click To Tweet74
ኢትዮጵያዊነት በዶ/ር አብይና በለውጡ መሪዎች የከፍታ ማማ ላይ ይደርሳል።#EthiopianDay @UNGeneva @CNN @JoeBiden @AJEnglish @SecBlinken @nytimes @USAmbUN @AP @USAID @JosepBorrellF @HouseForeign… Click To Tweet75
እኛ ኢትዮጵያዊያን በሀይል የሞከረንን መታገል ብቻ ሳይሆን በፍቅር የመጣን ማመስገን ማንገስ እናውቅበታለን።#EthiopianDay @CNN @guardian @PowerUSAID @Telegraph @AmbassadorRice @BBCAfrica @UNEthiopia… Click To Tweet76
ኢትዮጵያዊነት የመላ የአለም ህዝቦች አንድነት እና የአልሸነፍ ባይነት ተምሳሌት ነው።#EthiopianDay @USAmbUN @AP @USAID @JosepBorrellF @HouseForeign @AUC_MoussaFaki @EU_Commission @StateDept… Click To TweetAfar
Ityopiya yaanam ittalluk aliyyi xalootu Itta luk bicisneemi Inki gide neh take Foocafanah ittaluk nek mano Ityopiyah ayro #EthiopianDay @JosepBorrellF @HouseForeign @AUC_MoussaFaki @EU_Commission @StateDept @USEmbassyAddis @USAmbUN Click To Tweet78
Ityopiyuuni tahak wadiril fanxeh dooritneemikkah caylah quukah nel heenim hinna. Ah kaadu qusbamillagi miraaciinul abinah amballayuk geytimta. Ityopiyah ayro #EthiopianDay @CNN @guardian @PowerUSAID @Telegraph @AmbassadorRice… Click To Tweet79
Ityopiyiini I nkih tan qaalam inkittiinoo kee komol ayyu gubat xiine way celallo Mayso nee ityoiyah xayloh imi Ityopiyah ayro #EthiopianDay @UNEthiopia @TheReporterET @antonioguterres @UNGeneva @CNN @JoeBiden @AJEnglish @SecBlinken @nytimes @USAmbUN… Click To Tweet80
Ityopiya mango uddurih aydaadu leeh ;isaamoh xin geytuh mango agiira akah rabte baaxo kinni #EthiopianDay @AP @USAID @JosepBorrellF @HouseForeign @AUC_MoussaFaki @EU_Commission @StateDept @USEmbassyAddis @USAmbUN @CNN @guardian … Click To Tweet81
ityopiya foocah intuh abbobti neh cabte aydaadu kassitak awaakih horak ninni dirkik awquk nek faxximtam katasnam dirikih nel tan #EthiopianDay @Telegraph @AmbassadorRice @BBCAfrica @UNEthiopia @TheReporterET @antonioguterres @UNGeneva @CNN @JoeBiden Click To Tweet82
ityopiya Pan efrikaaniizim xissiimuh kaxxa doori digirte afrikah doolatittek celalloh tan baaxo #EthiopianDay @AJEnglish @SecBlinken @nytimes @USAmbUN @AP @USAID @JosepBorrellF @HouseForeign @AUC_MoussaFaki @EU_Commission @StateDept… Click To TweetSomali